Chapter 7

Aligning Fates


“I’m sorry, run that by me again?” I squint against the sunlight, trying to gauge Trudie’s expression.

The calm composure she holds contrasts sharply with the turmoil swirling inside me. How did we go from battling unknown threats to relying on a Harmony Demon and her chaotic sister?

It’s like my entire world is topsy-turvy at this point.

Yet, even if that’s true, there’s a common thread running through all of it: find the stupid Breath of Selene. Or Essence. Or whatever.

Okay, Universe. Point friggin’ taken.

Trudie nods, her gaze steady. “Yes, Ella. The Breath of Selene isn’t just a relic. It’s a beacon of power, and it’s somehow entwined with the ley lines themselves. It’s not something that can be found by strength alone. It will likely require balance—my domain,” she says, gesturing to herself, “and disruption,” she nods toward Jinx, “to uncover its hiding place.”

I process her words, each one a puzzle piece in the grand scheme that’s our reality. A Harmony Demon and a Chaos Demon—opposite sides of the same coin, necessary to find an ancient artifact somehow tied to the moon’s energy—and my crazy so-called life.

It sounds like the plot of a fantasy novel, yet here we are, living it.

Jinx, who’s been unusually quiet, chimes in, “So, let’s say we believe you. What’s the plan then? How do we start this... treasure hunt?”

Her usual smirk is back, but I detect an undercurrent of seriousness I haven’t seen in her before.

Trudie steps forward, the morning light highlighting the white strands in her hair turning them almost golden. “First, we need to attune ourselves to the ley lines—understand their flow and disruptions. You remember how, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do,” Jinx snaps.

Trudie ignores the jab and simply nods. “Once we’re attuned, we’ll have a clearer picture of where to start looking. It’s not going to be easy. The lines are in turmoil, more so with the Supermoon approaching.”

I nod, the gravity of the situation settling in. There’s so much hanging on this friggin’ Supermoon. “Okay, you attune to the ley lines. And then?”

“And then we follow them,” Trudie says simply. “They’ll guide us to the Breath of Selene. But be prepared—we’re not the only ones who might be seeking it. Its power during the Supermoon would be... irresistible to many.”

“Yeah, I know,” I say, resisting the urge to rub the tension from my forehead. Instead, I glance between Trudie and Jinx.


Unlikely as they may be, they’re my best shot at navigating the chaos that’s rapidly encroaching on our lives. “Fine. We’ll do it your way. But we’ll need to move quickly. Time isn’t exactly on our side. Shit, speaking of time,” I mutter, glancing at my watch. “I have to go. I promised Alanna I’d be at her place twenty minutes ago.”

As the reality of my late appointment sinks in, frustration ripples through me. Trudie and Jinx’s unexpected appearance, while potentially illuminating, has thrown my tightly scheduled day into disarray.

Yet, the urgency in Trudie’s voice and the promise of help leave me no choice but to pivot—to adapt to the ever-changing tapestry of our predicaments.

And, oh boy, I’m in one hell of a predicament.

“Go, girly. We can take things from here for a bit,” Jinx offers, shooing me with her hands.

“I’m really sorry to cut this short. Can the two of you start the preparations for attuning to the ley lines without me? I need to understand exactly what we’re dealing with—and that means talking to Alanna,” I say, shifting my gaze to her building.

Trudie nods, her expression soft and understanding. She looks a lot more like her sister than I think either of them cares to admit. “We can begin the preliminary work.”

Jinx, still mounted on her scooter, gives me a quick nod, her trademark smirk plastered on her face. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on the goody-two-shoes here. Go do what you gotta do.”

“Thanks.” Turning on my heel, I hurry down the street, the sense of urgency propelling me forward.

The conversation with Trudie and Jinx has left a whirlwind of thoughts swirling in my already hectic mind. It’s a lot to take in, and part of me is still reeling from the revelation of a Harmony Demon in our midst.

As I navigate to Alanna’s apartment, the earlier conversation echoes in my mind.

Balance and Disruption—Trudie and Jinx’s roles in our quest are clear, but mine feels as murky as ever.

What power do I bring to the table? Is it merely the will to protect what’s mine? Or is there something more?

Hell, what is Stone’s role? Is this all tied together because of the prophecy? Or is it one giant clusterfuck?

