The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abbey House
Abbot Kinney Pier
Abbott, Carl
Abbott and Costello
ABC television
Abruzzo, Ben
Adams, Ansel
The Adventures of Robin Hood (film)
advertising. See also
billboards; signs
Aeroscope attraction
Agua Caliente racetrack
The Alameda
Alex Foods
Alex Madonna Memorial Highway
Al G. Barnes Circus
Alice Cooper
Allied Architects
Always Something to Do in Salinas (Steinbeck)
Amboy CA
American Graffiti (film)
amusement parks. See also attractions
casualties of
Gay’s Lion Farm
Jungleland USA
Santa Monica Pier as
Selig Zoo
types of
Venice of America
“Amusement Parks USA” (Beach Boys)
Anaheim CA
Andersen, Anton
Andersen, Juliette
Andersen, Robert
Andersen’s Electrical Café
Anderson, Frank
Anderson, Maxie
Angelo’s Burgers
flooding and
Jungleland USA
Leo the lion
Mary the monkey
oil spill and
Penngrove Hatchery
Sam the hippo
selling of
western snowy plover
the Animals
The Annex
Anthony, Earle C.
Antony, Marc
Apache Trail
Aragon Ballroom
Arcade Saloon
Arcadia CA
Arcata CA
Arizona Daily Star (newspaper)
Armas Canyon Road
Arnaz, Desi, Jr.
Arrowhead Trail
Arroyo Creek
Arroyo Grande
Arroyo Hondo Bridge
Arroyo Hondo Creek
art colony
Arthur, Chester A.
Arthur, Gavin
associations, criticism of
Astair, Fred
Atascadero CA
Atascadero Motor Lodge
Atascadero Printery
Atchison rail line
Atlantic Highway
Atlantic Oil
Atlantic-Pacific Highway
attractions. See also amusement parks; roller coasters
Aeroscope attraction
Al G. Barnes Circus
Aragon Ballroom
Big Sur
Bon Ton Ballroom
Calico Log Ride
Calico Railroad
Chalk Mountain Golf Course
Chandelier Tree
Cheetah Club
Confusion Hill
Corbin Bowl
Crystal Tangle funhouse, defined
Del Mar Racetrack
Dome Theater, elephant seal rookery
Ferris wheel
Flight to Mars spaceship ride
flower fields as
Giant Dipper
Giant Orange stands
Grand Canyon Electric Railway
Hearst Castle
infant incubator
Knott’s Berry Farm
Long Street Home
Morro Rock
Mystery Island Banana Train Ride
Octagon Barn
Piedras Blancas Light Station
Safari Ride
Sea Circus
Timber Mountain
Tivoli Gardens
Toboggan Railroad
Tom Sawyer ride
Whip attraction
World Famous Tree House
Yokayo Bowl
Autobiography of a Yogi (Yogananda)
auto camps
Automobile Club of Southern California
automobiles. See also accidents
Avalon Motel
Avenue of Flags
Avenue of the Giants
Avery, Cy
Avila Beach CA
Babbitt, Bruce
Babe, the Blue Ox
Babe’s Lighting and Muffler
Baby Burger
Baez, Joan
Bakersfield CA
Baldwin Park
Baltimore MD
Bankhead Highway
Bank of Cambria
Bareco Oil
Barnes, Al
barns, signage and
Barnsdall Oil Co.
Barnsdall-Rio Grande gas station
Barrett, Syd
Barstow CA
Baryshnikov, Mikhail
Bassi, Louis
Bayshore Boulevard
Bayshore Highway
The Beach Boys
Beacon Coffee Shop
Beacon Inn
Beacon Motel
Beacon Motor Apartments
Beautysleep Motel
Beckett, A.J.
Bell, John Stewart
Bell, Katherine “Kate” Den
Bellamy, Ralph
Bell Canyon
Bello Street
Belmont Park
Benbow CA
Benbow Inn
Ben Hur Racer
Benny, Jack
Berlin, Irving
Bertrand, Mabel
betting, racetracks and
Bianchi Lane
Big Boy
Big Sur
Billboard magazine
billboards. See also advertising
Bill’s, photo of
Bishop, Thomas
Bishop Ranch
Bitter Creek Western Railroad
Bixby, Charles
Bixby Creek Bridge
blackout, Los Angeles CA and
Blue Streak roller coaster
Bondi, Beulah
Bon Ton Ballroom
Bonus Act
Boomerang roller coaster
Borradori Garage
Bourdon, Eric
Bow, Clara “The It Girl”
Boysen, Rudy
Bracero Memorial Highway
Bradley Bridge
Bradley CA
Brea CA
Brewer, William
Bixby Creek Bridge
Bradley Bridge
Bradley CA and
Carmel CA and
Carquinez Bridge
Cattlemen Bridge
Cedar Creek Bridge
Douglas Memorial Bridge
Eel River
Fish Creek Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
Mountain House Road
Pacific Coast Highway and
Pennsylvania truss bridge
photo of
Redwood Bridge
Redwood Highway
Richardson Bay
Russian River
Salmon Creek
San Bruno Canal
Villa Creek
Brisbane, Arthur
Brisbane Auto Camp and Trailer Space
Brisbane CA
Broadway (street)
Brooks, Charles
Broughton, R.J.
