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“Have you freakin’ lost your mind!” Hector snarled. “I have a father, and he’s not a god!”
“Oh, him?” Pria smirked. “You were adopted, sweetie. Didn’t anyone ever tell you? The ruler of the underworld’s ichor runs through your veins. And soon... he will come to claim you.”
“Why wait until now?” Arnold asked. “Hades created Hector ages ago. Why would he come now?”
“Because the Twilight of the Gods is approaching, Ares,” Pria giggled. “It’s not just a thing where you all get reunited and get redemption. When all of us awaken, the final stages of this pitiful mortal world will begin. Either angels or the Olympians will reign over the mortals and decide their fate. It is a war to decide whether the real God will save the world or the Olympians will damn it. But I guess your bitch of a daughter left those details out. Imagine that.”
“You’re one of... us?” Emma asked.
“I was once,” Pria glared at the thought. “My name was Persephone. I was Hades’s wife. Until I saw what he... and all of you were capable of. The innocent people you slaughtered. You weren’t gods, angels, or demons... you were much worse. Every tragedy that happened over the centuries has been all your fault. This wasn’t the first time you all were reborn. This has been happening since before Christ and is still a plague that has yet to be stopped. Do you even remember what hellish atrocities you committed for Olympus?”
“You’re lying,” Arnold growled.
“You weren’t actually under the delusion that you were the heroes of this story, were you?” Pria let out a mirthless laugh. “Just four years ago, Hades unleashed a Beast he created that almost wiped out every reality in existence. The only reason that didn’t happen was because a group of Chosen mortals slew it on the ruins of Camelot. And you know why Hades did that? Why did he risk trillions of lives? Because he was preparing for Twilight, for the day he would be reunited with his family! All of you! Who were at times even worse than him! The only difference was, he escaped before he could be punished!”
“...She’s telling the truth,” said Emma in horror. “I can sense her honesty, her righteousness. That’s why she doesn’t have a soul; she chose not to have one.”
“How is that possible?” Hector asked in shock.
“Having souls was what damned all of you,” Pria sighed. “It’s what drove all of you to the brink. Angels were never supposed to have souls like the mortals do! We’re different from them — we can’t — it destroys us! Only a few of our family agreed not to go through with obtaining one, and we were the only ones who remained pure because of it!”
“Who else sided with you?” Arnold asked.
“You’ll see soon enough,” Pria shrugged. Pria aimed her gun and fired three shots as the world faded to black.
“YOU MUST BE — STRONGER!” Tristan yelled as he whipped Arnold’s bareback.
“I’m trying!” Arnold shouted in agony.
“Trying isn’t good enough!”
Arnold was inside the Hoof, supporting three car engines above his head as Tristan continued to strike him.
“Do you think the Four Horsemen will go easy on you or Mother?” Tristan snarled. “Because they won’t! They will only stop after dragging you to hell!”
“I told you that I —!”
“What? Aren’t good enough? That we’re wrong about you? Well, we’re not! You are Ares, the God of War! And it’s time you accept that. Stop being weak, Father! Or do you just want to lie down and beg for your life when the time comes? Because it will! They’ll kill your love, your friends... and the woman who raised you. Hell, they’ll probably start with her first. What will you do when they’re all screaming out your name in terror, begging you to save them? But all you do is... nothing.”
Arnold threw the engines at Tristan, causing him to fall down the nearest stairway. Tristan stood up, shaking it off, and smirked. “Now that... is stronger.”
“Why the hell did you just do that to me?” Arnold asked in frustration. “I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!”
“Hardly,” Tristan scoffed. “As for why I did it — you’re the God of War; your powers come from anger and fury. When used properly, your rage makes you stronger than any of the others. The hard part is getting you to acknowledge it! And stop being a bloody pussy!”
“...You’re right.”
ARNOLD WOKE UP, SHACKLED in the basement next to Hector.
“Dear God, I’ve got a massive headache,” Arnold muttered. “What did that bitch do to us?”
“I think she shot us in our damn heads,” Hector moaned. “At least your wound has already healed; I still have blood running down my face.”
“Where’s Emma?” Arnold asked as he tried to break his chains unsuccessfully.
“I don’t know,” Hector sighed. “I just woke up a few seconds before you did.”
“Great,” Arnold let out a mirthless laugh. “Just freaking wonderful! I was supposed to protect her... and you.”
