Of course, my agent, Silvia Molteni, and my editor, Lauren Fortune. Without you both, this wouldn’t be a book. Thank you to everyone else at Scholastic who has worked to bring this book into the world.
My family, near and far, and particularly my mom and dad, who are always my greatest source of encouragement.
Alex, again, for being an early reader and always being supportive; Schuyler, for seventeen years of the best friendship I could ask for; Reina, for always being ready to talk about writing; Shari, for her support and for being our travel buddy to the launch of book one; Debbie, for being such a dear and supportive friend; Rachel and Mik, for reading and loving my work and cheering me on; Claire and Samantha, for being absolute darlings and always being ready to help chat through writing problems with me; and to all of my other friends who have in any way helped and supported me. I am thankful for every single one of you.
I had two surgeries while writing this book, so I want to thank the doctors and nurses who worked so hard to get me through a difficult time. I have so much respect for you.
Phil, Ruth and Erin, always.
And to Thomas. Thank you for everything, and I love you.