1 | Unemployed dock-workers in January 1931 |
2 | Hitler’s triumphal arrival to popular acclaim in his former home town of Linz during the 1938 Anschluss of Austria (which subsequently represented itself as ‘Hitler’s first victim’) |
3 | German soldiers execute ‘partisans’, Lithuania, 1944 |
4 | Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, who, if they survived the misery, hunger and sickness of ghetto life, would ultimately be transported and murdered in an extermination camp |
5 | West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer looks uncomfortable on a visit to Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, in August 1961, a week after the Berlin Wall was erected |
6 | Schoolchildren on their weekly ‘day in industry’ in the ‘people’s own factory’, with which their school is twinned, admire the progress board in the ‘competition for fulfilment of the plan’ |
7 | Couple watching television, Er magazine cover, 1952 |
8 | East Berliners hack out mementoes from the now defunct Berlin Wall, in the spring of 1990 |
9 | Demonstration against rising rents and gentrification, Kreuzberg, Berlin, June 2013 |
10 | CDU poster ‘Wir haben mehr zu bieten’ (‘We have more to offer’) showing CDU candidates Vera Lengsfeld (formerly Vera Wollenberger) and Angela Merkel |
11 | ‘Stolpersteine’ – pavement ‘cobblestones to stumble over’, commemorating former Jewish inhabitants who were deported and murdered by the Nazis |
12 | The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, in the heart of Berlin, spreading over several acres between the Brandenburg Gate and the site of Hitler’s bunker, and providing an inescapable and controversial reminder of the Jewish victims of Nazism |