Doctor-in-Training Esme Weiner
Ten minutes later, Veronica pushed through the front door of Paws and Claws carrying Cadbury, who was wrapped in her sweatshirt.
“Ohhhh, Cadbury! Come to Esme. I missed you,” Esme said, rushing out from behind the counter. She nearly mowed them down in her excitement. “Oh. You are so sweet. You are so sweet. You are so sweet.” She tickled Cadbury under his chin and massaged his glorious ears. Cadbury licked Esme all over.
“Hey, Veronica,” Ray muttered.
“Hi,” Veronica answered. It still surprised her that she and Ray were now on speaking terms. Being a verified dog owner gave her credibility. She was no longer just a desperate child begging her parents for permission to own a pet. She owned a pet so she had every right to be there. Even Simon couldn’t make her feel bad.
As usual, Ray wasn’t even pretending to work. His head rested on a giant bag of kibble. He stared dreamily into space while the radio played a song about booties and girls and good times. Veronica felt sorry for Ray. He must miss Esme now that she interned so much at the vet’s office. But he would never admit it.
“He’s all winded. And he’s shivering,” Esme said, her face burrowed in Cadbury’s fur. “Listen.”
“Uh-oh,” Ray said, “doctor-in-training Esme Weiner with another doggie diagnostic prediction of doom.” Ray lifted his head from the kibble. “Veronica, you are probably not feeding him some important organical plant supplement or exercising him enough or whatever. Whatever you’re doing, the doctor here has a better idea.”
“Ray, shut up.”
“You shut up.”
“Veronica, for real,” Esme said, ignoring Ray, “come here and listen.”
Veronica put her ear against Cadbury’s chest. She heard a kind of rattling.
“He shouldn’t be doing that,” Esme said. “His breathing seems weird. If you don’t mind, I want to call Dr. Harskirey and make an appointment.”
Ray got up off his kibble and put his arm around Veronica. “Leave the kid alone,” he said. “You’re gonna scare her and you’re not even a doctor, or a vet, or whatever.”
It was nice to have Ray looking out for her. But she let Esme call Dr. Harskirey because even though she wanted Esme to be wrong, she was afraid she was right.