One, the Holy, the Unbeaten, the One Soul, the One Creator who ends the world yet remains.
Glory o glory to the Saviour of Things, the Eternal Being, the Holy Voice, to Sharva, to Shankara, to Shiva. Glory to the lord of voices and the lord of creatures, glory to the lord of the universe, the lord of the mighty, the Hundred-headed God, to Thousandarmed Death, to the God with a Thousand Eyes and Legs, the Seething One, the Golden, the Goldmailed, the Ever Merciful. May you grant us our wish o great one.*
sanjaya spoke:
Thus did Vasudeva and Arjuna sing the praise of Maha·deva and thus they prevailed upon him. And Bhava chose to give them the weapon they had come for.
With his hands still cupped in homage Partha looked wideeyed into the deep furnace of all flame that is the deity marked by the bull. He saw somewhere within the Three Eyed God the delicate nightpiece that he had give to Vasudeva in the rite earlier that evening. Pandu’s son filled his mind with reverence for Krishna and Sharva and asked Shankara for the holy arrow. The god heard him and spoke to Vasudeva and Arjuna about the gift they desired.
“I know what you great and deadly warriors have come for so be at peace. I will give you the thing you seek. Near to us there is pool full of nectar where long ago I sunk a magic bow and arrow. These were the weapons with which I battled and cast down all the enemies of the gods. O Dark Ones go and raise from the depths that great bow and its dart.”