Brown, Jim
Brown, Joe E.
Brown, Pat
Brown, Percy
The Brownsville Zoo
Brynner, Yul
Buckboard Motel
Buellton CA
Bull Creek CA
bum blockade
Bunnell, Dewey
Bunte, H.D.
Bunte, Sam D.
Bunte General Store
Bunyan, Paul
Burbank CA
Burger Family
Burke, Billie
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
bus, accident of
Butrica, Bill
the Byrds
Cabot Road
Cabrillo, Joao Rodrigues
Cabrillo Highway
The Cactus Patch
Cadillac Café
Cahuenga Pass
Cahuenga Pass Freeway
Calabasas CA
Calabasas Garage
Calico Log Ride
Calico Railroad
billboard legislation within
Dust Bowl and
oil production within
State Parks
Supreme Court
California-Banff Bee Line
California Petroleum Refineries
California State Automobile Association
Calling All Cars (radio program)
Cambria CA
Cambria Meat Market & Grocery
Camino Capistrano
Camozzi’s Bar and Hotel
Camp DeMille
Camp Pendleton
Capistrano Beach
Carlsbad CA
Carlsbad Highway
Carlsbad-Oceanside Freeway
Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlstroem, Charles
Carlton Hotel
Carmel CA
Carpinteria CA
Carquinez Bridge
Casa de Fritos
Casa Dumetz Wines
Casey, Joseph
Cash, Johnny
Cato, E. Raymond
cattle drives
Cattlemen Bridge
Cattlemen Road
caution signs
CBS television
Cedar Creek Bridge
Central Freeway
Chalk Mountain Golf Course
Chandelier Tree
Chandler, Harry
Channel Islands
Chaplin, Charlie
Chavez, Pearl
Checker, Chubby
Cheetah Club
Chester, Jack
Chico CA
Chualar CA
Church, Fred
Civic Center (San Francisco)
Cloverdale CA
Coastal Commission
Coffee Station
Cohen, Shelly
Colbert, Claudette
Collier’s Magazine (magazine)
Colma CA
Colorado Gulf Highway
Conejo Grade
Confusion Hill
Confusion Hill Slide
Confusion Hill Viaduct
Congress, billboard regulation by
ConservFuel station
construction, highways and
Cooke, Sam
Cooke, William George, Jr.
Cooley, Space
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Gary
Copper Café
Cops (TV show)
Corbin Bowl
Cordero, Miguel
Corliss, Wilson
Correa, Jose
Cotati CA
Cottage Grove OR
Crawford, Joan
Crescent City CA
Cripe, Robert E.
Crosby, Bing
Crystal Tangle funhouse
The Cuban Queen
Cuesta Grade
Cuesta Horseshoe
Cuesta Pass
Cuesta Springs Road
Daastol, Erling
Daisy Dell
Daley, John
Daley Double
Daly City CA
Dashew, Steve
Davies, Marion
Davis, Al
Davis, Bette
Davis, James “Two-Gun”
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Davis, Sammy, Sr.
Dead Man’s Curve
Deepwater Horizon
DeLay, Maurice
Del Mar CA
Del Mar Racetrack
Del Mar Turf Club
Del Norte County
DeMille, Cecil B.
Den, Nicholas
Diblee, Albert
Diblee, Thomas
DiMaggio, Joe
Andersen’s Electrical Café
Camozzi’s Bar and Hotel
Casa de Fritos
Daley Double
Eel River Café
Elkhorn Bar
El Torito
Evergreen Camp restaurant
41 Café
Foster’s Freeze
Francisco’s Country Kitchen
Graham’s Drive-In
In-N-Out Burger
Oakdale Bar & Clam House
The Old Clam House
101 Café Oceanside
Owl Café
Pea Soup Andersen’s
Pick’s Drive In
rail cars and
Sambo’s Pancake House
7 Mile House (tollhouse)
Star and Garter
Tommy’s Family Restaurant
Tustin Garage
21st Street Drive-In
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Village Rendevous
Walter Knott and
Winkins’ Drive-In
Disney, Roy
Disney, Walt
Dixie Highway
Dixie Overland Highway
Doctor Dolittle (film)
Dolphin Hotel
Dome Theater
Don Miguel Foods
the Doors
Dorsey, Tommy
Double Eagle III
Douglas Memorial Bridge
Dragnet (TV show)
Dragon Gorge Scenic Railroad
drive-in theaters
Durante, Jimmy
Dust Bowl
Dyerville Giant
Earth Day
East Village (Cambria CA)
Ebsen, Buddy
Ecke, Paul, Jr.
