Kissing Vada admittedly does something to me, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. These past few days of getting to know her and what makes her tick, has my body buzzing to touch and be near her, even when I should be pushing her the other way.
When our mouths touch and my tongue slides between her lips, my body reacts in a way I haven’t felt in ages. This feeling is giving me a high—one that I don’t want to come down from anytime soon. Her body against mine is making my cock unbearably hard, and every time a moan slips from her delicate lips, I want to push her legs apart and sink deep inside her.
Considering we’re both completely naked in the creek and the sun is setting, I know I can’t start anything we can’t finish. Especially out here, but fuck do I want to. I want to so fucking badly that I have to talk myself down, so my body doesn’t erupt before I even get the chance to feel how wet she is for me.
“Ah!” she squeals, pushing our bodies apart and twisting around. “I think something just touched me.” She shifts her body, looking around as if it’s going to jump out at her. “Are there alligators in here?” she asks, seriously.
Biting my lip, I try to stop the laughter that escapes my throat, but she hears it anyway.
“What?” She finally lifts her head.
I don’t know how she hasn’t noticed, perhaps my mouth was keeping her mind too occupied, but it definitely wasn’t a creature in the water that touched her.
“Vada…” I say softly, reaching for her and pulling her back to my chest.
“No, I’m serious. I felt it.”
“Felt it?” I quirk a brow. “Something like this?”
I push my hips into her until my cock brushes against the lower part of her stomach. “It was that snake you were talking about earlier…”
“Oh my God!” She bursts out laughing. Her eyes lower but between the darkness of the sky and the water, she can’t see anything below my chest. “How’s that even possible?”
“Well, it’s not rocket science, sweetheart. Hot naked girl kissing me and rubbing her tits against me is going to make me hard.” I shrug, unapologetically.
“Even in water?”
“Sweetheart, my cock’s been hard since the moment you walked up my steps, and when you opened your smart mouth, it got even harder. So yes, even in water.”
“Jesus,” she whispers, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as if she has to stop herself from saying anything else.
I align our bodies so we’re facing each other and my cock presses against her again. We lock eyes as I take one small step forward and feel my piercing rub against her clit. I hear a sharp inhale of breath as her shoulders tense, and her eyes flutter closed.
Palming my cock, I rub circles along her clit as she wraps her hands around my biceps, digging her nails into the muscle. Her breathing pattern quickens as I increase the pace, and when her head falls back, I know she’s close.
“Does it feel this good when you touch yourself?” I ask roughly, wrapping my other hand around her neck and securing her body. I’m centimeters from being inside her, but I won’t make the next move until she gives me permission. “Answer me, Vada.”
“Fuck off,” she finally responds, her eyelids barely open from the increased pressure.
“I know you’re close,” I say matter-of-factly. “So tell me,” I demand, sliding my hand from her neck down to her breast and palming it with force. Squeezing her breast and rubbing her clit with my dick is going to unravel me any second, but I won’t until I feel her body release.
“No!” she cries out, finally saying what I was hoping to hear.
“So you admit the real thing is better than doing it yourself?” I ask, rotating the tip of my cock in the other direction as I feel her body tensing up.
“No,” she grits between her teeth, stubbornly—not that I’m really surprised. It makes me smile still.
“No? So I should stop then and let you finish yourself?” I ask, slowing my rhythm, as painful as it is for me. I won’t let her win this battle without a fight.
“Fuck, no!” Her eyes blink open in a panic as her chest rises and falls while she tries to catch her breath. “Okay, fine. Yes! Your stupid pierced cock feels fucking amazing against my clit. There! Happy?”
A smile shines over my face because I know how salty those words must’ve tasted coming out. “Extremely.”
She groans, shifting her body so she can slide her hand between her legs. “I’m so close, I can finish myself anyway.”
“Fuck that.” I quickly grab her hands and wrap them around my waist, securing them with only one of my hands. “You change your answer yet?”
“I thought I did already,” she hisses, wiggling her hips to find relief. My cock is still standing at attention, but I tilt my body just enough so it doesn’t touch her.
“I need to hear you say it, Vada,” I tell her seriously. “I’ll fuck your cunt harder than you could ever imagine, but I won’t until you know exactly what you’re getting into.”
She’s breathing heavier now, and I can tell I have her full attention.
“And what is that?” she asks, panting.
“I’m not those guys in your romance novels. I’m a gentleman, and I’ll treat you real good in bed, but I’m not one of those guys who sends flowers and chocolate the next day, so I don’t want you getting the wrong idea here. You’re tense as hell, and the only way to get you to relax is to fuck you so good, you’ll still be feeling me days later.”
“I have no expectations from you, Ethan,” she tells me honestly. “I’m only here for a few more days, and then I’m gone.”
“Good,” I say, releasing my grip around her wrists. “Right now, you should only concern yourself with how hard I can make you come, because sweetheart, after tonight your expectations are going to be a lot higher.”
“Oh God,” she whispers.
“So what's it going to be, Vada? Think one night with me will be enough for you?” I taunt, licking my lips as she looks up at me. Resisting the urge to kiss her, I wait impatiently for her response.
“I think the real question is…will one night with me be enough for you, Casanova?”

