- Abgrenzung
- Abitur
- Abyssinia
- academics
- emigration
- post war issues
- acculturation
- Ackermann, Anton (1905–73)
- action theory
- Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967)
- ADGB (Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund)
- Adorno, Theodor (1903–69)
- Afghanistan
- agrarian bolshevism
- agricultural protectionism
- agriculture
- collectivization
- reorganization
- Ahlen programme
- air force, in Third Reich
- air raids
- alienation theory
- Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (ADGB)
- Alliance for Germany
- Allies
- Alsace
- Alsace-Lorraine
- Aly, Götz (1947– )
- Andersch, Alfred (1914–80)
- Anderson, Sascha (1953– )
- Angestellten (white-collar workers)
- Anschluss of Austria
- anti-Americanism
- anti-colonial revolts
- anti-communism
- anti-fascist organizations
- anti-Nazism
- anti-Semitism
- Austria
- eliminationist
- Hitler’s
- Third Reich
- see also Holocaust; Jews
- anti-socialist laws
- anti-terrorism measures
- APO (Extra-Parliamentary Opposition)
- apoliticism
- architecture
- Ardennes
- Armistice
- army
- Aryan Germans
- Aryanization
- atrocities
- Attlee, Clement (1883–1967)
- Auschwitz
- Aussenlager
- Austria
- Anschluss with Germany
- anti-Semitism
- army barracks
- attempted coup by Austrian Nazis (1934)
- banking crisis (1931)
- border with Hungary opened
- concentration camps
- exclusion from ‘small Germany’ (1871)
- national identity
- and Treaty of Versailles
- autarky
- authoritarianism
- autobahns
- Axel Springer Press
- Axis Powers
- Baader, Andreas (1943–77)
- Baader–Meinhof gang see Red Army Faction (RAF)
- Baden, Prince Max von (1867–1929)
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bad Godesberg Programme (1959)
- Bahro, Rudolf (1935–97)
- The Alternative in Eastern Europe (1977)
- Balkan conflicts
- Baltic States
- banking
- banking crisis (1931)
- Barschel, Uwe (1944–87)
- bartering
- Barzel, Rainer (1924–2006)
- Basic Law (Grundgesetz)
- amendments
- Article 23
- Article 131
- Article 146
- Basic Treaty (1972)
- Battle of Britain (1940)
- Bauer, Gustav (1870–1944)
- Bauhaus
- Bausoldaten
- Bavaria
- coup
- newspapers
- Republic
- resistance groups
- rural society
- social differences
- uprisings
- Bavarian People’s Party (BVP)
- BayerischeFreiheitsbewegung (BFB)
- Baylis, T.
- BDA (Bundesvereinigung der deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände)
- BDI (Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie)
- BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel)
- Beamten (civil servants)
- Beauty of Work (Schönheit der Arbeit)
- Becher, Johannes (1891–1958)
- Beck, Ludwig (1880–1944)
- Becker, Jurek (1937–97)
- Becker, Wolfgang (1954– )
- Beer Hall Putsch (1923)
- Behrens, Fritz (1909–80)
- Belgium
- Belsen
- Bełżec
- Benary, Arne (1929–71)
- Benjamin, Walter (1892–1940)
- Berchtesgaden
- Bergen-Belsen
- Berghahn, Volker
- Beria, Lawrenti Pawlowitsch (1899–1953)
- Berlin
- Berlin Appeal (1982)
- Berlin Blockade (1948)
- Berlin Republic
- and GDR identity
- international context
- and Nazi legacy
- social and political transformation
- Berlin Treaty (1926)
- Berlin University
- Berlin Wall
- breaching of
- circumventing
- construction
- fall of
- mementoes
- remnants
- see also Iron Curtain
- Berufsbildungsgesetz
- Berufsschulen
- Berufsverbot
- Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von (1856–1921)
- Bezirke
- BFB (Bayerische Freiheitsbewegung)
- Bielefeld School
- Biermann, Wolf (1936– )
- Bildungsrat
- Bild-Zeitung
- birth control
- birth rates
- Bismarck, Prince Otto von (1815–98)
- Bitburg Cemetery
- Bitterfield Conference (1959)
- Bizone
- black market
- blaue Reiter, Der
- Blitzkrieg
- Blomberg, Werner von (1878–1946)
- blue-collar workers
- Bohemia and Moravia, Protectorate of
- Bohley, Bärbel (1945–2010)
- Böhme, Ibrahim (1944–99)
- Böll, Heinrich (1917–85)
- Ansichteneines Clowns (1963)
- Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (1974)
- Fürsorgliche Belagerung (1979)
- Bolsheviks
- bolshevism
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906–45)
- Bonn
- books, burning of
- Borchardt, Knut (1929– )
- Borchert, Wolfgang (1921–47), Draussenvor der Tür (1947)
- Bormann, Martin (1900–45)
- Borsig
- bourgeoisie
- Brandenburg
- Brandenburg, Land
- Brandenburg Prison
- Brandt, Willy (1913–1992)
- Brauchitsch, Walther von (1881–1948)
- Braun, Eva (1912–45)
- Brecht, Bertolt (1898–1956)
- Bremen
- Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918)
- Breuer, Marcel (1902–1981)
- Brezhnev doctrine
- Britain
- culture
- currency
- economy
- education
- and European Defence Community
- and German foreign policy
- and German reunification
- knowledge of Holocaust
- military presence in FRG
- newspapers
- nuclear missiles
- occupation of Germany
- social classes
- and terrorism
- in World War Two
- Britain, Battle of (1940)
- Broszat, Martin (1926–89)
- Browning, Christopher (1944– )
- Brücke, Die
- Brüning, Heinrich (1885–1970)
- Brussig, Thomas (1965– )
- brutalization
- Buback, Siegfried (1920–77)
- Buchenwald
- Buna Chemical Plant
- Bund der Evangelischen Kirchen (League of Protestant Churches)
- Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten
- Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM)
- Bundesenquêtekommissionen
- Bundesrat
- Bundestag
- Bundesverband der deutschenIndustrie (BDI)
- Bundesvereinigung der deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA)
- Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung
- Burrin, Philippe (1952– )
- Bush, George Herbert Walker (1924– )
- Bush, George Walker (1946– )
