LEANING DOWN, Matt cupped her face in his big hands and kissed her, slowly and languorously, as if he had all the time in the world. He kissed her as if he hadn’t been sex-deprived for the past eighteen months. As if kissing her wasn’t the prelude, but the main event. But Megan could feel the barely restrained lust that drove him, and the fact that he gentled his touch for her only fueled her own rising desire.

She knew she was taking a huge risk. Although he’d said he wanted to get to know her better, she had no idea if he was interested in something long-term. Something permanent. But she no longer cared. When he’d turned toward her from the balcony, she’d seen something in his eyes that made her believe she could trust him, with both her heart and her body.

The guy knew how to kiss, slanting his mouth across hers and tormenting her with the slick slide of his tongue against her own, feasting on her lips until she heard a small whimper of need and realized with a sense of shock that it came from herself. She kissed him back, gripping his shoulders and pulling him back with her until she lay sprawled beneath him across the enormous bed. She used her feet to push his boxers down the length of his legs, and he helped her by kicking them completely free until only the fragile barrier of her panties separated them.

Matt braced himself over her with one hand on the mattress, and Megan gave a little cry of surprise when he hooked his free arm beneath her and hefted her more fully onto the bed. Then he lowered himself until his entire body was pressed against hers, skin to skin. She hummed her approval and slid her hands over his back and lower, cupping his lean buttocks and pulling him into the welcoming cradle of her hips. He bumped against her most private spot, hot and hard, and it was all she could do not to slide her thong aside and bring him inside. She knew she was damp with need, and when he slid a hand between her thighs to cup her, she writhed against him.

“Oh, man, you’re so wet,” he said hoarsely, and then he pushed the silk aside and slid a finger through her slick folds to caress her.

Megan’s hips bucked as pleasure lashed through her, burning and fierce. When he found the small rise of flesh at the top of her cleft and swirled his finger over it, she cried out and then bit her lip, not wanting to come too soon. Not wanting this to end.

“That’s it,” Matt crooned, encouraging her small, frantic movements. He eased himself up just enough so that he could look directly into her face, his focus unwavering. “I want to see you come.”

He inserted a finger inside her, and then another, and Megan gasped at the sensation. Matt dipped his head and slowly kissed her, before dragging his lips across her jaw and along the side of her neck. He raked his teeth along sensitive skin beneath her ear, and then drew it into his mouth, sucking gently as he thrust his fingers into her greedy flesh.

His body was warm and solid against hers, and he smelled delicious, like fresh soap and tangy aftershave. The combination was too much, and when he pulled back to look down at her again the expression in his sea-green eyes was so sexy and intense that Megan couldn’t hold back any longer. With a strangled cry, she convulsed around his fingers and her body arched upward as a powerful orgasm crashed over her.

“Oh, man, that was so incredibly hot,” Matt breathed against her mouth as tiny aftershocks rocked her body. “Listen, babe, we don’t have to go any further. Watching you come apart was amazing. So, if you’d rather wait—”

“No, I don’t want to wait,” Megan gasped against his lips, realizing it was the truth. “I’m sure about this. About you.” She gave a small laugh. “I know how that must sound, but I’m serious.”

“Good,” Matt growled, “because I can’t wait any more. I’ve fantasized about doing this.” He dragged her panties down her legs until she could kick free, and then he positioned himself between her splayed thighs.

Still shattered by the strength of her release, Megan struggled to think coherently. “A condom,” she panted. “We need a condom.”

With a muttered curse, Matt reached down and snatched his pants from the floor, digging impatiently through the pockets until he retrieved a small foil packet. Tearing it open, he covered himself with hands that visibly trembled, and then came over her, bracing himself with one hand on the mattress.

Megan lifted her head and looked down the length of their bodies to where he held his cock in his hand. He was thick and long, and even after the amazing climax she’d just experienced, she found herself wanting more.

“Come inside me,” she invited, sliding her hands to his hips and urging him forward. “I want to feel you, all of you.”

Matt groaned and fitted himself against her sensitized flesh, and then surged slowly forward, stretching and filling her. The sense of heat and fullness was incredible, and Megan shifted experimentally.

