Sad News and an Old Flame

One fine evening that autumn, when Finlay had a free half-hour after his surgery, he strolled, bareheaded, down the Gielston Road to enjoy the cool air and catch a glimpse of the setting sun as it vanished in a blaze of glory behind the Lammermuir Hills. Alone at this hour and in such a place his mood was meditative and, as had been his habit during the past few months, inclined to sadness and regret. Possibly, in his profession, he had been a success of sorts. But in his personal life? Ah! That brought neither pride nor consolation to his thoughts.

So many of his contemporaries were married, each with a wife and children to bless and harass them. But he had failed to achieve this natural consummation of a man’s life. His one chance to achieve love and happiness he had been too timid to accept and treasure when it was offered. And in the swift passage of time it was gone, lost forever. Destined when he retired to become that pitiful object, a lonely bachelor; condemned to nights of solitude, without even a dog to lie beside him while he read, or dreamed, the evening away.

Abruptly he turned – the sky had lost its radiance – and at a brisk pace he started off for the house of Dr Cameron which he must perforce call home.

He had not gone far before his name was called and the quick patter of running footsteps caused him to turn round.

A boy, with a strapped bundle of books under one arm, was smiling, and calling to him by name.

‘Dr Finlay, sir! I’ve finally caught you. Every night this week I’ve been taking my evening run out here in the hope of meeting you.’

‘Bob Macfarlane! Dear Bob!’ Finlay embraced the lad. ‘What in the world are ye doing back in Tannochbrae?’

‘It’s rather a long story, doctor, and a tragic one. Did you not read all about it in all the newspapers?’

‘I rarely have time for the papers, Bob.’

‘Well, it’s just this, Finlay. You know that my father was constantly engaged in steel construction work. The last one was a huge new block of flats in Anderston. Dad was always in demand, for he could climb and balance on the big metal girders like a monkey. Dangerous work but wi’ big, big wages. It was a treat to look up from far below and see him leap across a huge gap, from one narrow girder on to another still floating on the cranes.’ Bob paused, then said steadily: ‘One morning Dad tried too wide a jump, missed the other girder,’ a pause, ‘and fell three hundred feet to the concrete pavement. Thank God he suffered no horrible injuries. He was killed instantly.’

Shocked by this terrible news Finlay was silent. Then he said, ‘Surely your mother got some compensation!’

‘The big London company offered her £500. She would have accepted it but fortunately Charles Dean, a young lawyer my mother knows, stepped in and said “No!” He told mother he would not stand by and see her swindled. He returned the cheque and started a suit against the company for culpable negligence, responsibility for the death of one of their employees and damages thereon. Apparently my father should have been provided with a belted sling support from the overhead crane. The company tried to buy him off, but they didn’t know Charlie Dean. He wouldn’t have it. He fought tooth and nail for my dear mother and, in the very end, when the London newspapers got word of the case and were preparing to make a big story out of it, the company finally gave in. Mr Dean was able to present my dear mother with a cheque for £20,000. And what’s more, he wisely invested it in gilt-edged stocks so that we have a sure and steady tax-free income of over £500 a year.’

For a moment Finlay was silent. Then, in an odd voice, and pointing to a wayside bench, he said. ‘Let’s sit here, Bob.’ Presently, having apparently collected himself, Finlay said:

‘What a blessing for your dear mother that this brave young lawyer was there to help her.’

‘Oh yes, Finlay, he really stood up for her. We had known Mr Dean even before the accident to my dear dad. In fact, he and my mother were intimate friends, very intimate. To be quite honest Finlay, he was deeply and truly in love with her, well before the accident.’

‘And she was with him, of course.’ Finlay managed to bring out the words.

‘Dear Finlay, with Mother it is hard to tell. There’s no doubt but that, for a long, long time she was terribly in love with you. But, as you never said the word, it’s possible she felt free to look elsewhere.’

‘And if she did, Bob, who is to blame her. I have loved your mother ever since I first saw her. My love has so grown that I have never looked at, never laid a finger on another woman. But circumstances prevented me from speaking. So now, who would blame that dear, lovely lass, if she were to take to her bosom this young lawyer who has fought and won a fortune for her, and who would expect her to remember the man who has loved her, will love her a’ his life, in steeled, suffering silence? Let her forget him, as if he, too, were dead. Let her wed, and be happy with this lawyer who has really proved how much he loves her.’

Here Finlay broke off with heaving breast and Bob saw that this fine man whom he loved and admired was weeping, anguished tears falling in scalding drops on the wooden bench.

A long silence prevailed. Then Finlay, again master of himself, said quietly: ‘So here you are, Bob, at the Academy to brush up your Latin, before ye go to the university.’

‘Yes, Finlay, and also to see you, my blood father!’

‘Then let’s meet often, Bob, and go fishing for burn trout in the high moorland streams.’ He paused. ‘Your mother will be holidaying with her lawyer friend?’

‘No, Finlay. She has gone alone to the Baths at Harrogate Spa. She says she wants to wash herself clean of her past life before she comes back to Tannochbrae to meet you.’

A long silence. Then, as they paused before approaching Tannochbrae Finlay said firmly: ‘Not a word of my weakness to your mother!’

‘I reserve the right to open my heart to my dear mother whenever I wish, and I am writing her a long letter this very night!’