Eclectic Medical College
Edna CA
Eel River Café
Eel River Viaduct
El Bar Rio Café
El Camino Real, overview of
El Camino Real Association
elephant seal rookery
Elinor Pepperwood CA
Elkhorn Bar
Ellwood CA
Ellwood Pier
Ellwood station
Ellwood strike
El Monte CA
El Rancho Tropicana
El Torito
Enchanted Forest
The Enchanted Hill
Encinitas CA
Encinitas Temple of the Self-Realization Fellowship
Encino CA
Encyclopedia Americana
Endert’s Beach Road
Entwistle, Lillian “Peg”
environment, protection of
Environmental Quality Act
Erhart, Alan
Escondido CA
Espinoza, Francisco
Eternal Tree House
Eureka CA
Evans, Dale
Evans, Vince
Evergreen Camp restaurant
Evergreen Highway
Evergreen Park
Everly Brothers
Eysaman, Hattie Holloway
Fairbanks, Douglas
fairs, history of
Farmhouse Motel
Fell Street (San Francisco)
Ferdinand VII
Ferris wheel
ferry transportation
Fields, W.C.
films. See also specific films
Abbott Kinney Pier
Bunte General Store
Cabrillo Highway
Dragon Gorge Scenic Railroad
Elkhorn Bar
Eternal Tree House
Giant Dipper
Grand Canyon Electric Railway and
Hollister mansion
Hollywood sign
Jungleland USA and
Madonna Inn and
oil tank
Pacific Ocean Park
roller coaster
Wilson Corliss and
World Famous Tree House
Fish Creek Bridge
Fisher, Carl
Flight to Mars spaceship ride
Flynn, Errol
Fontaine, Joan
Forbell, Charles
Forbes, Harrie
Ford, Anita
Ford, Jack
Fortuna CA
Fortuna Theatre
41 Café
Foster and Kleiser
Foster’s Freeze
Founders Tree
14 Mile House
Fourth Interceptor Command
France, conflict of
Francisco’s Country Kitchen
Fraser, A.F.
Frazee, Frank
Frazee Flowers
Free Fallin (film)
Fremont, John C.
Fremont Theatre
French Street, San Luis Obispo
Fresno CA
Fresno Scrapers
Front Street, Avila CA
Frostie Freeze
Fruit and Vegetable Workers’ Union
fruit stands
Fuller, Jeanne
Gable, Clark
Gabler, Neil
Gage, Luther
Gaines, William
Galindo, Arturo
Galvez, Cesar
Gamble, Mr.
gambling, racetracks and
Garapata Creek
Garberville CA
Garberville Inn
Garbo, Greta
Gardner, Ava
Garverville Theatre
Gaskins, Blanche
Gaskins, Charles
gas stations
Barnsdall-Rio Grande gas station
Bradley CA
Buellton CA and
Calabasas Garage
Coffee Station
ConservFuel station
design of
General Petroleum Violet Ray station
Gilmore Gas Station
King City Auto Camp
Las Cruces Station
Las Cruces Store
locations of
Music Gas Station
Oak Garage
photo of
Pit Stop
Redwood Tree Service Station
Richfield Beacon stations
Rincon Café
Sagebrush Cantina
San Ardo CA
Seaside Service Station
Sherman Oaks Service Station
signage for
Tustin Garage
Wilshire Gas stop
World’s Largest Redwood Tree Service
The Zoo
Gaviota Area Bridge
Gaviota CA
Gaviota Creek
Gaviota Pass
Gaviota State Park
Gaviota Tunnel
Gaviota Village Bicentennial Backgammon Tournament
Gay, Charles
Gay, Muriel
Gay’s Lion Farm
General Petroleum Violet Ray station
Genthe, Arnold
Giant Dipper
Giant Orange stands
Gilmore fuel
Gilmore Gas Station
Gilroy CA
Girard CA
Glen Annie canyon
Globe Petroleum
Goebel, Louis
Goebel’s Wild Animal Farm. See Jungleland USA
Goff, Harper
Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Lotus Temple
Golden State Warriors
Goleta CA
Gonzales CA
Goodman, Benny
Grable, Betty
The Graduate (film)
Graham, John
Graham’s Drive-In
Grand Canyon Electric Railway
Grand Theft Auto V (video game)
Granite Creek
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck)
grasshoppers, infestation of
Great Depression
Great Highway
Greenfield CA
Green Mill Inn
Guadalupe dunes
Guinn, J.M.