God, I’m so confused.

I shake my head, trying to clear away my doubts. Now’s not the time for existential questions. Now’s the time for answers, and Alanna holds a key piece of this ever-complicating puzzle.

Reaching the seedy apartment building, I steel myself for what’s to come.

The dilapidated exterior definitely makes me question Alanna’s choice of a “safe” meeting place—never mind the smells and sounds assaulting my werewolf senses. But then, safety is relative when you’re dealing with supernatural forces.

I press the buzzer beside Alanna’s name, half-expecting a crackle of static or a gruff voice questioning my presence. Instead, a pleasant chime echoes, followed by a smooth, almost disarmingly calm voice. “Ella, you’re late. But I’m glad you made it. Come on up.”

The door clicks open with a soft buzz, and I step inside, the contrast between the building’s exterior and the interior striking me immediately.

Gone is the grime and the smell of last night’s mistakes. Instead, I’m greeted by a sleek, modern corridor, its walls lined with soft, ambient lighting.

The transformation isn’t just surprising—it’s a stark reminder that appearances in our world can be deceiving. A lesson, it seems, I keep learning the hard way.

As I make my way to Alanna’s apartment, my mind races. The thought of leaving the kids again after such a devastating week—well, it’s enough to twist my gut into knots.

But as I approach, there’s a level of security and sophistication in what I’d written off as a seedy apartment building. If Alanna is somehow living in a state-of-the-art bunker, that would make asking her to protect my kids in my absence so much easier.

I reach her door, pausing for a moment to gather my thoughts. Inside, Alanna might have answers. I need her to be an ally, but more than that, I need to know if I can trust her with the most precious part of my life.

Taking a deep breath, I knock.

The door swings open almost immediately, revealing Alanna’s concerned expression. “Ella, with everything going on, I was starting to worry. Please, come in.”

Stepping inside, I’m struck again by the sheer contrast of her living space compared to the facade outside. It’s like stepping into a different world—a meticulously organized, high-tech command center disguised as a cozy living space.

Screens displaying various surveillance feeds line one wall, while another section seems dedicated to what can only be described as a mini-lab, complete with an array of mystical and technological gadgets.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I begin, my gaze wandering over the space. “Ran into Jinx—and apparently, her sister.”

Alanna’s eyebrows raise slightly, a mix of curiosity and concern crossing her features. “I see. And how did that go?”

I shrug, trying to mask the anxiety bubbling inside. “Informative. Turns out we’re going to need all the help we can get. Which brings me to you.” My tone is more blunt than I intend, but the stakes are too high for subtlety.

Alanna watches me for a moment, then smiles—a warm, genuine smile that seems to fill the room with a sense of ease I didn’t expect to find. “Well, then, I suppose it’s time we had that conversation.”

She gestures for me to take a seat on a comfortable-looking couch, its modern design juxtaposed against the ancient tomes and artifacts that decorate the coffee table and bookshelves.

As I sit, I can’t help but think about the kids, about the safety and security this place seems to exude. It’s a fortress hidden in plain sight, and the realization that Alanna might be capable of protecting them in ways I can’t is both comforting and a tad bit terrifying.

Hell, it makes me wish I had sent them here instead of having her come to my home the other night. Maybe it would still be standing.

“First things first,” I say, leaning forward, the curiosity practically jumping out of me. “Jinx mentioned something about knowing what kind of supernatural being you are, which honestly has me at a bit of a loss. Because up until a very, very recent point in my life, I thought ‘Supernatural’ was just a TV show with two hot guys.”

Alanna chuckles, a light, easy sound that somehow makes the room feel warmer. “I can imagine this has all been quite the adjustment for you.”

“Oh, you have no idea,” I reply, running a hand through my hair. “So, let’s rip this bandaid off. What exactly are you? And please tell me it’s not something that’s going to make me regret asking.”

Her smile widens, a spark of mischief in her eyes. “I’m a Berserker.”

I blink.



“A... what now? As in, the Norse warriors who went into battle without armor and scared the hell out of everyone? That kind of Berserker?”

“Not exactly,” she says, clearly enjoying my bafflement. “Though, I assure you, while I do wear a special kind of armor when it’s called for, I generally try to avoid scaring people. Or destroying property.” She winces slightly, an apologetic expression taking its place.

