“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all evening, Madison Laclaire.”

“I have no objection,” she managed to say.

“Good,” Troy murmured, and bent his head.

This was a full-out, hungry demand. Apparently he wasn’t a tentative kind of guy.

He was the one to stiffen and lift his head. Only belatedly did Madison realize she’d heard the scrape of furniture on the floor behind them. Oh, heavens—she sneaked a peek to see that a waiter was upending chairs and putting them on tables. He very tactfully had his back to them as he worked, but he must have seen them kissing.

“It’s probably just as well we were interrupted.” Madison wasn’t sure she meant it. “I’m usually, um, a little more cautious than that.”

Wow. Getting swept away like this might make her giddy, but it was more than a little scary, too.

So what? she thought with an unaccustomed feeling of boldness. In her opinion, she was past due to take some risks—at least with this man.