
Among his many sources, the author wishes to acknowledge Lynda Edward’s vivid article “I Have Seen the Future and It Is Puce with Aquamarine Accents” (Spy magazine, March 1991); Thomas Frank’s thoughtprovoking book The Conquest of Cool (University of Chicago Press, 1997); and David Langendoen and Spencer Grey for the harrowing concept of trans-temporal marketing; and to thank Dr. Susan Stabinsky for helping him gain access to the lives of victims of schizophrenia. The epigraph on page vii is from Paris Spleen, by Charles Baudelaire, translated by Louise Varèse (New Directions, 1970).

The author also acknowledges the support of the Michener Center for Writers; the Wurlitzer Foundation for the Arts; and the University of Illinois at Chicago; and extends his profound gratitude to the many people who helped make this book what it is, especially Joseph Skibell; Cris Mazza; Gina Frangello; Martin, Diane, Greg, and Mary Shakar; Olivia Block; Bill Clegg; and Robert Jones.