


“I’m fine,” Connie assured Grayson over the phone, unlocking her front door that night. “I’m just getting in the house now. Go to your book signing and don’t worry about me.”

“Are you sure? You’ve been so wound up about CeCe and all.”

“I’m gonna take a hot shower, get in the bed and sleep.” She struggled to unlace her cop shoes with one hand. “Enjoy your signing.”

“I have this feeling that something’s wrong.”

She picked up her shoes and galloped up the carpeted stairs to her bedroom. “If you don’t stop worrying and go to your signing, I’ll never forgive you.” She blew a kiss into the phone. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” He sighed. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, worry wart.” She went into the master bathroom, stripped to her underwear, and jumped into the shower.

She did a quick rinse and reached for her shampoo on the shelf when she heard a noise in her bedroom.  

Connie dashed out the shower and wrapped herself in the white towel, securing it around her bosom. She tiptoed to the doorway and peeked into the bedroom and seeing nothing, she hurried to the end table and opened it to retrieve her gun when someone grabbed her from behind.

A gloved hand smothered her mouth, silencing her scream.

“Looking for your gun?” CeCe whispered. “Maybe you should’ve gotten it before you got in the shower.” He kissed her damp shoulder. “It’s too late now. I already have it.”

She swallowed, her heart beating in her throat.

“Did you miss me, Connie? I missed you.”

Her stomach twisted at his touch.

“Did you think that was the end of us?” He caressed her thigh. “That I’d just leave like that? Oh no. This isn’t over yet but it will be tonight.”

She mumbled.

“Tell you what. I’ll take my hand down if you promise not to scream because we got a lot to talk about. Do you promise?”

She nodded.

“Okay.” He kissed the back of her neck as he let her mouth go. “Remember, I have your gun.”

Connie turned around.

CeCe held her gun to his side with a smile that chilled every inch of her. “Bet you didn’t think I could surprise you.”

“You’re good at surprises.” She kept her gaze on the gun. “I knew when you left it wasn’t the last time I’d see you.”

He leaned forward, licking his lips. “Does that mean you wanted to see me?”


His face lit up.

“I wanted to see you because this needs to end, CeCe. It needs to end now.”

“You’re so beautiful.” He placed his gloved hand on her cheek. “I’ve dreamt of this moment.” He looked around, still caressing her. “Us being alone in your bedroom.”

“You don’t want to do something you’ll regret.”

“I’m over regret, Connie.”

“Whatever you’ve done, I don’t think you wanted to.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What have I done?”

She pressed her wet toes into the carpet. “We both know.”

“We do?” His eyes turned into slits. “See Connie, that’s how I know we’re kindred spirits. You were the only one who knew what was going on. You could tell I had a secret when you first met me, couldn’t you?”


“It was a feeling deep inside.” He groped her breast through the towel. “Wasn’t it?”

She closed her eyes, stiffening.

“Don’t pretend you don’t want me touching you. Isn’t that why you make yourself up the way you do? So I’d notice?” He squeezed her breast. “Answer me.”


“You think I’m going to rape you, don’t you?” He frowned. “I could never do that to you, Connie. You’re special. Way more special than those other whores ever could be.”

“What whores? Lang?”

He took her hand, and they sat on the bed. “I thought they were different at first but they were all the same. Oh.” He gripped his head, the gun hanging from his hand. “I didn’t mean to hurt them.”

Connie stroked his thigh. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”

“I want a kiss first.”

She batted her eyes, swallowing.

“Kiss me like you mean it.” He watched her with a wild, voracious glare. “Like I was your boyfriend. Like I’m Grayson.”

She held back her disgust and touched his cheek.

“Kiss me nice.” He closed his eyes, pursing his lips.

She held her breath and gave him a passionate kiss that seemed to surprise them both afterwards.

“Mm.” He tucked his lips in as if savoring her flavor. “God, Connie. That was some kiss.” He yanked her hair, bending her head forward. “You’re just like the rest, huh?”

“Ow!” She grabbed his hand. “CeCe.”

“Nothing but a little tease.” He shook her head. “I thought you were better than that. You turn me on knowing damn well you don’t want me. Do you want to fuck me, Connie? Huh? No you don’t. But you pretend you do to get what you want. So I’d let you go.”


“This is why you got in trouble with Garfield Larose, isn’t it?” he shouted. “Isn’t it?”

“Ah.” She pinched and scratched his hand. “Let go, CeCe!”

“What did you do?” He bent her neck back. “You turned him on and he almost raped you and I bet you act like it’s his fault. I thought you were better, Connie.” He let her go. “Don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it.”

