Illustrations and tables

Antonia Shacklock, Henry III and the Native Saints

Figure 1: The House of Savoy 24

Figure 2: Henry III and his family 25

Andrew M. Spencer, ‘A Vineyard Without a Wall’: The Savoyards, John de Warenne and the Failure of Henry III’s personal rule

Table 1: Lay Witnesses to over 100 royal charters between 1236 and 1257

Table 2: Witnessing by earls and Henry III’s lay foreign relatives, 1236–1257

Amicie Pélissié du Rausas, Ad Partes Transmarinas’: The Reconfiguration of Plantagenet Power in Gascony, 1242–1243

Map 1: Itinerary of King Henry III in Gascony (August 1242–September 1243)