- BVP (Bavarian People’s Party)
- Byrnes, James (1879–1972)
- Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (1920) (film)
- Canaris, Wilhelm (1887–1945)
- capital goods
- capitalism
- and Nazis
- theories
- carbon monoxide poisoning
- Catholic Centre Party (Zentrum)
- Catholics
- post Reformation Germany
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- CDU see Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
- Central Office of Land Justice Departments
- Central State Planning Commission
- Chamberlain, Neville (1869–1940)
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Chełmno (Kulmhof)
- Chernobyl
- child-care
- Childers, Thomas
- China
- Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
- Christianity
- Christian Social Union (CSU)
- Churchill, Winston (1874–1965)
- church–state relationships
- cinema
- citizenship
- civil servants (Beamten)
- class structure
- Clay, Lucius (1897–1978)
- co-determination (Mitbestimmung)
- coercion, in GDR
- Cold War
- and anti-communism
- and division of Germany
- end of
- ideology
- new
- tourist attractions
- collective consumption
- collective guilt, Germans
- collectives
- collectivism
- collectivization, agriculture
- Cologne
- COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Aid)
- Commerzbank
- Commissar Order
- communications media, in Weimar Republic
- communicative competence, theory of
- communism
- collapse of
- humanistic
- Polish
- Robert Havemann
- see also anti-communism
- Communist Party
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- community programmes
- comradeship
- concentration camps
- criminals as staff
- destruction of
- establishment
- as historical exhibits
- locations
- political dissidents
- see also extermination camps
- Concerted Action (Konzertierte Aktion)
- Confederation of Free German Trade Unions (FDGB)
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
- Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche)
- conscientious objectors
- conscription
- conservatism
- conservative nationalists, and Nazis
- constitutional patriotism
- constitutions and political framework
- consultative authoritarianism
- consumerism
- consumption, collective
- Control Commission
- corporatism
- corruption
- Council of Europe
- Council for Mutual Economic Aid (COMECON)
- Coventry
- crèches
- Crimea
- Critical Theory
- CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
- CSU see Christian Social Union (CSU)
- cultural intelligentsia
- cultural liberalization
- cultural talent, emigration
- culture
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- cumulative radicalization
- Cuno, Wilhelm (1876–1933)
- currency reform
- Customs Union (Zollverein)
- Czechoslovakia
- communism
- concentration camps
- German invasion of
- post-revolutionary
- Prague Spring (1968)
- revolutions
- Soviet invasion
- Dachau
- Dada
- DA (Democratic Awakening)
- DAF (German Labour Front)
- DAG (Deutsche Angestelltengewerkschaft)
- Dahrendorf, Ralf (1929–2009)
- Daily Telegraph
- Dallas (TV show)
- Danzig (Gdansk) (Poland)
- DAP (German Worker’s Party)
- Darré, Walther (1895–1953)
- Dawes Plan
- Dawidowicz, Lucy (1915–90)
- Day of Potsdam
- DBB (Deutscher Beamtenbund)
- DBD (Democratic Farmers’ Party of Germany)
- D-Day
- DDP (German Democratic Party)
- decadence
- decartelization
- decentralization
- Decree Concerning Radicals (1972)
- dehumanization
- deindustrialization
- demilitarization
- democracy
- comparisons of
- Hungary
- Marxist–Leninist interpretation
- occupied Germany
- opposition to
- ‘Third Way’
- Weimar Republic
- Democracy Now
- Democratic Awakening (DA)
- democratic centralism
- Democratic Farmers’ Party of Germany (DBD)
- Democratic Women’s League of Germany (DFD)
- democratization
- Demokratische Bewegung Deutschlands
- demonstrations
- denazification
- Denmark
- Depression see Great Depression
- détente
- determinism
- Deutsche Angestelltengewerkschaft (DAG)
- Deutsche Bank
- Deutscher Beamtenbund (DBB)
- Deutscher Industrie- und Handels-Tag (DIHT)
- Deutsches Frauenwerk (DFW)
- Deutsche Volksunion (DVU)
- Deutschkron, Inge (1922– )
- Deutschnationale-Handlungsgehilfenverband
- devaluation
- DFD (Democratic Women’s League of Germany)
- DFW (Deutsches Frauenwerk)
- DGB (German Confederation of Trade Unions)
- D’Hondt voting system
- dictatorships, participatory
- DIHT (Deutscher Industrie- und Handels-Tag)
- disabled, extermination
- dissent and opposition
- divorce rates
- Dix, Otto (1891–1969)
- DNVP (German National People’s Party)
- Döblin, Alfred (1878–1957)
- dock-workers, unemployed
- Dönitz, Karl (1891–1980)
- Doppelbelastung
- Downfall, The (2004) (film)
- Dresden
- Dresdner Bank
- Drexler, Anton (1884–1942)
- DSU (German Social Union)
- Dubček, Alexander (1921–92)
- Duesterberg, Theodor (1875–1950)
- Dunkirk
- durchherrschte Gesellschaft
- Düsseldorf Agreement (1955)
- Düsseldorf Industry Club
- Dutschke, Rudi (1940–79)
- DVP (German People’s Party)
- DVU (Deutsche Volksunion)
- Dynasty (TV show)
- East Germany, see German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- Ebert, Friedrich (1871–1925)
- Ebert–Groener pact
- EC (European Community)
- Eckart, Gabriele (1954– ), So sehe Ick die Sache: Protokolleaus der DDR
- Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat)
- economic recession (2008)
- Economic System of Socialism (ESS)
- economy
- Britain
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- united Germany
- Weimar Republic
- ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community)
- Edelweiss Pirates
- Eden, Sir Anthony (1897–1977)
- Edinger, L.
