
I took no liberties with the law or the courtroom, relying heavily on the advice of these good-natured attorneys: Bonnie Covey, who led me to Marwa Abdulla, who schooled me in immigration law and offered tips that worked their way into plot points; former criminal lawyer and professor of criminal law Daniel Medwed, who helped me throw the book at Jane and Perry; Judge Michael Ponsor, novelist and U.S. district judge, who ensured that everything was bench-correct; and intellectual property attorney Lawrence Siskind, who gave me license to quote, nearly word for word, recipes from my treasured antique cookbooks: Hood’s Practical Cook’s Book for the Average Household, published by C. J. Hood & Co, Lowell, MA, copyright 1897; and Good Cooking by Mrs. S.T. Rorer, published by Curtis Publishing Company of Philadelphia, copyright 1896.

For his help on police matters, book after book, I am indebted to James E. Mulligan, former chief of police in Georgetown, MA, police commissioner in Rockport and Rowley, MA, and surely the nicest-ever graduate of the FBI National Academy.

I salute Millicent Bennett with huge and fondest thanks for her early faith in Ms. Demeanor, and for her excellent editorial guidance and her gusto. We voyaged together from Houghton Mifflin, and reached the Harper shore a very committed crew. Her assistant, Liz Velez, is a constant provider of cheerful and speedy help, no matter the question.

I started this novel at the urging of my agent, Suzanne Gluck, whose wisdom, humor, support, and velvet glove I treasure every day. My thanks, too, to Nina Iandolo, her champion assistant, and to WME’s Grayson Jernigan, my TikTok advisor.

Stacy Schiff bought my first book at Viking in 1985. Though she left editing to write prizewinning biographies, she’s never left my side, and remains a wise and faithful reader, advisor, and dear friend.

I owe everything relating to art and (fictional) auction houses to the very dear, Significant Jonathan Greenberg.

Ellen Kapit, an associate real estate agent in New York City, allowed Duncan’s dodgy dealings with great good humor, against her own impeccable standards. Lucky for me, fellow novelist Jillian Medoff was married at city hall in New York City and helped bring Jane and Perry’s wedding to the page.

This book is dedicated to the memory of Mameve Medwed, who died on December 26, 2021. For thirty years, she read every page of every book as I polished each chapter. I depended on her approval, her laughter, and her wisdom every day. She was my perfect reader.