Gulf of Mexico
Gulick, Nick
Gyllstrom, Paul
Haley, Jack, Jr.
“Halfway to Hell Club”
Hapfield, Ezra
Happy Days (TV show)
Harbor Boulevard
Hardy, Oliver
Hargitay, Zoltan
Harmon, Barbara
Harmony CA
Harper, Harvey G.
Harper, Harvey M.
Harpman, Fred
Harrison, Rex
Haupt, Marguerite
Hayes Valley Gang
Hayworth, Rita
Hazel, Hattie
Healdsburg CA
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst Castle
Hefner, Hugh
Heineman, Arthur S.
Helwer, Sam
Hendrix, Jimi
Hess, Eugene
Hess, Marguerita Tico
Heston, Charleston
High Boy Roller Coaster
Highway Beautification Act
Higuera Street
Hill, Christopher, Jr.
Hissong, J.E.
A History of Corte Madera,
Hi-Way Drive-In
Hobby, Lyle
Hobby, Zera
Hochleutner, Ronnie
Hoffman, Dustin
Hollister, Annie James
Hollister, William Welles
Hollister Avenue
Hollister CA
Hollister Estate Company
Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood CA
Hollywood Freeway
Hollywoodland development
Hollywood Split
Hollywood Subway
Homestead Motel
Hoover, Herbert
Hope, Bob
horse racing
Horseshoe Trail
Hotel Del Coronado
Hotel Del Mar
Hotel Halfway and Coffee Shop
Hotel Keisker
Hotel Laguna
Hotel Petaluma
hotels. See motels/hotels
Houdini, Harry
Hovanitz, Karl
Humboldt County
Humboldt Redwoods State Park
Humboldt Standard (newspaper)
Humboldt State University
Humboldt Times,
Hunt, Myron
Huntington, Henry
Huntington Beach CA
Huntington Library
Huntley, Will
Hymes, Lefty
Immortal Tree
I’m No Angel (film)
Independence MO
infant incubator
Ingersoll, Frederick
In-N-Out Burger
International Fiberglass
Jackson, Michael
Jackson Highway
James, Frank
James, Henry
James, Jesse
Jan & Dean
Jefferson Davis Highway
Jefferson Highway
John, Elton
Johnson, Annie. See Ford, Anita
Johnson, Bessie Julia. See Ford, Anita
Johnson, Bill
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Ollie “Dink”
Jonata Park Road
Jones, Henry
Joplin, Janis
Juarez, Benito
Judge (magazine)
Jungleland USA
Kabat, Roy
Karnak, gates of
Kay, Irving
Keith, Brian
Keith, Robert
Kern County Zoo Society
Keystone Highway
Kimball, Frank
King City Auto Camp
King City CA
King of Trails Highway
King Richard and the Crusaders (film)
Kinney, Abbot
Kirstein, Bob
Klamath CA
Klamath River
Klamath Tour-thru Tree
Kleinberger, Victor Girard
Knott, Cordelia
Knott, Walter
Knott’s Berry Farm
Knox, Frank
Kockritz, Herman
Kovar, Michael
La Cuesta Encantada (“The Enchanted Hill”)
Ladd, Alan
Ladies’ Home Journal (magazine)
Lady Gaga
La Esperanza
L’Affaire Lettuceburg (Steinbeck)
Laguna Road
Lake Arrowhead Village
La Monica Ballroom
Lamour, Dorothy
Landmarks Club
Langdon, Dick
Lange, Dorothea
Lange, Jessica
La Nopalera
La Paloma Theatre
La Salsa
Las Armas Canyon
Las Armas Road
Las Cruces CA
Las Cruces Station
Las Cruces Store
Las Vegas NV
Laughton, Charles
Laurel Canyon
Lawford, Peter
Lee Highway
Leggett CA
legislation, billboards and
Legislative Route Number 2 (LRN 2)
Leo the lion
lettuce, industry of
Levin, Floyd
Lewis, Edward Gardner
Lick, Charles
Lick Pier
Life Begins at 40 (film)
Lincoln Highway
Lincoln Park CA
Lindbergh, Charles
Lion Head Motor Oil
lizzies, use of
Locke, H.S.
lodging. See motels/hotels
Logan UT
The Log Cabin
Loma Prieta Earthquake
Lompoc Model T Club
Lone Star Trail
Long Beach Independent (newspaper)
Long-Bonetti Ranch
Longden, Johnny
Long Street Home
Looff, Arthur
Looff, Charles
Lorre, Peter
Los Alamos CA
Los Angeles Athletic Club
Los Angeles CA
air-raid sirens at
Arrowhead Trail and
blackout within
dance legislation by
National Old Trails Road and
Plaza Church bell
the Red Car line within
Spring Street
Los Angeles Herald (newspaper)
Los Angeles International Airport
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Los Angeles Plaza Mission
Los Angeles Railway
Los Angeles Times (newspaper)
Los Angeles Turf Club
Los Berros Road
Loy, Myrna
LRN 2 (Legislative Route Number 2)
Luton-Bell No.
