Adventures at Hound Hotel is published by Picture Window Books,
a Capstone Imprint
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

Copyright © 2017 Picture Window Books

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Sateren, Shelley Swanson, author. | Melmon, Deborah, illustrator. Sateren, Shelley Swanson. Adventures at Hound Hotel.
Title: Mighty Murphy / by Shelley Swanson Sateren; [illustrated by Deborah Melmon]. Description: North Mankato, Minnesota: Picture Window Books, an imprint of Capstone Press, [2017] | Series: Adventures at Hound Hotel |
Summary: Alfie Wolfe is put out because his twin sister is actually stronger than he is—but not even Alfreeda can deal with Murphy, a powerful Rottweiler with an obsession about the cow next door, by herself.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016012618 | ISBN 9781515800675 (library binding) | ISBN 9781515800699 (paperback) | ISBN 9781515800712 (eBook (pdf)) 9781515800736 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Rottweiler dog—Juvenile fiction. | Dogs—Juvenile fiction. | Kennels—Juvenile fiction. | Twins—Juvenile fiction. | Brothers and sisters—Juvenile fiction. |
CYAC: Rottweiler dog—Fiction. | Dogs—Fiction. | Kennels—Fiction. | Twins—Fiction. | Brothers and sisters—Fiction.
Classification: LCC PZ7.S249155 Mi 2017 | DDC 813.54—dc23
LC record available at

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