“Me too, huh?” Hector chuckled. “I’m flattered. Is that why we haven’t spoken for a damn month?”
“Amelia, my fully grown immortal daughter, told me she thought you were a demigod,” Arnold sighed. “Which were the children sired by mine and Emma’s people, and those kids usually turned out to be the worst kind of demons imaginable. They would commit even worse sins than us, apparently. So, they were all killed by the angel Uriel. And if he or anyone else had discovered, you were the last surviving demigod... well, y’know? So, she asked me to keep my distance from you. That way, the Horsemen couldn’t gain your scent when they attacked me.”
“That’s why you started the fight with me about Pria?”
“You never had a problem with her?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Good,” Hector laughed. “At least one of us has good taste in girls. I just wish you would have been honest about all this shit. I would have listened to you.”
“Well, you would’ve had to do your cool magic trick with a battle-axe, but yeah.”
“I’m sorry, man,” Arnold sighed. “I screwed up so freaking much. I trained my ass off for a month because I was convinced I was supposed to be this great warrior god who was going to save and redeem his people. But it turns out it wasn’t even like that. I was a monster. We all were. If we did any of what Pria suggested... maybe we deserve to go to hell. There might not be any hope of redemption for us.”
“Bullshit,” said Hector, bluntly. “Did you ever even read your Bible or go to church?”
“Not for years.”
“Then think hard about this,” Hector said calmly. “God forgives; it’s that simple. It doesn’t matter what shitty things you do; as long as you feel remorse, he forgives you. Which means if he thinks all of us are worth a damn, then we can all find some kind of redemption. It’s just a simple fact. If you want to avoid being the monster you used to be, then just do it! Change your destiny while you can. Be who you want to be, not who everyone tells you to. Because the Arnold and Emma I know, are the best damn friends a guy could ever ask for. I mean, look at me. Apparently, I made out with my biological father’s ex-wife, and I’m not going to give up on myself because of it.”
“Actually, I’m not sure if they ever divorced.”
“Well, damn,” Hector frowned and let out a low whistle. “I did screw up on that one, didn’t I? Doesn’t matter, though. I’ll make up for that mistake. We all will,”
“You got a lot of faith in people who don’t deserve it,” Arnold smiled sadly.
“No, I don’t,” said Hector. “I have faith in my friends. Always have.”
“I hate to interrupt this little reunion,” came a familiar voice from up the school stairs.
Arnold recognized it immediately. “You have to be kidding me!”
“I’m afraid not,” Amelia smiled as she fully entered the basement.
“You both played me from the beginning,” Arnold snarled.
“I did,” Amelia laughed. “But Tristan didn’t. He actually loves you and Mother.”
“And you don’t?” Arnold gritted his teeth.
“Not really,” Amelia said casually. “You see, I was made by you... with a mortal woman centuries ago. I still remember when I slit her throat and watched her blood drip into her dinner. I thought I would feel bad at first, but I just wondered if you would be proud of me. But you weren’t... you beat me within an inch of my life... until Uriel came and finished the job. I lost count of how long I burned in hell. But then Persephone came and offered me a chance to get my vengeance, and I took it.”
“What vengeance?” Arnold rolled his eyes. “You killed your own mother? What did you expect me to do?”
“I’m sensing some deep-rooted issues,” said Hector. “I know you’ve been in hell for a very long time, but we now have these wonderful new experiences called: Family Therapy. And I think you two could really benefit from it. And I already know this great doctor. What do you say?”
Amelia gave an evil smirk and stabbed Arnold in his chest.
“I don’t think she’s crazy about that idea, Hec,” Arnold groaned.
“No, but she is crazy,” said Hector.
Amelia leaned in close over Hector. “I think I’ll slit your throat first.”
“Amelia — that’s enough!” Pria said as she entered the basement. “Unchain Ares.” Pria removed a long, thin black blade from the sheathe she was now wearing around her waist.
“Deicide,” Arnold muttered. “You’re going to unchain me, then try to kill me? I think you got this whole murder thing backwards. It’s easier to kill someone who can’t fight back.”
“Dude, don’t give her pointers,” Hector sighed. “Do you want them to kill us?”
“Deicide can only kill an Olympian when used honorably,” said Pria, raising her eyebrow at Hector. “As one of the Four Horsemen, I must abide by my lord’s rules. Now, Amelia, unchain your father.”