“Don’t move,” Matt commanded in a strangled voice, holding her hips still with his hands. “God, I’m not sure I can last if you move.”

“You feel so good,” she murmured, exploring the sleek muscles of his back. “I’m not sure I can remain still.”

“Just give me a sec. You’re so snug.” His voice sounded strained.

He bent his forehead to hers, his breathing ragged. Then slowly he began to move, rocking against her in a series of bone-melting thrusts. Megan couldn’t help herself; she raised her legs and locked them around his lower back, moving her hips to meet his thrusts. When he captured her lips with his own and slid his tongue against hers, Megan felt the tendrils of a second orgasm begin to build. Her entire body felt flushed and heated.

She opened her eyes when Matt pulled back and dragged her bottom to the edge of the bed, hooking her legs over his elbows, opening her even more. He looked supremely male, all thrusting shoulders and hard muscles, and the expression on his face as he looked at the spot where they were joined was one of pure, masculine appreciation. Megan followed his gaze, and the sight of his flesh disappearing inside hers was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen.

“You are so damned beautiful,” he said on a low growl.

Gripping her hips, he withdrew almost completely and then drove into her again. His movements became stronger and faster, and his face was taut with desire. The base of his cock tormented her with each driving motion until she could no longer bear the exquisite sensations.

She cried out as her orgasm hit her, feeling her body clench around Matt’s unyielding flesh. With a hoarse shout, he thrust one last time and then stiffened, his head thrown back and the cords in his neck standing out in sharp relief. He pulsed strongly within her for several long seconds, before his head dropped forward and he exhaled on a shuddering sigh.

Withdrawing from her, he discarded the condom. Megan scooted herself back against the pillows, using her feet to push the coverlet down and drag the sheet over herself. Matt slid in beside her and pulled her against his side. Megan went willingly, laying her head on his shoulder and letting him curl his fingers around hers.

“That was amazing,” she murmured, sliding a leg over his.

“Pretty unbelievable,” he agreed, and pressed a kiss against her hair.

Angling her head, Megan studied his features. His eyes were closed and a contented smile played around his mouth. She took the opportunity to study him, noting the strong jaw and finely chiseled lips. His lashes were thick and incongruously long for a man, and when he opened his eyes to look at her, she was struck again by the color of his irises.

“I can’t believe you don’t have hordes of women waiting for you at home,” she said, tracing a finger along his collarbone. “I mean, look at you. You’re gorgeous.”

He laughed softly and smoothed a tendril of her hair back with one finger. “I’m glad you think so.”

Megan raised herself on one elbow. “I do.” She gave him a teasing look. “You’re sure there are no former girlfriends back on the east coast?”

Matt made a shrugging motion. “None that I’d be interested in getting in touch with.” When Megan didn’t respond, he continued. “Being in the military isn’t exactly conducive to relationships, and being a sniper has a way of freaking some people out. All I’m saying is that some of the girlfriends I had weren’t all that supportive of what I did.”

Megan absorbed this, silently acknowledging that in the beginning, she’d had some difficulty accepting what he did for the military. But she understood the necessity of his job and it had never occurred to her not to support him, completely and unconditionally. Slowly, she lowered herself back to the pillow.

“Hey,” Matt said, propping his head on his hand to look down at her. “That wasn’t supposed to be a downer. I had a job to do and I did it.”

“You haven’t really told me why you’re leaving the military, except to say that you’ve had enough. Is that why you’re getting out?” she asked. “Because you weren’t getting any support?”

“No,” he said quickly. “I got support from those who mattered. It’s just time I did something different with my life.”

“Like what?”

To her astonishment, he actually looked uncomfortable. “I have some plans,” he hedged. “Nothing definite yet, but I’m working on it.”

Megan searched his face, but his expression was shuttered. “I see,” she finally said. Even during their correspondence, he hadn’t been clear on what he intended to do once he returned to civilian life except to say that he needed some time just to unwind and consider his options. “If there’s anything I can help you with, let me know.”