“I’m sorry.” She raised her palms to show she wasn’t a threat. “Forgive me, okay?”

“Lang was the same way.” He clutched the gun. “She teased me and then reported me because I asked her out. Jessica, same thing. She came to my place and wanted to have sex.”

“Jessica Jacobs?”

“Jeanette was worst of all. She made me think we’d be a couple and just broke it off.” He snapped his fingers. “One minute I’m good enough and the next I’m not. Kara, Ella, Deana, Alice, Gwen, they were all the same.”

“Oh my god.” Connie covered her mouth. “How many women have you killed CeCe?”

“You want to know about Lang?” He stuck the gun in Connie’s face. “Lang was a slut. Yeah. That’s why she was fucking Hock. She went to sex clubs and did all this kinky shit but I wasn’t good enough for her. I watched her and imagine my surprise when I found out she wasn’t the upstanding citizen she claimed to be.” He drooled. “I followed her that night too and saw her having sex with Hock at The B-District.”

“Did you plan to kill Lang?”

He looked away, stroking his forehead.

“CeCe.” She stared at him until he faced her. “Where is your aunt?”

“Where do you think she is?”

“Did you hurt her?” Her voice cracked. “Like you hurt the others?”

He shrugged.

“CeCe, you’ve been hurting innocent women because of your mother. That’s not what you want to do, is it?”

“My mom? Okay. Let’s talk about that whore. Who just runs off and leaves their kid? Do you know how painful it is to have your mother reject you?” He banged his chest. “How it hurts the person who’s supposed to love you no matter what didn’t want you? My mother didn’t want me, Connie. How am I supposed to deal with that?”

“You’re right.” Connie patted his back. “Your mother rejected you and that affected you in ways even your aunt didn’t know about. You need help.”

He whimpered, “My mother didn’t want me, Connie.”

She took his hand. “I know you’re fighting to be a good person.”

“People always leave me.” A tear fell from his eye. “But I kept Alice and Jessica.”

“What?” She let him go. “What do you mean you kept them?”

“The smell.” He chortled. “That was the smell in my apartment. Alice and Jessica. The trunks in the closet.” He guffawed, slapping his hands. “Alice was there first and Jessica didn’t know. Just kept saying she smelled something. But she didn’t know what it really was. No one knew.”

Connie shivered, mouth dropping.

“It wasn’t easy to keep the secret. Had to keep soaking them in this solution.” He chuckled. “Supposed to slow down the decomposition but dang it, didn’t do a good job. Ha, ha, ha!”

Connie squeezed her hands to calm her shivering. “Why?”

“I wanted to see them any time I wanted. Sick of women leaving me.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. “I’d have kept more but the tenants complained.”

“CeCe.” Connie puffed a slow breath. “Where is your aunt?”

“I don’t know.” He rubbed his eye. “What do you think? You think she’s okay, Connie? Gee.” He snickered. “I hope so.”

She exhaled realizing she wasn’t equipped to dig into his perverted psyche.

“It’s the end and I want to share it with you.” He kissed her. “Only you.” He turned the gun toward himself and held it in her hands. “Kill me.”

The gun shook in her hands. “CeCe—”

“It’s the only way to stop it. I can’t fight the urge, and I can’t go to prison for the rest of my life.” He watched her with content as if he’d made peace with everything. “Please, put me out my misery and kill me, Connie.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You have to.” He smiled. “I want you to do this. Please.”

“You need help.” She lowered the gun and put her arm around him. “Let me get you some help.”

“There’s no help for me.”

“You have a life beyond this. Your aunt would want you to try.”

“Maybe if I had something to fight for.” He took her hand. “Or someone. I might keep trying.”

“You do.” She faked a smile. “I’m your friend.”

He gave a flirtatious look through his lashes. “Are you saying you care about me?”

“I do.” She hugged him, regretting the lie. “Let’s get you some help, okay?”

“Oh, Connie.” He wrapped his arms around her, inhaling as if trying to breathe her in. “You smell so good. See?” He pressed his leather fingers into her back. “Doesn’t this feel right?”

She cringed, catching his erection.

“You fit into my arms like a glove.” He moaned, squeezing her flesh. “You’re so soft. All those times I dreamt of holding you. I can’t believe you’re finally in my arms.” He sniffed her hair. “You’ve been so close, yet so far.”

She wriggled, hoping he’d let go. “CeCe.”

“This feels so right. You’re my friend, Connie?”

“Yes, CeCe.” She stroked the back of his head. “I’ll be there as long as you need me. I promise.”

Remember,” he said in a chilling tone as he kissed her cheek. “You promised.”