My goal in writing this book is to help you to become a better hitter with simple, basic, and useful information. I’m not a hitting guru who claims to have all the answers. I’m just a hitting coach who has some good ideas and hands-on drills to help you to improve and to make steady progress. There are a lot of coaches with good information. But the learning process can get very complicated. I’m here to make life as simple as possible. The information in this book is a foundation to keep you focused on getting better through hard work and sound mechanics. Enjoy hitting and playing baseball to the best of your ability. Believe in yourself and be sure to have fun along the way.
The single most important part of becoming a good hitter—or even a great hitter—is saying to yourself before you step into the batter’s box: “I’m going to get a hit against this pitcher. I’m not going to pull away from the ball. I will not be afraid. I will stay in there and put the bat on the ball. He is not getting me out or keeping me from hitting the ball hard somewhere.”
All the mechanics and drills are secondary to you making this statement in your mind—"I can and I will get a hit against this pitcher!” If you want to take it to the next level, you must have this approach.
This is the one part of hitting that no coach can teach you. The best hitting coach in the world can’t help you unless you have the mind-set that you will not give into that pitcher—you will not take no for an answer. And if you don’t get it done, you must keep working and keep fighting until you do get it done the next time around.
As you keep reading this book we will always consider it a “win” when you get a good pitch to hit and you hit that pitch hard. If you can do that time in and time out you will be able to hit.
—Don Mattingly
Fall 2006