- education
- Soviet zones of occupation
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- western zones of occupation
- women
- Education Act (1946)
- EEC (European Economic Community)
- Eichhorn, Emil (1863–1925)
- Eigen-Sinn
- Einsatzgruppen
- Einstein, Albert (1879–1955)
- Eisenhüttenstadt
- Eisner, Kurt (1867–1919)
- elections
- Britain
- Länder
- and racialism
- Third Reich
- united Germany
- Weimar Republic
- Electoral Law (1956)
- elites
- occupied Germany
- Polish
- schools
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- Elser, Georg (1903–45)
- emancipation, women
- Emergency Laws (1968)
- emigration
- academics
- cultural talent
- East–West
- inner
- Jews
- political dissidents
- see also immigration; refugees
- employment
- Enabling Law (1933)
- Engelmann, Bernt (1921–94), Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuzmit Stern (1974)
- Engels, Friedrich (1820–95)
- England, see Britain
- Ensslin, Gudrun (1940–77)
- Entailed Farm Law
- environmentalism
- EOS (Erweiterte Oberschulen)
- Epp, Franz Ritter von (1868–1946)
- Equalization of Burdens Law (1952)
- Erhard, Ludwig (1897–1977)
- Ernst Thälmann Pioneer Organization
- Erweiterte Oberschulen (EOS)
- ESS (Economic System of Socialism)
- EU (European Union)
- Euro, introduction of
- European Advisory Committee
- European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
- European Community (EC)
- European Defence Community
- European Economic Community (EEC)
- European Recovery Programme, see Marshall Plan
- European Union (EU)
- Eurozone
- ‘euthanasia’ programme (1939–41)
- executions
- expressionism
- extermination camps
- Extra-Parliamentary Opposition (APO)
- extremism
- FAB (Freiheitsaktion Bayern)
- Fachschulen
- factory community
- family life
- comparisons between FRG and GDR
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- farms
- fascism
- vs. communism
- Marxist interpretations
- FDGB (Confederation of Free German Trade Unions)
- FDJ (Free German Youth)
- FDP, see Free Democratic Party (FDP)
- Fechner, Max (1892–1973)
- federalism
- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
- anti-Semitism
- army
- capitalism
- Catholics
- comparisons of society in GDR
- constitution and political framework
- culture
- democracy
- demonstrations
- dissent and opposition
- economy
- education
- elections
- elites
- family
- foreign relations
- formation
- Gastarbeiter
- middle classes
- missed opportunities
- national identity and historical consciousness
- Nazis
- neo-Nazis
- Ostpolitik
- police
- political culture
- political systems
- population
- Protestants
- refugees
- standards of living
- strikes
- trade unions
- unemployment
- working classes
- see also Adenauer, Konrad; Brandt, Willy; Erhard, Ludwig; Kohl, Helmut; Schmidt, Helmut
- federal system, abolition
- female participation, in labour force
- feminism
- fifth columnism
- Fighting League for German Culture
- film industry
- ‘Final Solution’, see Holocaust
- finance, international
- Finland
- First World War, see World War One (1914–18)
- Fischer, Fritz (1908–99)
- Five Year Plan (1956–60)
- Flakhelfergeneration
- Fleming, Gerald (1921–2006)
- Flick Affair
- Flossenbürg
- food
- food riots
- Fordism
- foreigners in FRG, see Gastarbeiter
- foreign exchange
- Foreign Ministers Conference (1947)
- Four-Power Accord (1971)
- Four Year Plan
- France
- and Austrian banks
- bourgeois revolution
- cultural life
- and European Defence Community
- and German reunification
- and Jews
- post-revolutionary
- revisionism
- revolutions
- and the Ruhr
- and Versailles Treaty
- and World War Two
- zone of occupation in Germany
- Franco, Francisco (1892–1975)
- Franco-Prussian War (1870)
- Frankfurt
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- Frankfurt School
- Frank, Hans (1900–46)
- Frauenlohngruppen
- Frederick the Great (1712–86)
- Free Corps (Freikorps)
- Free Democratic Party (FDP)
- Free German Youth (FDJ)
- free markets
- Freiheitsaktion Bayern (FAB)
- Freisler, Roland (1893–1945)
- Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939)
- Friedländer, Saul (1932– )
- Frings, Josef (1887–1978)
- fringsen
- Fritsch, Werner (1880–1939)
- Fritzsche, Hans (1900–53)
- Führer myth
- Fukuyama, Francis (1952– )
- functionalist interpretations, of Third Reich
- fundamentalists (Fundis)
- Funder, Anna (1966–) Stasiland (2003)
- Funk, Walther (1890–1960)
- further education
- Galen, Clemens August Count von (1878–1946)
- gassing
- Gastarbeiter
- citizenship laws
- resentment towards
- Gaus, Günter (1929–2004), Wo Deutschland liegt (1983)
- Gemeinschaftsfremden
- General Government, see Poland
- General Plan for the East
- genocide
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich (1927– )
- Gerasimov, Gennady (1930–2010)
- Gerlach, Manfred (1928–2011)
- German–Austrian customs union
- German Christians (Deutsche Christen)
- German Communist Party (KPD)
- German Confederation
- German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB)
- German Democratic Party (DDP)
- German Democratic Republic (GDR)
- anti-Semitism
- army
- capitalism
- Catholics
- Christianity
- coercion
- communism
- comparisons of society in FRG
- constitution and political framework
- culture
- demonstrations
- dissent and opposition
- economy
- education
- elections
- elites
- family
- foreign relations
- formation
- intellectuals
- Jews
- June 1953 uprising
