
Coronavirus Myths.


As with any medical outbreak, there are a plethora of myths surrounding the current outbreak of the coronavirus, many of these start from individuals not fully understanding just what COVID-19 is and how it spread, the most common myths about the coronavirus are as follows.

Hand Dryers.

No, despite some information currently circulating around social media platforms, hand dryers are not effective in protecting against COVID-19.

Ultraviolet Lamps.

As with hand dryers, UV light is not effective in protecting against the coronavirus. In fact, excessive use of UV light can cause skin irritation, making it easier to contract the coronavirus.

Alcohol / Chlorine Sprays.

Dousing an individual’s body in alcohol or chlorine will not kill the coronavirus if it has already entered the body. Doing so can actually be damaging to clothing and mucus membranes that help protect against contracting COVID-19.

Pets will Spread Coronavirus.

Definitely not.

There is no evidence to suggest your animal companions will contract or spread coronavirus. That being said, as with normal daily living, it is always a good idea to wash your hands after playing with your pets.

Existing Vaccine Protection.

No. Existing vaccines and individual may have received will not protect them from the coronavirus. It is a new virus and as such, requires its own unique vaccine to be developed as a cure.

Only Old People Will Contract COVID-19.

Not at all. Anybody is at risk of contracting coronavirus however, older individuals and those with pre-existing medical conditions are more vulnerable at becoming ill.

Antibiotics will Prevent Contagion.

No. Taking antibiotics will have zero effect on stopping the coronavirus. Antibiotics only work against bacteria’s, not viruses.

Wearing a Facemask will Protect Me.

Unfortunately, not. Wearing a facemask does not offer any preventative measures against contracting COVID-19. While face masks are useful for stopping transmission in patients who are diagnosed as having coronavirus, they will not prevent a person from catching it.