MacMurray, Fred
Madonna, Alex
Madonna, Connie
Madonna, John
Madonna, Karen
Madonna, Phyllis
Madonna Inn
Madonna Inn: My Point of View (Madonna)
Madonna Mountain
Madonna Road
maintenance, highway
Malibu CA
Malpaso Creek
Mama Burger
Mammoth Lakes CA
The Man From U.N.C.L.E (TV show)
Mann, May
Mansfield, Jayne
Mansfield, Mariska
Mansfield, Miklos
Marshall, Garry
Martindale, Wink
Martinez, Jesus
Mary the monkey
Maximilian I
Mayfair Theatre
Mayo, Virginia
McCarter, Bill
McCartney, Paul
McFarland, P.A.
McIntyre, O.O.
McKean, Patrick
McKinleyville CA
McLeod, Harry
McVay, Bob
Melody Ranch Motel
Melrose Brothers Music Co.
Mendocino County
Meridian Highway
Merriam, Frank
Merrill Farms
Mexico City
Mexico Theatre
Midland Trail
migrant labor
“Migrant Mother”
The Milestone Corporation
Millbrae CA
Miller, Don
“Million Dollar Highway”
Miranda CA
Mission Beach CA
mission bells
Mission District (San Francisco)
Mission Dolores
Los Angeles Plaza Mission
Mission Dolores
San Buenaventura Mission
San Carlos Mission
San Fernando Mission
San Francisco de Solano
San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
San Miguel Arcángel mission
Santa Barbara Mission
Mission San Miguel
Mission Street
Mission Viejo CA
Mix, Tom
Mobil Oil
Molina, Al
Monroe, Marilyn
Montclair CA
Montecito CA
Monterey Road
Monterey Street
Monte Vista Motel
Moon Over Burma (film)
Moore, W.M.S.
Morehart, John M.
Morgan, Frank
Morgan, Julia
Morgan, Walls & Clements
Morro Bay
Morro Rock
Mortensen, Mike
Morton, Ferdinand “Jelly Roll”
Motel Inn
Atascadero Motor Lodge
Avalon Motel
Beacon Inn
Beacon Motel
Beautysleep Motel
Benbow Inn
Buckboard Motel
Camozzi’s Bar and Hotel
Carlton Hotel
Dolphin Hotel
El Rancho Tropicana
Farmhouse Motel
Green Mill Inn
Homestead Motel
Hotel Del Coronado
Hotel Del Mar
Hotel Halfway and Coffee Shop
Hotel Keisker
Hotel Laguna
Hotel Petaluma
innovation of
King City Auto Camp
The Log Cabin
Melody Ranch Motel
The Milestone Corporation
Monte Vista Motel
Motel Inn
Outpost Motel
Ragged Point Inn
Rancho Tee
River Lodge Motel
Santa Maria Inn
Sea Plane Inn
Shady Rest Motel
Stafford Inn
Topanga Ranch Motel
Town House Motel
Union Hotel
Victorian Mansion
Western Motel
Wheeler’s Inn
motion pictures. See also specific films
motorcar. See automobile
motor courts
Mountain House Estate
Mountain House Road
Mount Shasta CA
Mozzi’s Saloon
Muffler Men
Mullen, Ed
Muller, Rudy, “The Muse of Music”
music, Dust Bowl and
Music Gas Station
Myers Flat CA
Mystery Island Banana Train Ride
Mystic Theatre
National City CA
National Environmental Policy Act
National Old Trails Road
National Park to Park Highway
National Ranch Grange
natural disasters
grasshopper infestation
highways and
Loma Prieta Earthquake
oil industry and
Oilport and
Pacific Coast Highway and
San Luis Obispo CA and
Santa Monica Pier and
West Village (Cambria CA)
natural gas
Neil, Milt
neon signs
Neptune, King
Neuman, Alfred E.