- middle classes
- militarization
- missed opportunities
- national identity and historical consciousness
- neo-Nazis
- Ostpolitik
- police
- political culture
- political systems
- population
- propaganda
- Protestants
- purges
- refugees from
- social history
- socialism
- and Soviet Union
- standards of living
- strikes
- terror in
- trade unions
- Ulbricht’s period of office
- unemployment
- and US
- and Weimar Republic
- women
- working classes
- see also Honecker, Erich; revolutions, 1989; Ulbricht, Walter
- German Economic Commission (Deutsche Wirtschaftskommission)
- German Empire, see Imperial Germany
- German Historical Museum
- German history
- course of
- East German
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- and ‘Third Way’
- unification
- West German
- German Labour Front (DAF)
- German National People’s Party (DNVP)
- German People’s Party (DVP)
- German Prime Ministers’ meeting (Munich)
- Germans
- citizenship
- collective guilt
- divided nation
- immerdagegen
- knowledge of Holocaust
- national identity
- postwar attitudes
- victim status
- German Social Union (DSU)
- German State Party
- German Treaty (1954)
- German Workers’ Party (DAP)
- Gesamtschulen
- Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik (GST)
- Gestapo
- ghettos
- glasnost
- Gleichschaltung
- globalization
- global recession
- Globke, Hans (1898–1973)
- Goebbels, Josef (1897–1945)
- Goerdeler, Carl (1884–1945)
- Goering, Hermann (1893–1946)
- Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah (1959– ), Hitler’s Willing Executioners
- Goodbye Lenin! (2003) (film)
- Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931– )
- Graf, Willi (1918–43)
- Gramsci, Antonio (1891–1937)
- Grand Coalition (1928–30)
- Grand Coalition (1966–69)
- Grand Coalition (2005–09)
- Grass, Günter (1927– )
- Blechtrommel (1959)
- Der Butt (1977)
- Great Depression
- Greater German Reich (Grossdeutsches Reich)
- Great War, see World War One (1914–18)
- Greece
- Green Party
- Greifswald
- Groener, Wilhelm (1867–1939)
- Gropius, Walter (1883–1969)
- Grosser, Alfred (1925– )
- Grosz, Georg (1893–1959)
- Grotewohl, Otto (1894–1964)
- Grundschulen
- Gruppe 47
- GST (Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik)
- Guardian
- Guillaume, Günter (1927–95)
- Gulf crisis
- Gulf War (1991)
- Gymnasien
- gypsies (Sinti and Roma)
- Gysi, Gregor (1948– )
- Habermas, Jürgen (1929– )
- Hager, Kurt (1912–98)
- HAGO (Handwerks-, Handels-, und Gewerbe-Organisation)
- Halder, Franz (1884–1972)
- Halifax, Lord (1881–1959)
- Halle
- Halle-Wittenberg
- Hallstein doctrine
- Hamburg
- Hamburg Institute for Social Research
- Hanover
- Harich, Wolfgang (1923–95)
- Harnack, Arvid (1901–42)
- Härte (hardness)
- Hartz IV reforms
- Harzburg Front
- Hauptschulen
- Hauser, Siegfried
- Haussmann, Leander (1959– )
- Havemann, Robert (1910–82)
- Hegelian philosophy
- Heil salute
- Heimat
- Heimat (film)
- Henckel von Donnersmarck, Florian (1973– )
- Henlein, Konrad (1898–1945)
- heredity, Nazi views
- Herrhausen, Alfred (1930–89)
- Herrnstadt, Rudolf (1903–66)
- Hertling, Georg von (1843–1919)
- Hess, Rudolf (1894–1987)
- Hesse
- Hesse, Hermann (1877–1962)
- Heydrich, Reinhard (1904–42)
- Heym, Stefan (1913–2001)
- high-tech industries
- Hildebrand, Klaus (1941– )
- Hillgruber, Andreas (1925–89)
- Himmler, Heinrich (1900–45)
- Hindenburg, Oskar von (1883–1960)
- Hindenburg, Paul von (1847–1934)
- Hirschfeld, Magnus (1868–1935)
- historical consciousness
- Historikerstreit
- Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945)
- anti-Semitism
- defeat of
- economic policies
- empire in 1942
- foreign policy
- as Führer and Reich Chancellor
- and German history
- and Holocaust
- leadership style
- Mein Kampf (1925)
- plots against
- postwar perspectives
- rise of
- and World War Two
- Hitler Youth (HJ)
- Hochhuth, Rolf (1931– ) The Representative (1962)
- Hoess, Rudolf (1900–47)
- Hoffmann, Heinz (1910–85)
- Holland
- Holocaust
- as educational topic
- historians’ controversy
- memorials
- Holocaust (TV series) (1978)
- Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig (1942– )
- Holy Roman Empire
- homosexual men
- Honecker, Erich (1912–94)
- corruption charges
- period of office
- Honecker, Margot (1927– )
- Hoover Moratorium (1931)
- Höpcke, Klaus (1933– )
- Horkheimer, Max (1895–1973)
- Hossbach memorandum
- Hoyerswerda
- Huber, Kurt (1893–1943)
- Hugenberg, Alfred (1865–1951)
- human rights
- Hungary
- Jews
- post-revolutionary
- revolutions
- hyphenated identity
- I. G. Farben
- IM (inoffizielle Mitarbeiter)
- immer dagegen
- immigration
- Imperial Germany
- Independent
- Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD)
- individualism, vs. collectivism
- industrialization
- inflation
- Initiative for a Social Democratic Organization
- Innere Führung
- inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IM)
- intellectuals, in GDR
- intelligentsia
- cultural
- planning
- technical
- intentionalist interpretations, of Third Reich
- international finance
- international Jewry
- internment camps
- interpreted social reality
- IRA (Irish Republican Army)
- Iraq
- Iraq War (2003–11)
- Ireland
- Iron Curtain
- Isherwood, Christoper (1904–86)
- isolationism
- Italy
- James, Harold (1956– )
- Japan
- Jaruzelski, Wojciech (1923–2014)
- jazz
- JCS 1067
- Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Jena
- Jews
- Austrian
