
abduction 24, 1406

Alston, W. xi, 210, 115

Augustine, St. 32

Austin, James 1478

Bambrough, Richard 58

Bolzano 1

Brahman, 2, 4, 114

Bucke 97, 126

Cantor 1

Chomsky 2, 18, 268, 120, 134

Church–Turing thesis 33

cognitive closure 6571

Cole, D. 55, 56

conceivability 334

concept 301, 545, 85; attainment, empiricist vs. nativist theories of 603; introduction of 6770; (non)observational 68; see also nonconceptual content

conceptual scheme 23, 24, 347, 45, 94, 11516, 1202

connectionism 612

constructivism: in religious studies 11015

contradiction: argument from 8995

conveyability/unconveyability 1819, 75

Crane 117

Cushing 5

Davidson, Donald xi, 201, 23, 24, 346; on translatability 3644; on the scheme-content distinction 447

Dedekind 1

demonstratives 489, 76, 118, 139

Dennett, D. 69

Dogen 152

empirical adequacy 129

epistemic boundedness xii, 2, 18, 526, 5865, 712, 82, 95

Epstein 152

Evans 119

externalism, semantic 58

fact: definition of 10

Feigl 1006, 130

Flanagan, O. 67, 69, 70

Fodor 2, 18, 26, 36, 52, 536, 5866, 71, 73, 823, 95, 120

Forman, Robert 111, 11419

Gale, Richard 154, 155

Gimello, Robert 111

God 2, 610, 114; properties of 35; linguistic abilities of 34

“God” 5

Gödel 31

Goldman xii, 104, 105, 106110, 113, 124, 132, 133

Goodman 26

Hacking 934

Happold 97

Hardwig 103

Hempel 100

Henle, Paul 80, 903, 945, 136

Hick, John 89

Hopi 11, 235, 34, 38, 64, 136

Hume 40, 545, 78, 88

Humean mind 55, 60, 66, 68, 71

Huxley, Aldous 111, 116, 11718, 152

idealism 119

identification 4

idiolect 21

indecipherability 278

indexicals, 1516, 17, 489, 149

ineffability: cognitive scientific 12; deep 57, 65; human 248, 64, 71, 834, 956; logical 314, 64, 81, 84, 88, 90, 95, 110, 151; mathematical 1; mystical 7981, 1478, 1512, 154; nomological 2831, 64, 65, 81, 84, 88, 95, 96; religious 1; “weak” 23, 47, 64, 80, 878, 956, 109110

ineffable: insights, 49, 109; intuition 767, 82; knowledge, 53; states of affairs xi, 11, 25, 489, 53, 75, 84, 135

introspection 68, 69, 104, 124

James, William 89, 749, 85, 97, 99, 107, 109, 1234, 126, 137

John of the Cross, St. 789, 88, 97

Kaplan 16

Katz, Jerrold 64,

Katz, Steven 99100, 11115, 119122

Kellenberger 7, 8

Kraut, Robert 412, 44, 46

Kuhn 24, 1145,

Kukla 26, 93, 1223

language game 12, 22

Lao-Tze 81, Latour & Woolgar 934

law of the excluded middle 3

Law, William 152

Locke 101

Manning, Richard 46

Margolis 934

Maxwell, Grover 88, 114

McDowell, John 64

McGinn, C. 2, 18, 52, 6571, 136

mediocrity, argument from 713

Mentalese 56, 825, 95

“miracle” argument for scientific realism 129

Montague, R. 13, 14, 16

Moore, A.W. 1, 56, 10, 52, 8993

Moore’s paradox 149

mystical claims: varieties of 767, see also ineffability: mystical

mystical experience 2, 9, 114, 1545: ineffability of 745, 1546; noetic quality of 745, 111; see also ineffability; ineffability: mystical; mysticism

mysticism 1, 52, 74, 77, 80, 93, 97, 99101, 106, 110, 11315, 1234, 1357, 153, 154, 157; argument from xi, 53, 56, 74, 76, 82, 85, 88, 95

naturalism 634, 66

Nietzsche 301

nonconceptual content/experience/knowledge/insight 85, 11719, 120

non-literal use of language 1619, 23

Otto, Rudolph 111

Peacocke 11718, 1201

Peirce, C.S. 140

Penner, Hans 111

perennialism 11016, 119124, 134

Pletcher, Galen 81, 903, 94, 1368

Plotinus 2, 4

Popper 100

practical knowledge 1279, 131

Proudfoot, Wayne 111

Przelecki 16

Putnam 129

quantum mechanics 5, 70

Ramsey sentence 56

reference 45

revelation 74, 85, 99, 101, 1028

Ricard, Matthieu 1256, 131, 132

Rucker, Rudy 1, 52, 8993

Schick 37

Schuon, Frithjof 111

Shankara 2, 4,

Smith, Huston 111

Stace 2, 34, 5, 8, 801, 845, 89, 122, 1545

state of affairs: definition of 10; see also ineffable: states of affairs

Streng 155

Suzuki, D.T. 80

Symonds, J.A. 79

Tao 2

Tarski 11, 14, 35, 138

Tarskian: approach 1012, 24, 44; criticisms of the approach 1223; criterion of ineffability 489, 501

Tennyson 778

testimony 246, 38, 41, 867, 90, 1014, 1068, 122, 124, 133

truth-conditions 10, 1517, 1920, 39, 44, 47, 1423, 147, 1501

unabducibility 1406, 148, 156; and ineffability 1446

Underhill, Evelyn 111

unexecutability 1467

universal grammar 27

unreportability 14957

unrepresentability 1359, 1412, 147, 149, 153

unselectability 1467, 156

unspeakability 1468, 14950, 153, 156

Upanishad, Isa 89

van Fraassen 123, 129

verification 36, 1004, 142

visionary 1018

Watson, J.B. 55, 56

Watts, Alan 111

Whitman, Walt 126, 1301

Whorf 11, 234, 64, 136

Wittgenstein 22; private language argument 32, 34, 105