
PIC = Personal Intimacy Companion (or Companionship) - significant other (PICship, PICking, their PIC, my PIC) (pronounced “pick”)

PICking ceremony - wedding

EPIC = Exploratory Personal Intimacy Companionship - formerly known as a “date”

TIC = Temporary Intimacy Companion - just someone to hook up with (pronounced “tick”)

Public Declaration - a re-envisioning of marriage that does away with the term but retains the concept

Mobi/mobi suite = mobility suite - self-driving cars

FliLyte - airliner of the future

FliPort - where they take off and land

Eyelet - honeybee-sized AI-powered drone that follows you around, takes in the entirety of your content, and puts it onReel. They also take direction, give advice, and can operate as personal assistants, placing coffee orders and anticipating a user’s needs. Can dock and sleep on a wristperch, and be turned to BlindMode if you don’t want them to witness something. Named by the user, they can act as a tiny friend

PieChart - a visual sent by Reel at the end of your days that sums up what percentages of time you spent on what (sleeping, eating, working, intimacy, shopping, exercise, onReel, etc.)

Reel / HightlightReel - a self-curating social media and virtual service of the future in which the user’s best “moments” are curated by sophisticated algorithms. Has many subsidiaries (CatReel, HomeReel, DirtReel, ShopReel, Knot-Reel, MamaReel, ReelBnB, NeighboReel, Vote-Reel, ReelKart, etc). ReelKart is a grocery delivery arm of Reel, for example

Reelspace / realspace; onReel / offReel - spaces in which things can take place, the physical and concrete one and the virtual

ReeledIn Conference Suite - a virtual meeting space that feels as if you’re physically there

PrivateReel - every single recorded moment of your content - for your eyes only, beyond the curated, publicly available moments (i.e., brushing your teeth, picking your nose, eating crackers over the kitchen sink, wasting time onReel)

Known-Eyelet Only - detection of rogue or unwanted eyelets

EF - Z (pronounced Eff-Zee) = Eyelet-Free Zone

RC = ReelCoin - currency

Content Clearing - offReeling inappropriate and offensive content

ReelPals - Humanlike, AI robot helpers and workers (see the android work of Hiroshi Ishiguro as prototypical example)

ReelTidy - ReelPals that exclusively clean

ALs / AL-Pals - algorithms with humanlike intelligence

ReelStar - social media celebrities created for idealization and envy

Springoffs = offspring; someone turned the original term around, likely a springoff themself, and it caught fire onReel to the point it replaced the original term and the word “child” or “kid” nearly entirely

Babie© - an AI robot baby; all the fun, none of the mess!

SomniBuddy - a sleep-aid robot

DroneBeez - even tinier eyelets that pollinate the flowers

SkyDrone, Dronelifts - how things get around: through the sky, automated; imagine Amazon delivery service of the future

Windowbox - where such things are dropped off

OffReelers - those who hold the fringe belief that Reel is damaging and refuse to use it, a near-impossible feat

Reelworthy - worthy of being seen

RM = ReelMessage - a private message

Sterling - cool, rad

Youga - a style of yoga that makes it all about YOU

Serveillance - surveillance as a service. Provided by ProWatchers, Reel workers who watch people on demand to keep them on task or accompanied

Imparent - a parent who is impaired at parenting; an incompetent parent

Diablo Roxa - an adaptogenic, buzz-inducing beverage commonly referred to as DRX

Them / them - the only used pronoun

Content totality, contentime - entire lifespan

Content - life.

Ultimification - to be made the ultimate version of; the apex / pinnacle of (i.e., Mire’s was the ultimification of stalker-worthy content!)

PetriMeat - the lab-meat company responsible for Steax, the world’s most amazing labgrown carnivorous delicacy

PetriDish - meat-based meal (entirely lab-grown)

SterilAire Facedrape - a fashionable type of mask that renders polluted or smoke-addled air pure for breathing. Also protects from viruses and other airborne diseases

Food disco - massive food hall with a club-like atmosphere

ReelElves - the trolls of the onReel era

Houscan - imaging system to scan your house, to look for an intruder, or a lost item