She spun in a slow circle, her cape flopping stiffly against the floor.

“Do you like my outfit?” she asked. “I do so love to be fancy on a cloudy day.” Meeting Max’s eyes, she added, “And what about my home? Isn’t it splendid?”

“Um, yes,” Max lied. “Your home is very nice.”

Belle danced down the steps, tossing her head back and forth to some unheard rhythm.

“Of course you think so,” she said. “Everyone does.”

Leaping off the bottom step, she came to stand nose to nose with Max. “And that’s a very good thing, since now my home is your home, too.”

Behind Max, Rocky, Gizmo, and Georgie, the giant front door slammed shut. They spun to see two thin, mangy brown dogs standing in front of it, their eyes narrowed and their teeth bared.

“Welcome to my mansion,” Belle said. “Make yourselves comfortable. You’ll never leave here again.”