“Yeah... about that...”
Amelia spun around and kicked Pria in her chest as the angel’s sword flew into the air. Amelia caught it happily and ran it through Pria’s heart. She smirked gleefully. “There’s been a change of plans. I may be as pretty as an angel, but I was never even close to being one. So, I’m not bound by your lord’s rules, Persephone! Have fun wherever the slain angels go... or don’t.”
Amelia turned back to face Arnold and Hector. And used the Deicide to stab Arnold four more times and slashed Hector six. Their blood poured on the floor as their wounds had already begun to heal. Amelia then used the Deicide to carve runes into the blood-drenched floor.
“What are you doing?” Arnold growled.
“I wasn’t the only child you let down, Father,” Amelia smirked. “There’s so many of them suffering in hell as we speak. So, I think it’s time they get out on parole: good behavior and all that. Your ichor, combined with Hector’s demigod blood, will open a portal to hell for all of them to walk through. The only other thing I need is the right tool to channel such power.”
“The Deicide!” Arnold gasped. “Amelia — don’t do this. There’s no guarantee that only your siblings will come out. You could unleash all of hell on earth. Billions of innocent people will die!”
“Look at you being so damn noble,” Amelia snickered. “It’s pathetic. Since when do you care about anyone besides your idiotic Olympians? You used to slaughter these innocent people, just like I did. Only you punished me for it. You punished all of us. You were a hypocrite then... and a fool now. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to gain yours and Tristan’s trust. You both are so arrogant and trusting! All it took was stroking your ego. And now, look at both of you. Like father, like son, eh?”
“What did you do to him?” Arnold snarled.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Amelia laughed. “He’s still alive. I’ve decided the first one you love who will die is going to be your precious Aphrodite...”
“Don’t you touch her!”
“...Or perhaps your weak mortal mother,” Amelia smirked. “I wonder just how much I could make her beg... while I make you watch.”
“Y’know what, Amelia,” Arnold snarled as his eyes flashed dark red. “Thanks. You just said the magic words!”
Arnold busted free from his chains, summoning his own Deicide to his hand. “The angrier I get, the more powerful I am, and you just pissed me off!”
Arnold swung his axe at Amelia, who countered with her sword. Arnold struck down harder as she kicked his right leg. Arnold smiled. “Nice try. But that didn’t even tickle. Look’s like you should have killed Tristan first! Because he taught me how to survive!” Arnold swung the axe cleanly through her left leg, severing it completely from the bone. “Or did he forget to mention that?”
Amelia let out a loud shriek of laughter. “Oh, how I dreamed of this moment! My father, the evil and vicious Ares, reborn! Now, you’ll never be able to go back to being that annoyingly sweet boy again. I’ve made the real you return! And now there’s no going back. No redemption... for you...”
Arnold paused at her words, his powerful anger wavering. So Amelia took her chance and threw Persephone’s sword into the blood-powered runes as they glowed a hellish crimson. The portal to hell slowly opened. “NO!”
Arnold swung his axe at Amelia one last time as her head fell to the ground with a loud thud. Arnold turned back to Hector and quickly cut him free from his chains. Hector ran over to Arnold, his voice quivering when he spoke. “What are we going to do now?”
“I don’t know.”
“My, my, this is a dreadful place for a family reunion.”
Arnold turned around and saw a tall, thin, black, bald man dressed in a grey suit. His eyes flickering with an insidious shimmer. Behind him stood Emma, holding the severed head of Henry Wheeler by its hair.
“Emma... good, lord... what did you do?”
Emma’s eyes widened as if she was seeing Arnold for the first time in a century. She quickly suppressed a shudder, then glanced at Henry’s head and tossed it nonchalantly into the portal. “I’m not Emma... not anymore.”
“You... remember?” Arnold gasped in shock.
“Everything,” Emma sighed. “Including that Henry was Hephaestus... one of two traitors to our family and the final Horseman.”
“Him,” Emma jerked her head towards the man standing closest to her.
“Who —?”
“Uh, not to ruin this really strange and awkward identity crisis,” said Hector, “but there is the small matter of a freaking portal to hell about to unleash your demented kids!”
The man in the suit smiled warmly. “Not to worry, my boy. I can make quick work of this... with your help.”
