READERS MAY HAVE THE IDEA THAT NOVELS SPRING, FRESHLY formed and complete, from the fertile minds of writers. Far be it from me to disillusion you, but it doesn’t happen that way. For instance, here’s what it took to put this novel in your hands.
I’m privileged to have a wife who is my first reader, my biggest fan, and my most discerning critic. Kay helped me shape this story from its inception to the final step along the way. Thank you, dear. I truly couldn’t do it without you.
My fantastic agent, Rachelle Gardner, has believed in me when others didn’t. She presented this concept, and the novel that followed, to my editor, Amanda Bostic, who applied her editorial talent to point me in the right direction. Then Traci DePree exercised her special touch to help me improve the story even further. I appreciate all of these ladies so much. They deserve chocolate . . . or at least a round of applause.
While I was writing, Kristen Vasgaard was designing a dynamite book cover. After the edits were completed, Becky Monds and the rest of the Thomas Nelson crew shepherded the novel through production. Meanwhile, Katie Bond and Laura Dickerson got the word out so readers would know about the book. My sincere thanks go to every one of these good folks.
My writing journey has been long and, at times, difficult. Along the way I’ve received encouragement, instruction, and mentoring from lots of people, including (but not limited to): Karen Ball, James Scott Bell, Colleen Coble, Brandilyn Collins, Alton Gansky, Jeff Gerke, Dennis Hensley, Randy Ingermanson, DiAnn Mills, Michael Palmer, Gayle Roper, Barbara Scott, Terry Whalin, and too many more to mention.
And, of course, I’ve been blessed with the support of my family and friends through it all.
Finally, I’m grateful for my loyal readers and the opportunity to share these words with you. Thanks for coming along for the ride. I hope you enjoyed it.