vasudeva spoke:
Dhanan·jaya. See Duryodhana make his brazen approach. A marvel to behold for I swear there is no chariot like to his. Dhrita·rashtra’s mighty son is a colourful fighter. His arrows are strong and farflying. His bow is stout and his hand is deft. Battle is his liquor. He was born and bred in opulence and his peers revere him. And his devious heart has never harboured anything but contempt for Pandu’s line.
O sinless son of Pritha I think that the time is right for this confrontation. The die is cast for you or for another. At long last let from your veins the bitter poison that has flowed in them for so long. This warlord is the root of all the sufferings of Pandu’s children. Now he stands before you think of what you stand to gain in ridding yourself of him. Will you brook a man that so covets your kingdom he has crossed swords with you to make it his? Fate has brought him within the reach of your arrows. Do what you must to be free of him Dhanan·jaya. He is drunk on the wine of power and has yet to come to grief but o bull in the herd of men he does not comprehend your capability in combat. Partha this triple world of men gods and demons could not better you in battle. What of lone Suyodhana?
O Partha. Fate has brought him close to your car so raise your two strong arms and strike him down as Puran·dara struck down Vritra. It was he who though you did him no
wrong* loaded the dice and tricked the righteous king and toiled without end to destroy you. Break the pride that visited so many endless evils upon your good selves. Be quick.