
This book describes the experience of having worked with the talented, dedicated, patriotic men and women of the FBI. For every person named on these pages there are scores more who led me, taught me, inspired me, protected me, and helped me become one of you. You are always in my thoughts. Your bravery and perseverance in the face of adversity is the true meaning of public service. God bless you and be safe.

I would not have been able to make this journey without the love and support of my family. Jill, George, and Maggie—you helped me ignore the lies and stay focused on doing the right thing, regardless of the cost. You reminded me what is truly important in life. Ellen, George, and Patrick McCabe—your guidance and protection turned me into a lawman. Susan, David, Jeff, and Kim McFarland and Charles Willis—you have always been in my corner. Gail Boren—you keep the family glued together. And Jeremiah—you show us all that sometimes, it’s just better to take a rest.

Every ship needs a calm port in a storm. Karen and Fred—your hospitality and generosity gave us the safe place we needed to ignore the headlines and get this work done. You are truly supportive friends, and I am forever grateful.

All agents love to tell stories. But twenty-one years of memories don’t turn themselves into a book without the help of a great writing and editing team, Michael Joseph Gross and Cullen Murphy. Thank you to Carole Ludwig for expert transcriptions and to Ben Kalin for thorough fact-checking. To Todd Shuster, David Granger, Sarah Levitt, and the team at Aevitas—thanks for putting me on this path. To George Witte, Sara Thwaite, Tracey Guest, and the whole team at St. Martin’s Press—thanks for embracing this project with enthusiasm and bringing it to life.

Tough times make you appreciate the people who stand with you. Michael Bromwich, Melissa Schwartz, David Snyder, and David Schertler: thanks for believing in me and fighting for me. To Ed Puccio and the team at CEP, thanks for your consistent support of Jill and me. And to all the wonderful people, some I know and many I don’t, who sent their thoughts, words, and support when I needed them most—I can never explain how much that meant to my family and me. Thank you.

Finally, thank you to each and every person who musters the dignity, the strength, and the courage to stand up for what he or she believes in. Acts of bravery and conscience are the lifeblood of a society committed to democracy and justice, decency and fairness. Standing up is more important now than ever.