Slypaws, a tourist in the City
Twitchwhisker, her friend
Clutch, leader of the defense of Creek Town
Sleekfoot and Lightfinger, his field commanders
Lickfoot and Silverheels, two Town Mothers
Clawface, a scout for Meatbreath
Bandit, a spy in the City Honour Guard
Friskywits, Bandit’s cousin and sidekick
Lockjaw, a panderer, and Drooplip, a bawd, procurers
The Judge, a City Father
Sensibella, a secret agent masquerading as a courtesan
The Directory of Security, a city official
The Guild of Artists (Makers)
Mindwalker, a wilderness artist and leader of the Resistance
Touchwit, his fellow artist and strategist
A Herring Gull, her colleague, messenger, and scout