I nearly carry Vada back to the house, naked, but she makes me grab our clothes and get dressed before leading her the couple blocks back. I couldn’t wait any longer. The way she makes me crave her is starting to become painful for my dick, and I know the only relief will come from her.
Wearing only my jeans, I rush us through the front door and immediately pin her against the door with my mouth. Before she can even finish moaning my name, my jeans are on the floor.
“I told you getting dressed was pointless,” I say against her lips as I reach for her shirt and pull it over her head.
“You barely had any clothes on in the first place,” she reminds me as I take her shorts off next. “I don’t know if it’s tradition to run naked outside in the south or something, but from where I’m from, public indecency gets you a misdemeanor.”
“Good to know. Unshaved pussies should be fined,” I tease, kneeling down between her legs as she holds onto the door for support.
“Yeah? What about bad boys who watch their tenants masturbate? Is there a law against that?” she asks with a condescending tone as I slide her panties down to her ankles. Once she steps out of them, I fling them behind me.
Before answering, I grab her thighs and spread them. She squeals and rests her palms on my shoulders as she regains her balance. My mouth is on her before she can spit out another word.
Sliding my tongue along her slit, I circle her clit and taste all Vada’s sweetness. She moans and digs her nails into my scalp as she pulls strands of my hair between her fingers.
Her body shakes as I sink my tongue deep inside her. She tastes so fucking good, I can’t pull myself away.
“Holy fuck, Ethan…” she mutters, her hands roughly pulling at my hair, which feels surprisingly amazing when my mouth is on her.
My tongue devours her, sliding up and down her slit, sucking hard on her clit, and when I feel her body start to tense, I insert a finger inside her tight cunt.
“Oh my God,” she says between gritted teeth, trying to keep herself together, but I know it’s no use. She’s going to unravel at any moment.
Speeding up the pace, I add a second finger as my tongue circles her clit faster. Her knees are seconds from buckling, and when she screams out my name, I push my fingers inside even deeper.
“Mm…” I groan against her pussy. Fuck, she tastes amazing. She’s panting as I lick and clean her up, wanting to savor everything she gives me. Standing, I wrap my hand around her neck and without another word, pull her mouth to mine. She’s reluctant at first, but it only takes her seconds to relax against me.
“Never tasted your own come before?” I pull back and ask. She licks her lips, and her eyes slowly trail up to mine, embarrassed by my question.
“I don’t make it a habit.”
I chuckle, figuring that’s a no. “You should,” I tell her. “Tastes like heaven, don’t you think?” I smirk, brushing my tongue along my bottom lip.
She grinds her teeth down. “I wouldn’t know. Guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”
“Smart girl.” I wink. “Come on.” I grab her hand before she can speak and lead her upstairs. We round the banister, and I walk us to the last door on the left.
Once we’re inside, I shut the door behind us, and when she turns to face me, I know something’s wrong.
“This is your room?” She raises her brows as she looks around the nearly empty space.
“No,” I say, firmly. “I told you. No pussies in my bed except for Wilma.”
“Oh, didn’t realize you were serious.”
“I’m always serious when it comes to pussy, Vada.” I step closer, wrapping my hands around her and unhooking her bra. We both watch as it slides down her arms and falls to the floor. “You can change your mind, you know?” I reassure her, feeling uneasy about her mood shift.
“You don’t sleep with women in your bed?”
I wrap my hand around my neck and squeeze. “That’s not something I talk about. With anyone.”
“So it’s really just about the sex then?”
“Yes,” I answer honestly. “That’s all this is Vada. Can you handle that?”
“I already said yes,” she reminds me, but she doesn’t sound as certain as before.
“Good, because after tasting you once, I know I’m going to want to taste you again.”
She looks up at me with wide eyes and smiles. I can tell her sex life was merely nonexistent before, which in a way makes me glad because I want to be the one to introduce her to all the amazing different ways I can make her feel fucking fantastic.
“So tell me what you like.” I step forward, closing the gap between us. Wrapping my hand around her waist, I pull us chest to chest.
“You write about sex for a living. You must have a preference.”
I smile, seeing the blush creep up her neck and cheeks. “How about this? If you’re uncomfortable with anything I’m doing, you tell me, and I’ll stop.”
“Like a safe word?”
Chuckling, I say, “Sure. Is that what your characters do?”
She shrugs, her cheeks turning redder. “Sometimes.”
“Okay. What’s your safe word then?”
She chews the inside of her cheek as if she’s really thinking about it. My cock is pressed against her stomach and the longer she takes, the more it aches.
“How about Henry?” she finally blurts out.
I blink. “Henry?”
“Big cock pun.” I arch a brow, squeezing my fingers into her hip.
“I was thinking more along the lines of ‘terrifying cock who chases after me,’ but either one works.” She’s smiling and holding back laughter and fuck it’s so goddamn adorable. If she wasn’t standing in front of me completely naked, all wet with perky tits, I’d find all this talking before extremely annoying, but for some reason, it’s not with her.
“Okay, so we’re good now? You have your safe word, all the expectations are laid out, and my dick is rock hard and going to burst if you don’t let me kiss you soon.”
A smirk forms on her face as she grinds her body against my cock. “And who said chivalry was dead?”
I grin. “Probably a romance writer.”