
One year later…

Chinaman Hat loomed in the distance, tall and imposing as always.

“Here’s to Therapy Tuesday.” Grant held up his teacup. “And to many more to come.”

She grinned. “Goofball.”

“You say that now, but I promise you won’t be saying that later.”

“Oooh, promises, promises.”

“You can count on it.” Passion laced his words as tightly as he squeezed her hand before releasing it.

Butterflies danced in her stomach, and her heart skipped. “I am.”

True to Grant’s word, they hadn’t missed another date night at The Chinese Stop in the year since they’d been together, yet it still amazed Stacey how much things had changed in that time. He’d moved in with her a few months ago, her business had taken off, and now, with a silent investor, it looked like the distillery had another scheduled expansion in the works.

Across the table was her best friend. Pride washed over her with that knowledge. He worked hard, but also knew when it was time to pull back and relax. He was everything she’d ever wanted, everything she’d ever dreamed of.

And he was hers.

That fact swept through her, feeding the gratitude that continued to strengthen their bond.

She finished the last bite of egg roll off her plate. “About Saturday, Delaney texted and said to bring the kayaks to the baby shower.”

“That’s weird. Why?”

“She wants you to take Aidan off her hands for the afternoon. He’s hovering and won’t let her do anything, and it’s driving her nuts.”

“I get that. She looks like she’s about to pop.”

“Women have been giving birth forever, Grant. She’s going to be fine.” She tilted her head. “You wouldn’t be the hovering type, would you?” she asked lightly.

He stopped, stared, and carefully wiped his hands on a napkin. “I don’t know. Are you trying to tell me something?”

“God, no.” She shook her head. “That’s for some time down the road.” She leaned against the booth and groaned.

“You doing okay?”

“I think I ate too much,” she said. “I’d forgotten how addictive the egg rolls can be.”

He laughed. “You always say that.”

“And I always mean it.”

“Here your fortune cookie,” Mei-Ling said, plopping a small pot in front of her.

She studied the strange sight. “What the heck?”

Fortune cookies with thin strips of red ribbon hung like ornaments from a small tree. Stacey blinked, then looked across the table. “Grant? What are you up to?”

“Go ahead,” he said, grinning. “Open one.”

She slipped a cookie off a branch, then cracked it open.

She straightened the tiny piece of paper. “Please say yes.” She frowned and turned the strip of paper over. “There’s nothing on the back. What am I supposed to say yes to?” She looked around for Mei-Ling. “That doesn’t make sense. Chef Dennis must’ve been distracted when he wrote this one.”

“Actually, it does make sense.” Grant slipped out of the booth and was at her side. He then dropped onto one knee.


He opened the tiny black velvet box in his hand and held it out to her. In the fading afternoon light, the single solitaire diamond in it sparkled. She blinked, pretty sure she was imagining things.

“Stacey Nicole Winters, I love you with every ounce of strength I have in me. Please be my partner, my best friend, my lover, my everything. Please say yes.”

Mei-Ling passed by their table. “Yeah, you say yes now. I bring you more tea.”

“Ma!” her son called from the kitchen. “Stop it. You leave them alone.”

Stacey’s gaze never left Grant’s. “I’m guessing if I don’t say yes there’ll be a whole lot of explaining I’ll have to do, huh?”

He swallowed, and the vulnerability in his eyes reached out to her, offering her all that she’d wanted, all that she’d hoped for.

“Only say yes if you want to, Stace.” The words were quiet, humbling. That Grant could feel so unsure about her, about them, yet was willing to take the risk anyway, was the greatest gift he could ever give her.

Stacey grinned, and a delicious warmth spread through her. “Grant Adam Phillips…yes.”

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