Hector grimaced at the thought. “Me? No, no, no! You have to — are you nuts?”
“You are a child of death,” the man grinned. “My child.”
“He’s telling the truth,” Emma looked as if she was forcing herself to say these words. “Ares, this is one of the three eldest Olympians, those who paved the way to our creation... our family, and he is also your father, Hector. His name is Hades. You can both trust him.”
“...That’s — it can’t be —!” Hector stuttered.
“I can prove it,” said Hades as he placed his hand on Hector’s shoulder. “I can do for you what I did for Aphrodite. I can give you back your memories, your true identity. You just have to let me.”
“I don’t know, man,” said Hector, the panic obvious in his voice.
“Hector, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Arnold said plainly. “There could be another way.”
“Ares,” said Emma, walking over to Arnold in such a graceful fashion, it looked as if she was gliding on air. “Hades is our brother.” She caressed Arnold’s cheek gently. “He would never hurt his son or any friend of ours. I was hesitant too, remember? But you insisted that I embrace who I am.”
“Maybe I was wrong,” said Arnold. “I’m not sure who we can trust right now, Emma. Amelia was a sociopath! How do we know that anything she said was real? I’ve had nightmares of this man, and he kills me in them every night! How can you believe a word he says?”
“You must have faith in him... and me, my love.” Emma leaned in and kissed Arnold passionately as a slight glaze overtook his eyes for a moment. “...You’re right,” Arnold replied as their lips gently parted. “Hec, we can trust Hades.”
“Seriously?” Hector glared at them. “We don’t even —!”
Emma walked over to Hector and whispered in his ear, “Hades is your true father. Trust him. Let him restore your true self. Let him in.”
“...Okay,” said Hector as if he was in a daze. He turned his gaze to Hades. “I trust you, Father.”
“That’s all I needed to hear... Son,” Hades smiled as he placed his fingers on Hector’s forehead and both their eyes turned dark. Hades’s eyes soon returned to normal, as did Hector’s; they then shared a smile of disbelief and joy. “Father?”
“Yes, Son,” Hades smiled as a tear ran down his face. “It’s me.”
“I thought I lost you,” Hector threw his arms around Hades as tears flooded his face. “It’s been far too long!”
“I know,” Hades chuckled, “but we’ll have time to catch up later. Right now, we have a small bit of trouble to resolve.”
Hector nodded as he and Hades walked over to the portal, raising their hands high above it. Black energy shot out of their hands and into the swirling vortex, slowly devouring it entirely. The smoking skull of Henry Wheeler lying in its place.
Arnold blinked in amazement. “How did you guys do that?”
“We have a connection to hell,” said Hector, staring at Arnold, “since we draw our powers from death. But it was really Hephaestus’s head that got the job done.”
Arnold looked over at Emma, who raised her eyebrow, “You didn’t think I beheaded him just because he screwed us over, did you?”
“It did cross my mind,” Arnold shrugged. “...So, was that it? Is Twilight over?”
Hades chuckled, shaking his head. “No, my dear brother, I’m afraid not. For Twilight to truly be complete, we must defeat the champion our father has selected to represent him.”
“That’s not the story I heard,” Arnold said.
“Amelia didn’t tell you the truth?” Hades smirked. “What a surprise! Well, as you said quite accurately earlier, she was a sociopath and had her own agenda. But there were pieces of truth mixed in with her lies. Yes, we had to defeat the Four Horsemen as a small part of Twilight. But that was just to see which of us would be the chosen of our family for the final battle. A match against a human wielding a godly weapon of untold power. If we kill him, Mount Olympus will return to life, and we will replace our father as the true rulers of all the realms.”
“No,” said Arnold. “I’m not killing some random guy to overthrow God! I don’t want any part of this!”
Emma smiled at Arnold with concern and kissed him again. “Don’t worry, Ares. Hades has his most trusted men guarding and taking care of your mortal mother. And after we defeat God’s champion, we’ll have the power to heal her of all her afflictions.”
“She’s right,” said Hector. “My father would never lie. We were the ones who were wronged. We were the victims. And now we have to take back what should have been ours all along.”
“I don’t...”
Emma kissed Arnold again. “Please, my love. Trust us.”
Arnold blinked sleepily before shaking it off. “Fine. Who is it we have to kill?”
Hades smirk widened.
“A young man named Jason Gardner.”