I am grateful to many people who have been instrumental in making this book a reality, especially all of the patients and professionals who have taught me so much about how the brain relates to having a magnificent mind. I am especially grateful for the loving support of my parents. The staff at Amen Clinics, Inc., have been of help and tremendous support during this process, especially my personal assistant, Catherine Hanlon, along with Dr. Leonti Thompson, Professor David Bennett, Mike Marino, Chris Hanks, Breanne Amen, Jesse Payne, Kaitlyn Amen, Jill Prunella, Kandace Kadow, and Krystle Miller. Dr. Earl Henslin, as always, has been helpful and a joy to have as a friend and mentor. As usual, I am grateful to David and Sandy Brokaw of the Brokaw Company, who gave many helpful suggestions. I also wish to thank my wonderful literary team at Harmony Books, especially my very patient editor, Julia Pastore, and publisher, Shaye Areheart. I am ever grateful to my literary agent Faith Hamlin and the team at Sanford J. Green-burger Associates for their longstanding love and support. Finally, I am grateful to Tana, my wife, my joy, and my best friend, who patiently read every word and gave many thoughtful suggestions. I love all of you.