Neville, Harry
Newcomb Pier
Newhart, Bob
New Santa Fe Trail
New York
New York National Roosevelt Midland Trail
New York Times (newspaper)
Nicholson, Jack
Nimoy, Leonard
Nine Inch Nails
1941 Fox Theatre
Nipomo Barber Shop
Nipomo CA
Nipomo Mesa
Nishino, Kozo
Nixon, Richard
North Bay marshes
North Dakota
North-South National Bee-Line Highway
North-South National Trails
Noyo Theatre
Nunes, Ginger
Oakdale Bar & Clam House
Oak Garage
Oakland Raiders
Oakland Tribune (newspaper)
Oaks Drive-In
O’Brien, Pat
Ocean Highway
Ocean Park Pier
Oceanside CA
Oceanside-Carlsbad Freeway
Oceanside Theatre Company
Octagon Barn
oil industry
Oilport wharf
The Old Clam House
Old Creamery Road
Old Redwood Highway
Old Santa Fe Trail
Old Spanish Trail
Old Stage Coach Road
Old Stage Road
Olive CA
Olive Mill Road
1 Mile House
101 Alternate
101 Bypass
101 Café Oceanside
One Log House
Ontario Road
Operation Lifeline
Orange CA
Orange County CA
Orange Drive-In Theatre
O’Shaughnessy, Michael
Otis, Harrison Gray
Outpost Motel
Owens, Cleo Leroy
Owl Café
Oxnard milling company
Oxnard Press-Courier (newspaper)
Pacific Coast Highway
Pacific Electric Railway
Pacific Highway
Pacific Lumber Company
Pacific Ocean Casino
Pacific Ocean Park (P.O.P)
Palm City CA
Papa Burger
Parra, Angelina
Pasear Tour
Paso Robles CA
Patrick’s Point Drive
Pearce, Clint
Pea Soup Andersen Boulevard
Pea Soup Andersen’s
Pelican State Prison
Penngrove Hatchery
Pennsylvania truss bridge
People’s Wharf
Pepperwood CA
Petaluma Argus-Courier (newspaper)
Petaluma CA
Petty, Tom
Phenicie, Emily
Phillipsville CA
Pickering, Ernest
Pickford, Mary
Pick’s Drive In
Piedras Blancas Light Station
Pierce, Ray Vaughn
Pierce, Valentine Mott
Pikes Peak Ocean-to-Ocean Highway
Pillsbury, Arthur
Pillsbury, Grace
Pinard, Peg
Pincay, Laffit
Pink Floyd
Pismo Beach CA
Pismo Detailing
Pit Stop
Plaza Church
Pleasure Pier
Pohl, Frank
Point Mugu
Polesie, Midge
Pollard, Frances
Pollard, Neil
Pons, Lily
Porter, Cole
Portland OR
Porto, Virgilio Del
The Postman Always Rings Twice (film)
Powell, Dick
Powell, J.F.
Preston, Jim
Prewitt, Bob
Prewitt Fiberglass
Prior, Frank
Prundale, CA
Prunedale Cut-off
Python, Monty
Quailwood Lane
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Quigley, William
Quintana Road
Ragged Point
Ragged Point Inn
rail cars, dining within
Atchison rail line
Bitter Creek Western Railroad
highways and
Santa Fe Railroad
signage for
Southern Pacific Railroad
Topeka rail line
Ramona Freeway
Rancho Tee
Ranson, David
Rathbone, Basil
Reagan, Ronald
Red Car line
Redcrest CA
Redwood Bridge
Redwood Drive
Redwood Empire
Redwood Highway
Redwood Theaters
Redwood Tree Service Station
Reed, William
Regakis, Tony
Reich, Howard
Reliance Oil
Reno Evening Gazette (newspaper)
restaurants. See dining
retail, signage for
Richardson, Spec
Richardson Bay
Richfield Beacon stations
Richfield Oil Corporation
Richfield Tower
Rincon Café
Rincon Sea Level Road
Rio Grande Oil Co.
Rios Caledonia Adobe
Ripley’s Believe It or Not,
Ripon CA
River Lodge Motel
Robeldo, Dolores
Robeldo, Roberto
Roberts, Jack
Robinson, Edward G.
Robles, Paso
Rocky Creek
Rod’s Auto Body
Rogers, Roy
Rogers, Will
Rolle, Thomas
roller coasters
Ben Hur Racer
Blue Streak roller coaster
Dragon Gorge Scenic Railroad
Giant Dipper
High Boy Roller Coaster
Knott’s Berry Farm and
Santa Monica Pier
Sea Serpent
Toboggan Railroad
West Coaster
Whirlwind Dipper roller coaster
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt Highway. See El Camino Real
Roosevelt Highway Association
Ross, Gertrude
Rossi Dairy
Roth, Louis
Route 66 (TV show)
Royal Road. See El Camino Real
Roy’s Motel and Café
Rudd, Mike
Rundgren, Todd
Russell, Kurt
Russian River
Safari Ride
Sagebrush Cantina
Salinas CA
Salinas Ice Co.
