Freya was glad to get out of the house. The security team seemed to be in every corner of her home and it was unnerving the amount of measuring, pointing and drilling they were doing. She didn’t really relax until they were at County Bridge.
They’d bought bagels, sodas and a mud pie from Casey’s and they took the food down to the bridge. They sat together, their feet hanging over the side, watching the water flow upstream.
‘God, it’s been a mad few days,’ Nicholas remarked, taking a sip of his drink.
‘Completely mad.’
‘Look, I know we agreed we’d try and live like two normal people, with no ostentatious behaviour or unnecessary, showy outings. We also said we’d involve ourselves in the community and try and become a part of that…’ he started.
‘I’m waiting for the “but”. Did I interrupt it? Was the “but” coming just then?’
‘I just want you to know, I don’t want the security either. I love living in Mayleaf. We have a real home there with friends who care about us. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as at home anywhere as I do there. Perhaps it’s a sign of getting old, but when I have to leave to film or something, I really don’t want to go.’
‘No, I feel the same. That’s why I hate that this is happening. It’s spoiling everything.’
‘We’ll try not to let it ruin things but we have to take precautions. We would be crazy not to.’
‘I know, Nick, I’m not stupid. I know we have to be careful and that, like it or not, we’re on the top of the celebrity tree. I just never asked for it, that’s all. The attention, the spotlight, that’s your thing, not mine,’ Freya reminded him.
‘I would never do anything to put you in any danger and if my chosen career is putting you in danger, putting us in danger, then…’
‘It isn’t you putting us in danger; it’s my father. And don’t you dare say you would give it up because I will not let you do that. You love what you do and you’re fantastic at it. And look at everything we’ve achieved in the last six months or so. We’ve donated more money to worthy causes than anyone else on the planet.’
‘But at what price? If this isn’t your father’s work then it’s the work of someone who obviously doesn’t care for us much.’ He took a sip of his drink.
‘Doesn’t care for me much, you mean. You weren’t headless in any of the pictures.’
‘I was just going to say, maybe we should step out of the limelight for a while. I don’t know, maybe your desert island idea wasn’t such a joke after all.’
‘I have so much going on right now, with the Every Day project, not to mention my photography exhibition coming up. I couldn’t hide away even if I wanted to. I can’t start something and then abandon it. Anyway, stepping away from things would be like giving in to my father, wouldn’t it? You know he scares the shit out of me, but you also know I hate giving in to anyone.’ She bit into her bagel.
‘I just want to protect you. As alpha male as that sounds. I don’t want to have brought you over here and made your life a misery.’
And now would be an excellent time to mention meeting with her father. Was he going to tell her? Or was he going to keep it from her? She paused long, met his eyes with hers. Nothing was forthcoming.
‘Nick, you’ve made me so happy, so unbelievably happy. Every morning I wake up lying next to this Adonis and I can’t believe my luck. I keep thinking someone’s going to produce some ruby slippers from somewhere, click the heels together three times and have me whirlwinding back to Clapham. I love you, so much.’ She took hold of his hand.
‘I love you too.’ He reached out and gently touched her face, drawing her towards him to kiss her. ‘Listen, if you want to hold off on the wedding, I would understand,’ he said.
‘Is that what you want?’ Freya asked him.
‘Hell no! I want to marry you now more than ever.’
‘Then let’s do it.’ She nodded with determination.
‘Anywhere, I don’t care. Casey’s? Statue of Liberty? Bungee jumping over the Grand Canyon? You choose.’ She laughed.
Breaking the moment, Nicholas’ phone began to ring.
‘Argh! You said you’d turned it off. I can’t be marrying someone who can’t be separated from their mobile phone.’ She jumped up.
‘I can’t be married to someone who can’t be separated from their cameras. I see Claude under your t-shirt and I also saw you sneak Max into the car,’ Nicholas called to her.
‘Pervert! You’re nothing but a dirty voyeur, watching my every move.’ She set off across the bridge.
‘It’s Sandra. I’ll catch you up.’
She waved her hand at him and Nicholas put the phone to his ear.
‘Hello, Sandra… You did? Good. Yes, tonight’s fine. What time and where? Eight at the President’s Lounge? Yeah, I know where it is. OK, thanks. I’ll see you.’
She wasn’t stupid. She knew this was the call he’d been waiting all morning for. She just wished he wasn’t hiding it from her. There was no way she was going to let him go anywhere near her father.
‘Smile!’ she called, focusing her camera on him.
‘Freya, that was Sandra. I’ve got to do an interview tonight at eight on some chat show on the Film Factor Network. It was supposed to be next week but they want to tape it tonight so…’
Freya let out a heavy sigh and shook her head at him.
‘What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?’
‘I know you’re planning to meet my father. I heard you this morning. And now you’re lying to me about it. We said no more secrets and you’re making up some bullshit about going to do a show when you’re planning on putting yourself in a room with that madman.’
Nicholas held up his hands in defeat.
‘You can phone Sandra back right now and tell her to cancel. I won’t let you go and see him.’ She sniffed, tried to stop the tears from being created.
‘I’m sorry I lied but I’m not sorry I made the appointment. I have to sort this out.’
‘It’s not your decision to make. He’s hurting both of us now. I’m in this just as much as you and I want it to stop. He’s not going to control our lives. He’s not going to hurt the people we care about. And he’s not going to drive a wedge between us.’ He slammed his hand down on the bridge.
‘Nick, you don’t understand…’
‘No. I’ve heard enough about it. I’m going to see him. I’m going to see him and I’m going to end this.’
‘No. No buts. End of conversation.’