“Well, maybe you can help me understand why you waited six months for a guy you’d never even met. You can’t tell me that you don’t have men lining up at your door.”

Now it was Megan’s turn to laugh. “There’s not much opportunity to meet single men at an elementary school,” she finally replied, pretending the change of subject didn’t bother her. “I don’t really go out much, and most of my close friends live outside of Massachusetts. Not that I mind. I’m more of the stay-at-home-and-watch-a-movie type, anyway.”

“I hope you’ll let me come over and watch a movie with you.”

Reaching up, she cupped his lean jaw. “Consider yourself invited. It’s strange, but I feel closer to you than to any other guy I’ve ever dated.”

Matt turned his face into her palm. “I feel the same way. You’re not like any woman I’ve met before, which is a good thing.”

Megan didn’t want to think about where their budding relationship might go. She told herself to take it a day at a time. He’d just come back from eighteen months in Iraq and she’d been waiting for him with open arms. Any guy would take what she’d offered. Would he still be interested in her once he settled into civilian life and realized he could have his pick of beautiful women?

“I guess time will tell,” she finally answered. Not wanting to pursue the topic, she traced a finger over the white bandage above his ear. “Can you tell me how you were shot? Was there a battle?”

Matt laid a finger over her lips. “We got involved in a firefight with some insurgents, and I did something stupid. I left my post and made myself a target. But I’m fine. Really. I don’t want you to worry about it.”

Megan pushed his hand away. “Why did you leave your post? You must have had a good reason, right?”

Matt hesitated. “Yeah, I had a good reason. But it’s over now and we don’t need to talk about it.”

Clearly, he didn’t want to discuss his injury or how he’d received it. Still, Megan couldn’t dispel the gory images playing through her head. She shuddered and pressed closer to him.

“I’m so glad you’re safe,” she whispered, brushing her lips over his. “And that you won’t be going back.”

Instead of answering her, he kissed her back, his lips moving sensuously over hers, even as his hand began a leisurely exploration of her body. Megan pulled away, vaguely disturbed by his silence. “You’re not going back, are you?”

He nuzzled her neck, catching her earlobe between his teeth and then soothing the area with his tongue. “Nope.” He lifted his head. “But there is something I have to tell you.”

Megan drew in a deep breath, bracing herself for whatever it was he had to say. “I’m listening.”

“There’s nothing I want more than to spend the entire weekend here in this room with you. Believe me about that. But something’s come up and I have to return to base at oh-six-hundred tomorrow morning. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can, but I’m not sure how long this thing is going to take.”

Megan frowned. “What thing?”

Matt actually looked embarrassed. “Just an awards ceremony. More of a dog-and-pony show for the press than anything else. But I have to be there.”

“Are you getting an award?”

“A couple of medals, no big deal.”

Megan gave a huff of disbelieving laughter. “I’m not sure that’s true. You must have done something pretty extraordinary to be receiving a medal. I thought they only gave them to heroes.”

“Trust me,” Matt said quietly, “I’m no hero.”

When he didn’t elaborate, she pretended to be absorbed in drawing an intricate pattern on his chest with her finger. “So, do you have family coming to the ceremony?”

“Nah. It was a last-minute thing. There’s a four-star general visiting the base and the top brass apparently thought it would be cool for him to make the presentations, so there wasn’t much time to contact family.”

“But could you bring someone if you wanted to?” Megan persisted.

“Sure I could.” He slid his hand beneath her hair to cup the nape of her neck and pulled her down until his lips were a mere breath from hers. “Listen, I’d ask you to come but I’m not sure how long it will take and it might be boring for you. You’ll be happier here. You can go down to the beach, do some shopping, or just hang out. I’ll be back before you know it, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

He captured her lips in a kiss that was both searingly hot and sweetly tender. His arms slid around her, one hand tangling in her hair while the other slid down her back and over her rump to possessively cup and knead her buttocks. Beneath her hips, she could feel him growing hard again, and an answering need began to build low in her womb.

But as he rolled her beneath him, Megan couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed so determined to keep her and his military life separate.