Salinas Valley
Salinas Valley Road
Salmon Creek
Salt Lake City UT
Sambo’s Pancake House
Sam the hippo
San Ardo CA
San Bruno CA
San Bruno Canal
San Bruno House
San Bruno Toll Road
San Buenaventura Mission
San Carlos Mission
San Diego CA
San Diego County CA
San Diego County Horticultural and Agricultural Display
Sands, Al
San Fernando Mission
San Francisco CA
Bayshore Boulevard
casualties within
ferry transportation within
Golden Gate Bridge
Great Highway
Legislative Route Number 2 (LRN 2) and
Lincoln Highway and
Mission District within
The Old Clam House and
photo of
Seals baseball team
signage within
Skyline Boulevard
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper)
San Francisco de Solano
San Jose CA
San Juan Bautista CA
San Juan Capistrano CA
San Juan Grade
San Juan Road
San Lucas CA
San Luis Creek
San Luis Obispo CA
Foster’s Freeze
Fremont Theatre in
Homestead Motel
Madonna Inn in
The Milestone Corporation in
Motel Inn
natural disaster within
photo of
routes to
Sunset Drive-In in
San Luis Obispo Daily Telegram (newspaper)
San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
San Mateo Avenue
San Mateo CA
San Miguel Arcangel mission
San Miguel CA
San Miguel Mission
San Quentin State Prison
San Simeon CA
Santa Ana CA
Santa Ana Freeway
Santa Ana Register (newspaper)
Santa Anita Park
Santa Barbara CA
Santa Barbara Mission
Santa Clara CA
Santa Claus Lane
Santa Cruz Evening News (newspaper
Santa Cruz Sentinel (newspaper)
Santa Fe NM
Santa Fe Railroad
Santa Fe Trail
Santa Margarita CA
Santa Margarita Lake
Santa Maria CA
Santa Maria Inn
Santa Monica Boulevard
Santa Monica CA
Santa Monica Pier. See also Pacific Ocean Park (P.O.P)
Santa Nella CA
Santa Rosa CA
Santa Rosa Marketplace
Saroyan, William
Saturday Night Live (TV show)
Save the Redwoods League
Scenic Drive
Schafer, May
Schafer, May Kovar
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scotia CA
Sea Circus
Seals baseball team
Sea Plane Inn
Searsville CA
Sea Serpent roller coaster
Seaside Service Station
Seeber, A.H.
Selig, William
Selig Zoo
Selma CA
Sennett, Mark
7 Mile House
7 Mile House (tollhouse)
17 Mile House
Seymour, Fred
Shady Rest Motel
Shargas, Hap
Shasta County
Shell Beach (Huntington Beach)
Shell Beach Road
Shell station
Sherman Oaks Service Station
Shively CA
Shoemaker, Bill
Shrine Drive-thru Tree
Sidehill Viaduct
Siegel, Aneta
Sierra Club
sign parks
signs. See also advertising; billboards barns and
Carlsbad CA
color of
Encinitas CA
locations for
materials of
Muffler Men
origin of
shape of
silos and
symbols on
variety of
silos, signage and
Sinatra, Frank
Sinclair, Upton
Sinclair Oil
16 Mile House
Skelton, Red
Skyline Boulevard
“Slaughter Alley”
Sleeper, Jim
Smithicus, Phoebecus
Smith River
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (film)
Society for the Preservation of Missions
Socony Oil
So Dear to My Heart (film)
Solana Beach CA
Soledad CA
Solvang CA
Sonoma County CA
Soto’s True Earth Market
South Coast Land Company
South Dakota
Southern California Hot Jazz Society
Southern Pacific Railroad
South Fork CA
Spanish-American War
Spike N Rail Steakhouse
Spiritualists, Summerland and
Spring Street, Los Angeles
Sprotte, Anna Ruzena
Spud Inn
S.S. Rex
Stafford CA
Stafford Inn
stagecoach routes
Standard Oil
Stanford, Al
Staniff, Estelle
Star and Garter
Stark, Mabel
Star Theatre
State Coach Road
State Highways Act
State Route
State Route
State Route 254
State Route 271
The Station
statues. See mascots
St. Augustine FL
Stearns Wharf
Steinbeck, John
Stephens, Diane
Stevenson, Christine
St. Nick’s Bar-B-Q
stop signs
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Stratford Square
Strauss, Joseph
Strub, Charles “Doc”
Studio City CA
Studio City Theatre
Sunset Drive-In
Sunshine Brooks Theater
“Surfin’ USA” (Beach Boys)
Swami’s State Beach
Talbert, Tom
Tank Farm Road
Tarzan (film)
Tarzana CA
Tarzana Safari Walk
Tarzan Movie Festival
‘T’ Club Speedway
Tecolote Gardens
Tecolotito Canyon
Teen Burger
Templeton CA
The Ten Commandments (film)
Texas Company
Theater Alliance
Fortuna Theatre
Fremont Theatre
La Paloma Theatre
Mystic Theatre
1941 Fox Theatre
Oaks Drive-In
Orange Drive-In Theatre
Redwood Theatres
signage for
Star Theatre
Studio City Theatre
Sunshine Brooks
Towne Theater
Ukiah Theatre
Theatre Drive
Theodore Roosevelt International Highway
They Saved the Crops (Miller)
Thirteen Women (film)
Thompson, Ernest
Thompson, Florence Owens
Thompson, Jimmie
Thompson, Katherine
Thompson, Ruby
Thorpe, Mr.
