breach and there in the spadix a secret cohort was hidden away.
With his array complete Drona went to take up his own position. Hefting his bow at the spadix’s tip stood
Krita·varman and o father shoulder to shoulder with him were
Jala·sandha of Kamboja and Karna and Duryodhana. In all there were one hundred thousand brave soldiers protecting the edge of the spathe and o majesty behind that great ring at the base of the flower’s needle stood their ward King Jayad·ratha. Placed at the tip of the spathe with Bhoja watching his back was Bharad·vaja’s son. White was the armour about his broad shoulders and white his robes and white the turban he wore on his head, and as his bow thrummed in his mighty grip he seemed none but Death come to bear us all away. To see his red horses and the sign of the black antelope and pedestal atop his car filled Kuru hearts with wild joy. The saints and holy ones of heaven looked down upon Drona’s array rippling like the sea and they too were amazed. They thought his army might devour the whole of the stony earth, all of its seas and all of its trees and all of the tribes that make their home upon it.
Upon cars, kings, men, beasts and horses,
In tumult and dazzling splendour,
Upon the blade that would pierce his haters’ hearts,
The king’s gaze fell, and he was pleased.