
First, I’d like to thank my lovely and talented wife, who edited the first draft of the book and gave me great feedback and who is always supportive and puts up with my crazed mood swings when I’m in Pretentious Writer Mode. Thanks to my mom and dad, who taught me good values and a strong work ethic, some of which stuck. Thanks to Adam Bellow and the entire HarperCollins team for giving me the opportunity to see what my writing is like when it’s longer than a blog post or a tweet. Thanks to my beta-readers Harvey, Basil, and Charlie. Thanks to Glenn Reynolds, Jonah Goldberg, Rick Moran, John Siniff, Mark Cunningham, Bill Whittle, John Hawkins, Rachel Lucas, and all the others who encouraged me along the way in my political humor career. And a special thanks to all the readers of my blog, IMAO, for all the support throughout the years. Though we haven’t yet nuked the moon, we’ve struck fear in its heart.

I also want to thank the Founding Fathers, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Ronald Reagan, and Mr. T, who made this great country and all the opportunity it’s provided me. And finally, thanks to God, without Whom the earth would be without form, and void, and there would be little to write about.