- extermination
- grave desecration
- ‘international Jewry’
- ‘Ostjuden’
- Polish
- Third Reich
- see also anti-Semitism; Holocaust
- Jodl, Alfred (1890–1946)
- Johnson, Uwe (1934–84)
- JP (Young Pioneers)
- Jugendweihe
- July Plot (1944)
- June Uprising (1953)
- Junge Gemeinde
- Junkers
- Kahlschlag
- Kahr, Gustav (1862–1934)
- Kaiserreich
- Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse
- Kandinsky, Wassily (1866–1944)
- Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804)
- Kantian philosophy
- Kapp–Lüttwitz Putsch (1920)
- Karlsruhe
- Karski, Jan (1914–2000)
- KasernierteVolkspolizei (KVP)
- KB (League of Culture)
- KDF (Kraft durch Freude)
- Keine Experimente! 152
- Keitel, Wilhelm (1882–1946)
- Kershaw, Ian (1943– )
- Kessler, Heinz (1920– )
- Keynesianism
- Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971)
- Kiel mutiny
- Kiesinger, Kurt Georg (1904–88)
- kindergartens
- Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880–1938)
- Kirsch, Sarah (1935–2013)
- Kleindeutschland (small Germany)
- Kleinruppin forever (2004) (film)
- Kleinstaaterei
- Klemperer, Victor (1881–1960)
- Klier, Freya (1950– )
- Klüger, Ruth (1931– )
- Knaurs Gesundheitslexikon
- Kocka, Jürgen (1941– )
- Kohl, Hannelore (1933–2001)
- Kohl, Helmut (1930– )
- Kolb, Eberhard (1933– )
- Kollwitz, Käthe (1867–1945)
- Koonz, Claudia, Mothers in the Fatherland (1986)
- Korean War (1950–53)
- KPD, see German Communist Party (KPD)
- Kraft durch Freude (KDF)
- Krawczyk, Stephan (1955– )
- Kreisau Circle
- Krejci, Jaroslav (1916–2014)
- Krenz, Egon (1937– )
- Kristallnacht
- Krupp
- Krushchev, Nikita (1894–1971)
- Kulmhof (Chełmno)
- Kultus-Minister-Konferenz
- Kunert, Günter (1929– )
- Kuwait
- KVP (KasernierteVolkspolizei)
- labour elites
- labour force, female participation
- Länder
- denazification
- education policies
- under occupation
- reduction of powers
- under unification
- Länderkammer
- land, redistribution
- land reforms
- Landtage
- Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossensc haften (LPGs)
- Lang, Fritz (1890–1976)
- Lange, Fritz (1898–1981)
- Lanzmann, Claude (1925– ) Shoah
- Laqueur, Walter (1921– )
- Latvia
- Lausanne Conference (1932)
- Law No. 8 (1945)
- Law on Decartelization (1957)
- Law against the Formation of New Parties (1933)
- Law for Liberation from National Socialism (1946)
- Law for Promoting Stability and Growth (1967)
- Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour (1935)
- Law to Reduce Unemployment (1933)
- Law Relating to the Democratization of German Schools (1946)
- Law Relating to the Socialist Development of Education (1959)
- Law Relating to the Unified System of Socialist Education (1965)
- Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (1933)
- LDPD (Liberal Democratic Party of Germany)
- League of Culture (KB)
- League of German Maidens (BDM)
- League of German Socialist Students (SDS)
- League of Nations
- League of Nazi Doctors
- League of Nazi Lawyers
- League of Nazi School-teachers
- Lebensraum
- Leber, Julius (1891–1945)
- Left Platform
- Legien, Carl (1861–1920)
- Leichtlohngruppen
- Leipzig
- leisure, commercialization
- Lengsfeld, Vera (1952–)
- Leninism, see Marxism-Leninism
- lethal injections
- Leuschner, Wilhelm (1890–1944)
- Level-of-Industry Plan (1946)
- Ley, Robert (1890–1945)
- liberal democracy
- Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD)
- Liberman, Evsei (1897–1983)
- Liebknecht, Karl (1871–1919)
- Linkspartei
- Linz (Austria)
- literature
- Lithuania
- Lives of Others, The (2005) (film)
- Locarno Pact (1925)
- Łódź Ghetto
- Loeser, Franz
- London, bombing of
- London Declaration (1990)
- LPGs (Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaften)
- Lübke, Heinrich (1892–1972)
- Lublin
- Ludendorff, Erich (1865–1937)
- Ludz, Peter Christian (1931–79)
- Luther, Hans (1879–1962)
- Luther, Martin (1483–1546)
- Lutheranism
- Lüttwitz, Walther Freiherr von (1859–1942)
- Luxembourg
- Luxemburg, Rosa (c.1870–1919)
- Machtergreifung myth
- Madagascar Plan
- Maizière, Lothar de (1940– )
- Malenkov, Georgy (1902–88)
- Mann, Heinrich (1871–1950)
- Mann, Thomas (1875–1955)
- Marc, Franz (1880–1916)
- Marcuse, Herbert (1898–1979)
- Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–80)
- marriage rates
- Marshall, Barbara
- Marshall, George (1880–1959)
- Marshall Aid
- Marshall Plan
- Marxism
- and Christianity
- and fascism
- and German history
- humanistic
- neo-Marxism
- Marx, Karl (1818–83)
- Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844)
- Marx, Wilhelm (1863–1946)
- Marxism-Leninism
- Mason, Tim (1940–90)
- mass organizations
- mass protests
- mass rallies
- master race
- Masur, Kurt (1927– )
- materialism
- Mecklenburg
- Mefo Bills
- Meinhof, Ulrike (1934–76)
- Mein Kampf (1925)
- Meins, Holger (1941–74)
- Memel
- memorials, Holocaust
- Mende, Erich (1916–98)
- Mendelsohn, Erich (1887–1953)
- Mengele, Josef (1911–79)
- mentally handicapped, extermination
- Merkel, Angela (1954– )
- Michaelis, Georg (1857–1936)
- microelectronic industries
- middle classes
- Imperial Germany
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- see also bourgeoisie
- Middle East
- Mielke, Erich (1907–2000)
- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (1886–1969)
- militarism
- militarization, in GDR
- military education
- military policies, Hitler’s
- military schools
- military service
- Ministerrat
- Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment
- Mischlinge
- Mitbestimmung
- Mitläufer
- Mittelbau-Dora
- modernization
- Modrow, Hans (1928– )
- Mogadishu
- Mölln
- Moltke, Hellmuth James (1907–45)
- Mommsen, Hans (1930– )
- monetary union
- Monowitz
- moral intelligentsia
- Moreton, Edwina
- Morgen, Der
- Morgenthau Plan
- Moscow Treaty (1970)
- motherhood, awards
- MSPD (Majority Social Democratic Party), see Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- Müller, Filip (1922– )
- Müller, Hermann (1876–1931)
- Munich
- Munich Beer Festival (1980)
- Munich Conference (1938)
- Münzer, Thomas (c.1488–1525)
- Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945)
- Napoleon I (1769–1821)
- National Assembly
- national community, Third Reich
- economy
- radicalization
- society and culture
- national consciousness
- National Constituent Assembly
- National Democratic Party of Germany (NDPD)
- National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD)
- NationaleVolksarmee (NVA)
- National Front
- national identity
- nationalism
- nationality principle
- National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (NSBO)
- National Socialist Frauenwerk (NSF)
- National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)
- National Socialist League of German Students
- Nationalzeitung, Die
- NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
- navy
- Nazi Party, see National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)
- Nazi–Soviet Pact (1939)
- NDPD (National Democratic Party of Germany)
- Nebenverfassung
- neo-Keynesianism
- neoliberalism
- neo-Marxism
- neo-Nazis
- NES (New Economic System)
- Neues Deutschland
- Neurath, Konstantin von (1873–1956)
- New Beginning
- ‘New Course’
- New Economic System (NES)
- New Forum
- new objectivity
- New Plan (1934)
- New School of Social Research
- newspaper industry
- New York
- Niemöller, Martin (1892–1984)
- Niethammer, Lutz (1939– )
- Night of Broken Glass (1938)
- Night of the Long Knives (1934)
- Nischengesellschaft
- Nolte, Ernst (1923– )
- non-defence committees
- ‘normalization’
- Normandy landings
- North Africa
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- North-Rhine Westphalia
- Norway
- NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany)
- NSBO (National Socialist Factory Cell Organization)
- NSDAP, see National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)
- NSF (National Socialist Frauenwerk)
- nuclear missiles
- numerus clausus
- Nuremberg Laws (1935)
- Nuremberg Trials (1945–6)
- NVA (NationaleVolksarmee)
- Oberländer, Theodor (1905–98)
- Oberschulen
- occupation of Germany (1945–49)
- Allies and framework of political life
- denazification and re-education
- division of Germany
- economic revival
- Occupation Statute (1951)
- Oder–Neisse Line
- OEEC (Organization for European Economic Co-operation)
- Oelssner, Fred (1903–77)
- Ohnesorg, Benno (1940–67)
- Ollenhauer, Erich (1901–63)
- Olympic Games (1936)
- ‘Operation Barbarossa’
- ‘Operation Harvest Festival’
- ‘Operation Sea-Lion’
- Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)
- Orwell, George (1903–50)
- Ossis
- Ostalgie
- Oster, Hans (1887–1945)
- Ostpolitik
- Overy, R. J. (1947– )
- ownership
- Pabst, Georg Wilhelm (1885–1967)
- Palast der Republik
- Papen, Franz von (1879–1969)
- paramilitary organizations
- Paris
- Paris Conference (1921)
- Paris Treaties
- Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry
- see also Bundesenquêtekommissionen
- participatory dictatorships
- Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS)
- passive resistance
- ‘pastoralization’
- patriotism, constitutional
- peace initiatives
- Pearl Harbor
- peasants
- Peasants’ War (1525)
- People’s Court
- People’s Encyclopaedia (1939)
- perestroika
- Persia, Shah of (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi) (1919–80)
- Persian Gulf
- Persil certificates
- Pétain, Philippe (1856–1951)
- Pfaffenhofener Kurier
- phoney war
- photographs
- Picht, Georg (1913–82), Die deutsche Bildungskatastrophe
- Pieck, Wilhelm (1876–1960)
- pillarization of society
- planning intelligentsia
- Plauen
- Plenzdorf, Ulrich (1934–2007), Die neuen Leiden des jungen W. (1972)
- Plötzensee jail
- pluralism
- Pöhl, Karl-Otto (1929– )
- Poland
- church–state relationships
- communism
- concentration camps
- German invasion of
- ghettos
- Polish–German frontier
- revolutions
- Versailles Treaty
- Poles, slave labour
- police
- Polish resistance movement
- political conformity
- political culture
- political dissidents, see dissent and opposition
- political framework, Allies and
- political systems and constitutions, see constitutions and political framework
- pollution
- Pomerania
- Ponto, Jürgen (1923–77)
- population, differences in FRG and GDR
- Posen (Poznań)
- Potsdam, Garrison Church
- Potsdam Agreement (1945)
- Prague
- Prague Spring (1968)
- presidents, roles
- pressure groups
- Preuss, Hugo (1860–1925)
- Probst, Christoph (1919–43)
- propaganda
- property ownership
- proportional representation
- protectionism, agricultural
- Protestants
- occupied Germany
- post Reformation Germany
- Third Reich
- unified Germany
- Weimar Republic
- Prussia
- psychology
- publishing industry
- purges
- Soviet Union
- Third Reich
- Quakers
- Quisling, Vidkun (1887–1945)
- racialism
- racial purity
- racism, Nazis
- racist extremism
- radicalization
