at a deer. As Drona fell upon his prey the Pandavas let out a cry. Bharadvaja’s hand came down and they yelled o lord that their king was dead. But at that very moment Saha·deva’s car swept past and Yudhi·shthira son of Kunti leapt aboard and its fleet steeds bore them both away.
sanjaya spoke:
O majesty. As Brihat·kshatra the unbending scion of Kekaya rode past, Kshema·dhurti struck him in the chest with his darts. King Brihat·kshatra’s riposte was quick for he was keen to find passage through Drona’s line. He hit back with nine knotless shafts. Rage swept through Kshema·dhurti. He took a whetted rosewood bolt and sent it splintering through the great Kekaya’s bow, and as the mighty archer stood there with the broken bow in his hands he was struck hard again with another wellwhittled shaft. Brihat·kshatra just smiled and raised another bow. He felled Kshema·dhurti’s driver and horses and cut his car to pieces and then with another whetted rosewood bolt he took the great man’s head from his body. Its earrings flashed as with its crown and curls it was torn away and fell to settle on the earth. It glistered on the ground with heavenly light. Thrilled with his kill Brihat·kshatra rode his high car deeper into your horde to fight on for the sake of Pritha’s sons.
For Drona’s cause there was the great bowman
Vira·dhanvan and he swung his car into Dhrishta·ketu’s path. O Bharata they came together in a thousand arrows. Reeds flashing in their maws the fiery pair fought like animals, like elephants mad with the season that out in the vast wastes