Choosing the Right Stuff


George E. Ruff, Jr. (b. 1928)

In quick succession, the Soviet Union launched two cosmonauts into outer space in October and November of 1957. These events stunned the United States and led to a never-before-seen emphasis on science education in the nation’s schools. The Soviet Union’s success in manned spaceflight also galvanized the American space program, which at the time was only in the planning stage. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established a civilian space agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and by decree ruled that only military pilots were eligible for selection as astronauts. The initiative was called Project Mercury.

How would these astronauts be selected? In early 1958, it was decided that the basic criterion would be 1,500 or more hours of flying jet aircraft; 110 pilots met this condition. NASA also decided that all candidates would undergo rigorous medical and psychological testing. Psychiatrist George Ruff was placed in charge of the latter. The medical testing was conducted in New Mexico, and the psychological testing was done at the Aeromedical Research Laboratory (AMRL) in Dayton, Ohio.

Ruff and his team decided they had four basic tasks: establish the job requirements, decide which personal characteristics were required, determine which assessment tools to use, and, finally, validate their selection process. They agreed that each candidate would be rated in seventeen psychological categories; for example, the pilots were to be tested for how they handled stress and for their adaptability, defensiveness, and impulsivity.

How should performance on these categories be measured? Ruff and his colleagues decided on thirty-one assessments plus two psychiatric interviews. Personality and motivation were assessed by a mixture of tests, including the Rorschach Projective Test, the Thematic Apperception Test, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and ten other tests. Intellectual abilities and specific aptitudes were gauged using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Miller Analogies Test, the Spatial Orientation Test, plus nine additional tests. Each candidate also had to do well in trials involving stresses such as sensory deprivation, acceleration, and heat.

Based on this battery of tests, NASA chose only seven of the 110 eligible men. They had the right stuff.

SEE ALSO Projective Tests (1921), Thematic Apperception Test (1935), Sensory Deprivation (1937), Stress (1950)

Astronaut Bruce McCandless II demonstrates the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) outside the shuttle Challenger in February 1984.