I let out a laugh, the tension easing from my shoulders for the first time since stepping inside. “Well, that’s reassuring, I suppose. While I had no idea what you might be, can safely say, Berserker wasn’t even on my bingo card.”

“It usually isn’t.” Alanna leans back, her gaze thoughtful. “It’s a rare designation these days, and not without its challenges. But my abilities prove useful in protection—it’s what I do. My main job, anyway.”

“When you’re not slinging drinks at the coffee shop for your cousin?”

She grins. “Yeah, when I’m not doing that.”

The room falls silent for a moment, the weight of her words settling between us.

“Speaking of protecting what’s important,” I start, the laughter fading as the gravity of our situation reasserts itself. “I need to ask a huge favor. Stone and I—we’re going to need to leave town for a bit. And after everything that’s happened... I can’t just leave the kids with anyone.”

Her expression softens, understanding coloring her features. “You want me to look after them again? After what happened to your house?”

I nod, feeling both relief and apprehension at voicing the request. “Yes. I... I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t important. And after seeing this place,” I gesture around the room, “I know the safest place they can be is still with you. Regardless of what you are.”

Alanna stands, crossing the room to place a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Ella, consider it done. It would be my honor.”

The gratitude wells up inside me, nearly overwhelming. “Thank you, Alanna. Honestly, I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

As I rise to leave, pausing at the doorway, a sudden, inexplicable tug at the fringes of my consciousness catches me off guard.

It’s a sensation I’ve come to recognize in the short time since my life took a turn into the supernatural—the connection I share with Stone.

His energy hums with a frequency that signals concern, maybe even distress. It’s not overpowering, but there, in the background. For all I know he’s mulling things over with Clementine.

“Is everything okay?” Alanna’s voice, tinged with concern, pulls me back from the edge of my worry.

I offer her a slight smile. “Yeah, it’s just... Stone. I’m picking up on something, but I’m not sure what.”

My admission feels like a confession—the realization that in the whirlwind of crises and revelations, I’ve neglected to consider how Stone is handling all this—how he’s feeling.

Alanna nods, her expression understanding. “It’s easy to get caught up. But from what I’ve seen, the two of you are stronger together. Whatever is waiting out there,” she gestures vaguely, encompassing all the unknown challenges we face, “you’ll face it as a unit. Check in with him. You’ll feel better.”

Her words, though meant to reassure, only deepen the knot in my stomach.

“You’re right.” I force a more genuine smile this time. “Thanks, Alanna. For everything. I’ll keep you posted on timelines as soon as we have some.”

“Okay,” she says, tipping her head in acknowledgment.

I exit her apartment, walking the hallway to the outside in a daze.

Stepping out into the bright light of the street, the contrast from Alanna’s bunker-like sanctuary to the now bustling sidewalk of our town is jarring.

The bond between Stone and I pulses again—a silent beacon urging me to reach out, to bridge the gap I’ve allowed to form between us thanks to all the crazy.

As I make my way back through the maze of streets, my thoughts are a tangle of concern for my kids, the looming quest for the Breath of Selene, and the uncertainty of what we’re heading into.

But above all, there’s Stone—my partner in almost every sense, facing his own set of challenges as we navigate this uncharted territory together.

Stone? I reach out through our mental connection. Is everything okay?

While our connection feels intact, he doesn’t answer and that doesn’t sit well with me.

The need to hear his voice, to share even a moment of normalcy before we plunge into the unknown, overpowers my senses.

I fish my phone from my pocket, dialing his number with a sense of urgency.

The phone rings, a lifeline stretching out between us, and I find myself holding my breath, waiting for him to answer. The connection we share, a mix of magic and something far more mundane—love—insists that whatever we face, we face it together.

As I wait for his voice to fill the silence, I’m reminded that no matter how far we venture into the darkness, it’s the light we carry with us—the love, the bonds, the connections—that will guide us home.

And right now, more than anything, I need to feel that light.

But it doesn’t come.

Instead, I go into voicemail.

I end the call and try to focus on the path ahead.

Allies are gathering, pieces are falling into place, and the battle lines are being drawn.

First, we find the Breath of Selene.

And then, we prepare for war.