Thorpe’s Place
Thousand Oaks CA
3-Mile House
Tijuana Mexico
Timber Mountain
Tivoli Gardens
Toberman, C.E.
Tobin, Margaret
Tobin, Thomas
Toboggan Railroad
Toledo WA
tollhouse, Mile House
Tomkins Hill Road
Tommy’s Family Restaurant
Tom Sawyer ride
Topanga Beach Auto Court
Topanga Beach Motel
Topanga Canyon Boulevard
Topanga Ranch Motel
Topeka rail line
tourist attraction. See attractions
Towne 3 Theatre
Towne Cinemas
Towne Theater
Town House Motel
Tracy, Spencer
Traffic Way
trail associations
train, accident of
Transcontinental Trails
Transmission & Clutch Express
transportation. See also railroads
accidents of
fire truck
photo of
Red Car line
Yellow Car line
Travolta, John
Treadwell, J.B.
Trees of Mystery
Tustin CA
Tustin Garage
21st Street Drive-In
The Twilight Zone (TV show)
Twin Trees CA
Ukiah CA
Ukiah Theatre
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Union Asphalt
Union Hotel
Union Oil
Union Oil station
Union Town CA
Uniroyal, Miss
Universal Studios
U.S. 40
U.S. 48
U.S. 50
U.S. 70
U.S. 80
U.S. 90
U.S. 99
U.S. 101. See also El Camino Real
101 Alternate
101 Bypass
construction of
features of
history of
locations of
photo of
rail lines and
signage for
signage on
varieties of
U.S. 199
U.S. Bureau of Public Roads
Vacuum Oil Co.
Valentino, Rudolph
Valley Drive-in Theatre
“Valley Girl” (Frank and Moon Zappa)
Van Nuys News (newspaper)
Van Winkle, Kellogg
Vasquez, Tony
Veach, Henry
Venice of America
Venice Pier
Ventura Boulevard
“Ventura Boulevard” (Everly Brothers)
Ventura County
Ventura Free Press (newspaper)
Ventura Freeway
Ventura Highway
“Ventura Highway” (America)
Victorian Mansion
Victory Highway
Villa Creek
Village Rendevous
Villalpando, Francisco
Wadleigh, Frank
Wakeman, Rick
Wallace, E.E.
Walloch, Richard
Walt Disney’s Disneyland (TV show)
Ward, Kelly
Warner Bros.
warning signs
Warren, Earl
Watkins family
Watsonville CA
Wayne, John
Wayne’s World 2 (film)
Welk, Lawrence
West, Mae
West Coaster
Western Motel
Western Regional Trails
western snowy plover
West Village (Cambria CA)
Wheeler, Hilda
Wheeler, Laurence
Wheeler’s Inn
Where the Highway Ends (Hamilton)
“Where the Turf Meets the Surf” (Bing Crosby)
Whip attraction
Whirlwind Dipper roller coaster
Whitten, Alicia
Wian, Bob
Wilcoxon, Henry
Wilcoxon, Larry
Wildcat Creek
William Penn Highway
Williams, Andy
Williams, Bill
Williams, Elize
Williams, Henry
Williams, Steve
Willits CA
Willows CA
Wilshire Gas stop
Wilson, Flip
Winchester Canyon Road
Windsor Castle
Winkins’ Drive-In
women, advertising to
The Wonderful World of Disney (TV show)
Wood, Thomas B.
Woodland Hills
Woodruff, Richard
Woolf, George “Iceman”
Works Progress Administration
World Famous Tree House
World Jungle Compound. See Jungleland USA
World’s Largest Redwood Tree Service
World War II
WPA Guide
Wright, Lloyd
Xcelarator roller coaster
Yellow Car line
Yellowstone Trail
yield signs
Yogananda, Paramahansa
Yokayo Bowl
Young, Dan
Zappa, Frank
Zappa, Moon
The Zoo