What can you do?

Sometimes, it’s not about what you can do, but what other people can do for you. If you’re living with someone with a mental illness (which a lot of people are), you don’t have to cope alone. Charities like SANE (through SANEline and SANEmail) and Childline know what it’s like, and they’re there to help. Find them on the web. Call them or email them. Find out what they can do.

According to the charity 1GOAL, 72 million children around the world don’t have the chance to go to school. That is something you can help with. How? Well, charities such as Actionaid and Unicef have some ideas. Check out their websites at actionaid.org.uk and unicef.org.uk. Maybe you can sponsor a child through school. I support SOS Children’s Villages. It may not seem like it when exams are looming, but the more children we educate, the better this world will be.
