Altari (all-TAR-ee) the Makers of the Tanu, and the ancestors of the Riven
Alvalaithen (al-vuh-LAYTH-en) Chloe’s Tan’ji, the dragonfly, the Earthwing; with it, she can become incorporeal
Auditor a type of Riven; though not Tan’ji, they can imitate the powers of nearby instruments
breach the gap in time across which the Fel’Daera sees into the future
cleave to forcibly and permanently rip apart the bond between a Keeper and his or her Tan’ji
cloister one of the small safe havens of the Wardens, usually a walled garden containing a leestone and a falkrete circle
daktan (dock-TAHN) a piece broken off a Tan’ji, usually through deliberate sabotage
dispossessed term for a Keeper who is permanently cut off from his or her instrument, usually by cleaving or being severed for too long
doba small stone buildings in the Great Burrow; living quarters
dumin (DOO-min) a spherical shield of force through which almost nothing can pass; a dumin is created by crushing a small glass ball called a dumindar
empath a Keeper who can read the minds of nonhuman animals
falkrete the strangely shaped stones found in cloisters; usually arranged in a circle, only a few of these stones possess the power they once did
Fel’Daera (fel-DARE-ah) Horace’s Tan’ji, the Box of Promises; with it, he can see a short distance into the future
Find, the the solitary period during which a new Keeper masters his or her instrument
Great Burrow the uppermost chamber of the Warren
harp an instrument used by Tuners; only Tuners can use a harp, but harps are not Tan’ji
jithandra (jih-THAHN-drah) a small, personalized Tan’kindi used by the Wardens for illumination, identification, and entry into the Warren
Keeper one who has bonded with an instrument, thus becoming Tan’ji
Kesh’kiri (kesh-KEER-ee) the name the Riven use for themselves (see “Riven”)
Laithe of Teneves (TEN-eevs) a mysterious Tanu, a spinning globe, in Mr. Meister’s possession
leestone a Tan’kindi that provides some protection against the Riven
Loomdaughters the first Tan’ji made with the Starlit Loom; there were nine in total
Maw the great chasm at the back of the Great Burrow
Mazzoleni Academy the boarding school beneath which the Warren lies
Medium, the the energy that powers all Tanu
Mordin Riven who are particularly skilled at hunting down Tan’ji
Mothergates mysterious in nature, the three Mothergates are the structures through which the Medium flows before reaching out to power all Tanu in the world
Nevren a field of influence that temporarily severs the bond between a Keeper and his Tan’ji; Nevrens protect the Wardens’ strongholds
oublimort a Tanu within the Warren meant to confound unprepared visitors
oraculum a Tan’ji belonging to Mr. Meister, a lens that allows him to see the Medium
passkey a Tan’kindi that allows passage through certain walls
Perilous Stairs the cliffside staircase that leads down into the Maw in the Warren
raven’s eye a weak and portable kind of leestone, a Tan’kindi
Riven the secretive race of beings who hunger to claim all the Tanu for their own; they call themselves the Kesh’kiri
San’ska (sahn-SKA) the home cloister, the haven nearest to the Warren; its leestone is a magpie
sever to temporarily cut a Keeper off from his or her Tan’ji
Staff of Obro Gabriel’s Tan’ji, a wooden staff with a silver tip; it releases the humour, which blinds others but gives him an acute awareness of his surroundings
Starlit Loom the very first Tanu; a Tan’ji that gives its Keeper the power to make new Tanu
Tanu (TAH-noo) the universal term for all of the mysterious devices created by the Makers; the function of these instruments is all but unknown to most (two main kinds of Tanu are Tan’ji and Tan’kindi)
Tan’ji (tahn-JEE) a special class of Tanu that will only work when bonded with a Keeper who has a specific talent; “Tan’ji” also describes the Keeper himself or herself, as well as the state of that bond—a kind of belonging or being
Tan’kindi (tahn-KIN-dee) a simpler category of Tanu (raven’s eye, dumindar, etc.) that will work for anyone; unlike Tan’ji, Tan’kindi do not require a special talent or a bond
Tan’layn (tahn-LAIN) the term for Tan’ji that do not currently have a Keeper; the unspoken
Tinker a Kesh’kiri word for ordinary humans
tourminda (tour-MIN-dah) a fairly common kind of Tan’ji that allows its Keeper to defy gravity; such Keepers—like Neptune—are called tourmindala
Tuner though not Tan’ji, Tuners can use instruments called harps to cleanse and tune other Tanu
Tunraden (toon-RAH-den) Brian’s Tan’ji, a Loomdaughter
Vithra’s Eye the name of the Nevren that guards the Warren; very powerful
Vora Mrs. Hapsteade’s Tan’ji, the quill and ink; it is used to determine the abilitites of potential new Keepers
Wardens the secret group of Keepers devoted to protecting the Tanu from the Riven
Warren the Wardens’ headquarters beneath the city, deep underground