- Radikalenerlass, see Decree Concerning Radicals (1972)
- radio
- Raeder, Erich (1876–1960)
- RAF, see Red Army Faction (RAF)
- Rahmenplan
- Ranke, Leopold von (1795–1886)
- Rapallo complex
- Rapallo Treaty (1922)
- rapprochement
- Raspin, G. (d.1977)
- Rassenkunde
- Rathenau, Walther (1867–1922)
- Ravensbrück
- Reagan, Ronald (1911–2004)
- realists
- Realschulen
- rearmament
- recentralization
- Rechtsstaat
- Red Army
- Red Army Faction (RAF)
- Red Orchestra
- re-education
- Reformation
- Reformfreudig
- refugees
- Reich, Jens (1939– )
- Reich Citizenship Law (1913)
- Reich Food Estate
- Reichsbank
- Reichsbürgergesetz
- Reich Security Main Office (RSHA)
- Reichskonkordat (1933)
- Reichskristallnacht (1938)
- Reichslandbund
- Reichsrat, abolition
- Reichsstatthalter
- Reichstag
- Reichswehr
- Reichwein, Adolf (1898–1944)
- Reinhard Action
- ‘Reinhardt Programmes’
- religion
- Remarque, Erich Maria (1898–1970)
- remilitarization
- Rentenmark
- reparations
- after World War One
- after World War Two
- Republican Party (Republikaner)
- resistance, in Third Reich
- reunification, attempts
- revisionism
- revolutions
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Rhineland
- demilitarized
- evacuation of
- and French
- remilitarization (1936)
- Ribbentrop, Joachim von (1893–1946)
- Richter, Hans Werner (1908–93)
- rights
- citizen
- human
- trade union
- Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875–1926)
- Robbins Report (1963)
- Robertson, Sir Brian (1896–1974)
- Röhm, Ernst (1887–1934)
- Romania
- Rome
- Rome, Treaty of (1957)
- ‘Rome–Berlin Axis’
- Rommel, Erwin (1891–1944)
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882–1945)
- Rosh, Lea (1936– )
- Rostock
- RSHA (Reich Security Main Office)
- Ruf, Der
- Ruhr
- after 1945
- French occupation
- Ruhr lock-out (1928)
- rural society
- Rusch, Claudia (1971– ), Meinefreie deutsche Jugend (2003)
- Russia
- German military schools
- post-1917
- revolution (1917)
- tsarist
- see also Soviet Union
- Ruttmann, Walter (1887–1941)
- SA
- Saar
- Saarland
- Sachsenhausen
- SAGs (Soviet joint-stock companies)
- sailors’ mutiny (1918)
- Saxony
- Scandinavia
- Schabowski, Günter (1929– )
- Schacht, Hjalmar (1877–1970)
- Scheel, Walter (1919– )
- Scheidemann, Philipp (1865–1939)
- Schengen agreement (1995)
- Schindler, Oskar (1908–74)
- Schindler’s List (1993) (film)
- Schirach, Baldur von (1907–74)
- Schirdewan, Karl (1907–98)
- Schleicher, Kurt von (1882–1934)
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Schleyer, Hanns-Martin (1915–77)
- Schmidt, Helmut (1918– )
- Schmorell, Alexander (1917–43)
- Schoenbaum, David (1935– )
- Scholl, Hans (1918–43)
- Scholl, Sophie (1921–43)
- Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud (1902–99)
- Schönberg, Arnold (1874–1951)
- Schönherr, Albrecht (1911–2009)
- Schönhuber, Franz (1923–2005)
- Schröder, Gerhard (1944– )
- Schulpforta
- Schulte, Eduard (1891–1966)
- Schulze, Rainer (1952– )
- Schulze-Boysen, Harro (1909–42)
- Schumacher, Kurt (1895–1952)
- Schuschnigg, Kurt (1897–1977)
- Schutzstaffel (SS)
- ban on
- and Christianity
- graves
- and Holocaust
- powers
- reunions
- Schwerin
- science research
- scorched earth policies
- SD (Sicherheitsdienst)
- SDS (League of German Socialist Students)
- Second World War, see World War Two (1939–45)
- secularization
- SED, see Socialist Unity Party (SED)
- Seeckt, Hans von (1866–1936)
- Seghers, Anna (1900–83)
- Selbmann, Fritz (1899–1975)
- Seldte, Franz (1882–1947)
- self-sufficiency
- September 11 terrorist attack
- Seven Year Plan
- Seyss-Inquart, Arthur (1892–1946)
- Shoah, see Holocaust
- Shoah (film)(1985)
- Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
- Siemens
- Silesia
- Simmel, Georg (1858–1918)
- Simon Wiesenthal Centre
- ‘Sinatra Doctrine’
- Sitzkrieg
- Slansky, Rudolf (1901–52)
- slave labour
- Slovakia
- SMAD (Soviet Military Administration)
- Sobibór
- social Darwinism
- social democracy
- Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- social history
- socialism in GDR
- Socialist Reich Party (SRP)
- Socialist Unity Party (SED)
- socialization
- social–liberal coalition
- social market economy
- social mobility
- social reality, interpreted
- social revolutions
- social sciences
- Solidarity
- Solingen
- Sonderweg
- Sonnenallee (1999) (film)
- ‘Sovietization of the Public School System in East Germany’ (1951)
- Soviet joint-stock companies (SAGs)
- Soviet Military Administration (SMAD)
- Soviet Union
- collapse of
- and Czechoslovakia
- division of Germany
- and GDR
- Nazi–Soviet Pact
- occupation of Germany
- reunification of Germany
- and Weimar Republic
- World War Two
- see also Cold War; Russia
- Spandau Prison
- Spanish Civil War (1936–9)
- Spartacus League
- SPD, see Social Democratic Party (SPD)
- specialization
- special schools
- Speer, Albert (1905–81)
- spheres of influence, and division of Germany
- Spiegel, Der
- Spiegel Affair
- Spielberg, Steven (1946– )
- Spiessbürger
- Spitzengespräch (1978)
- Spreegurken
- SRP (Socialist Reich Party)
- SS, see Schutzstaffel (SS)
- Staatsrat
- Staatssicherheit (Stasi )
- depictions
- disbandment
- informers
- Stahlhelm
- Stalin, Joseph (1879–1953)
- and Hitler
- purges
- and reunification
- Stalingrad, Battle of
- Stalinism
- Stalinization
- Stalinstadt
- Stammheim
- standards of living
- Imperial Germany
- occupied Germany
- Stasi, see Staatssicherheit (Stasi)
