1. What was Carrie’s relationship to the Lord at the beginning of the book? Do you think the chasm was justified? Can you put your finger on the factor(s) that brought her back?

2. Contrast where Carrie and Adam were in their Christian walks at the beginning of the book. What do you think was the cause of the difference? Do you think you might have felt the same in their situations?

3. Was there any justification for Adam hiding his past from Carrie? Is there ever a valid reason for a lie or partial truth? Why or why not?

4. What is your mental image of Adam’s older brother? What was their relationship? Why?

5. Phil Rushton is a complex character. What was your overall opinion of him? If you didn’t know about Phil’s marital and family status, what would you guess it was? Why?

6. For a long time, Adam resisted getting a gun. What pushed him over the edge? Do you think he would have used it?

7. What was your takeaway message after finishing the book?