

This book is dedicated to my children, who have influenced me to the point that I have given them all a tiny cameo within this story’s pages. And, as always, this book is for Michael. For without his belief and support this novel wouldn’t even exist.


An author may bring a story to life, but the enrichment of the story’s details are shared by many. In the making of this story in particular, I would like to thank the many who shared with me their time, their knowledge, and most especially their own tragedies and triumphs that allowed me to breathe life into my characters and their situations. Special thanks go out to Leona Cairnie and Anne Gareau and to all the helpful folks at the Amputee Society Rehabilitation Institute who talked, and walked, me through all the stages of an amputation. Elora is real because of them.


I would also like to dedicate this story to all our Olympic athletes. The strength of their determination and spirit, sometimes even in the face of personal tragedy, shines like a flame before us, beckoning us to follow, encouraging us to never give up. Thank you for filling us with pride.