- Stauffenberg, Claus Schenck Count von (1907–44)
- Steininger, Rolf (1942– )
- sterilization
- Stinnes, Hugo (1870–1924)
- Stinnes–Legien agreement (1918)
- Stolpe, Manfred (1936– )
- Stolpersteine
- Stoph, Willi (1914–1999)
- Strasser, Gregor (1892–1934)
- Strauss, Franz-Josef (1915–88)
- Streicher, Julius (1885–1946)
- Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude) programme
- Stresa Front
- Stresemann, Gustav (1878–1929)
- strikes
- Imperial Germany
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- unified Germany
- Weimar Republic
- structuralism
- Strukturplan für das Bildungswesen (1970)
- student movement
- Stunde Null (zero hour)
- Sturmabteilung (SA)
- Stuttgart
- Süddeutsche Zeitung
- Sudeten German Party
- Sudetenland
- survival work
- Switzerland
- Sympathiegemeinschaft
- Systemvergleich
- T4 programme
- Taut, Bruno (1880–1938)
- Taylor, A. J. P. (1906–90)
- Taylorism
- Teheran
- television
- Terezin (Theresienstadt)
- terror
- balance of
- Third Reich
- terrorism
- global
- Red Army Faction (RAF)
- Thälmann, Ernst (1886–1944)
- Thatcher, Margaret (1925–2013)
- Theresienstadt (Terezin)
- Thielbeer, Siegfried (1944– )
- Third Reich
- ‘Third Way’
- Thirty Years War (1618–48)
- Thousand Year Reich
- Thuringia
- Thyssen, Fritz (1873–1951)
- Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)
- Times, The
- Tisch, Harry (1927–95)
- Todesmühlen (1945) (film)
- totalitarianism
- trade agreements
- trade unions
- Imperial Germany
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- see also strikes
- Treblinka
- trench warfare
- Tribüne
- Tripartite Pact (1940)
- Trivialliteratur
- Trott, Adam von (1909–44)
- Truman, Harry (1884–1972)
- Truman Doctrine
- Trümmerfrauen, concept of
- Turkey
- Turkish immigrants
- Übelhör, Friedrich
- Ukraine
- Ulbricht, Walter (1893–1973)
- and dissent
- economic policies
- period of office
- unemployment
- Third Reich
- unified Germany
- Weimar Republic
- women
- unification of Germany
- United Kingdom (UK), see Britain
- United Nations (UN)
- United States of America (USA)
- 9/11
- anti-Americanism
- culture
- and Dachau
- Dawes Plan
- eugenics
- and GDR
- and German cultural talent
- and German inflation
- hyphenated identity
- Iraq War
- isolationism
- military presence in FRG
- occupation of Germany
- production methods
- and reunification
- and Soviet Union
- and unified Germany
- and Vietnam War
- World War Two
- Young Plan (1929)
- see also Cold War
- universities
- denazification
- Third Reich
- Untermenschen
- uprisings
- urbanization
- USA, see United States of America (USA)
- USPD (Independent Social Democratic Party)
- USSR, see Soviet Union
- Vaterlandspartei
- VEBs (Volkseigene Betriebe)
- Vereinigungen Volkseigener Betriebe (VVBs)
- Vergangenheitsbewältigung
- Verordnungen
- Versailles, Treaty of (1919)
- and Austria
- and Nazis
- and Weimar Republic
- Vichy France
- victim status, Germans
- Vietnam War (1959–75)
- visual arts
- Volksdemokratie
- Volkseigene Betriebe (VEBs)
- Volkseigene Güter
- Volksgemeinschaft
- Volksgenossen
- Volkskammer
- Volksparteien
- Volkspolizei
- Volksschulen
- voting systems
- Vrba, Rudolf (1924–2006)
- VVBs (Vereinigungen-Volkseigener Betriebe)
- Wallraff, Günter (1942– ), Ganz Unten (1985)
- Wall Street Crash (1929)
- Walser, Martin (1927– )
- Wandel, Paul (1905–95)
- Wandervogel movement
- Wannsee Conference (1942)
- war crimes trials
- Warsaw Ghetto
- Warsaw Pact
- Warsaw refugees
- Warsaw Treaty (1970)
- Wartburg Castle
- Weber, Max (1864–1920)
- Wehler, Hans-Ulrich (1931–2014)
- Wehrmacht
- Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann
- Wehrverfassung
- Weill, Kurt (1900–50)
- Weimar
- Weimar Republic
- collapse of
- comparisons with FRG political framework
- constitution and Treaty of Versailles
- formation of
- and GDR
- origins of
- political unrest and economic chaos
- society and culture
- stabilization
- Weizsäcker, Ernst von (1882–1951)
- Wels, Otto (1873–1939)
- Wende, die
- Wessis
- West Germany, see Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
- Westphalia, Peace of (1648)
- West Prussia, see Prussia
- Wetzler, Alfréd (1918–88)
- white-collar workers
- White Rose (resistance group)
- Wiesenthal, Simon (1908–2005)
- Wilhelm II (1859–1941)
- Wilhelmine Germany, see Imperial Germany
- Wilhelmshaven
- Wilson, Harold (1916–95)
- Winter Relief Fund (WHW)
- Wirth, Joseph (1879–1956)
- Wirtschaftspartei
- Wolf, Christa (1929–2011)
- Wolf’s Lair
- Wollenberger, Vera (1952– )
- Wollweber, Ernst (1898–1967)
- women
- comparisons of family life in FRG and GDR
- education
- emancipation
- employment
- politicization
- Third Reich
- as Trümmerfrauen
- unified Germany
- Weimar Republic
- Workers’ Committees
- working classes
- Imperial Germany
- occupied Germany
- Third Reich
- Weimar Republic
- see also blue-collar workers
- Works Constitution Law (1952)
- World War One (1914–18)
- World War Two (1939–45)
- Wowereit, Klaus (1953–)
- Yalta
- Young Pioneers (JP)
- Young Plan (1929)
- youth culture
- youth organizations
- youth, socialization of
- Yugoslavia
- Zahlenspiegel
- Zaisser, Else (1898–1987)
- Zaisser, Wilhelm (1893–1958)
- Zehnklassenschulen
- Zehnklassigeallgemeinepolytechnische-Oberschulen
- Zeit, Die
- Zentral-Arbeits-Gemeinschaft(ZAG)
- Zentralschulen
- ‘zero hour’
- Zille, Heinrich (1858–1929)
- Ziller, Gerhart (1912–57)
- Zionism
- Zweigleisigkeit
- Zyklon B gas