and the earth brought forth poison into a calabash. Then Brihas·pati became milker, the meter the pail, the moon the calf and the abyss was milked by the Seven Seers in rites played out unending. Then Kubera became the milker and Vrisha·dhvaja the calf and the Holy Ones drew from the earth the milk that made them invisible. Then Chitra·ratha became the calf and great Vishva·ruchi the milker and the gandharvas and apsarases drew delicate fragrances into the lotus their pail. Then Vaivasvata became the calf and Yama who brings the end the milker and so the ancestors poured out benediction into pails of silver. Thus one by one did all of creation draw the precious milk from the earth, each with his own calf and pail.
With rites beyond number the blazing Prithu son of Vena furnished his people with all that pleased their hearts, and at a great feast during a great sacrifice of horses the king took all that his vassals had and chased those things in gold and gave them to the twiceborn. To the brahmins went scores and then hundreds and then thousands of elephants and each of them was decorated with gold. The king covered the whole earth in gemstones and jewels and gave the whole gleaming sphere to his priests.
O Srinjaya, if even Prithu had to die and he four times more blessed than you and more pious than your son then I say to you do not suffer for your child. Cry not the name of one whose life was so miserly and so profane.