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Abrahamson, Eric, 236
Academy of Management Journal, 157
Adderley, Cannonball, 96
African Americans, 226
Aiden, Erez Lieberman, 23–26, 28, 97n
Air France Flight 447, 177–86, 195, 197, 199
AirAsia Flight 8501, 183n
Aldrich, Howard, 53
Algorithms, 10–12, 32, 55, 141, 167n, 254
dating, 243–51
failures of, 190–95
Allergan, 141
Alomar, Carlos, 9, 19, 20, 31–32
Alsup, William, 190
“Am I Wasting Time Organizing Email?” (Whittaker), 240
Ambulance response time, 159–61, 170–71
Anderson, Laurie, 17n
Anechoic chambers, 75
Annealing, simulated, 10–11
Another Green World (Eno album), 9, 16
Apple (company and products), 63, 69, 139
Aquinas, Thomas, 93
Architecture, 68
Architecture of Happiness, The (de Botton), 62
Argentina, 216
Armitage, Simon, 31
Artificial intelligence, 252
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 18
Attentional filters, 17
Australia, 55, 68–69, 192, 207
disasters caused by, 177–86
human overreliance on, 192–98
unreliability of, 186–92
See also Computers
in childhood, 264
in workplace, 67–68, 80–84, 87–89
Aztec Empire, 34
Baar, Roland, 33
Bahns, Angela, 53–54
Bali, 190
Ball, David, 262
Banking regulations, 161–67, 169–74
Bardeen, John, 26
Barnes & Noble, 136–39
Beagle (ship), 27
Beatles, 98
Beckmann, Johann Gottlieb, 150–53, 191, 205, 206
Beranek, Leo, 75–76
Berger, Warren, 71
Berkowitz, Aaron, 275n23
Berlin Wall, 8
Bevan, Gwyn, 172
Bezos, Jeff, 124–27, 129, 132, 136–41, 143–44, 146, 264
Big Sort, The (Bishop and Cushing), 217
Birmingham (England), 213–14
University of, 156
Bishop, Bill, 217
Blair, Tony, 149–50, 152, 155, 159, 170, 172, 173
Blaser, Martin, 208–9
Bletchley Park (England), 147
Blitzkrieg, 128
Blyton, Enid, 45
Bohlin, Peter, 63
Bolt, Beranek and Newman, 75–76, 78
Bombardier Inc., 51
Bonin, Pierre-Cédric, 178–82, 185–86, 199
Borges, Jorge Luis, 234–39
Bösendorfer piano, 1–2
Boston, Route 128 technology cluster in, 214–15
Boston Attention and Learning Lab, 16
Boulder (Col.), 46–47
Bowie, David, 7–9, 16, 17n, 20, 25, 28
Boy Scouts, 42
Boyd, John, 132–35, 137, 140, 144, 264
“Boys Keep Swinging” (Bowie), 21, 22
Bradley, Sarah, 92
Brailsford, Dave, 58
Brand, Stewart, 79
Braun, Allen, 99–100
Brin, Sergey, 81
Britain. See United Kingdom
“Broken windows” theory, 221–25
Brown, Michael, 55
Bryars, Gavin, 17n
Building 20 (MIT). See Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Bulgaria, 157
Bunce, Steve, 120
Burkina Faso, 120n
Bush dynasty, 131, 132, 135, 139
Business Etiquette Handbook, The, 85
Byrne, David, 16
Cage, John, 75
Calendar management, 240–43
California, University of, San Francisco, 209, 281n4
Campbell, Robert, 79
Canada, 55
Cannae, Battle of, 134
Carlsen, Magnus, 120–21
Carter, Jimmy, 217
Carthage, 134
Caterpillar Inc., 175
CBS, 85
Cesarean sections (C-sections), 153–55, 210–11
Chambers, Paul, 96
ambiguous regulations versus, 172
messy transformation of. See Oblique Strategies
obvious clues, 165–67
Cheney, Dick, 134
Chicago, 225
Chicago, University of, 156
Christian, Brian, 252, 254, 256, 258–59, 264
Church, Diana, 149–50
Churchill, Winston, 131
Cities, resilience of, 212–15, 217–26. See also specific cities
Clostridium difficile, 209
Cognitive diversity, 41, 47–50, 58
Cognitive science, 75
Cold War, 37
Coldplay, 16
Collaboration, 33–60
cognitive diversity in, 46–52, 58
creative, 7–9, 19–22, 30–32, 41, 45, 58, 260
See also Networks; Teamwork
Cologne opera house, 1–5, 12, 22
Colorado Springs (Col.), 46–47
Coltrane, John, 96
Common App, 156
Commuters, 13–14, 23, 219, 221
Compatibility Research Inc., 243
Computer games, 39–41, 57, 197
conversations with humans versus, 254–59
evading regulations with, 162–63, 174
human monitoring of, 199–200
mistakes due to overreliance on, 182–83, 188–95, 197, 199
workspace design and, 62, 76, 77, 80, 82
Congress, U.S., 91
Co-Operative Bank, 250–51
Corea, Chick, 97
Coronary care. See Heart attacks
Cortés, Hernán, 34
Costco, 126
Crandall, Christian, 53–54
Creativity, 1–5, 7–32, 47, 76, 83, 259, 264
collaborative, 7–9, 20–22, 30–32, 41, 45, 58, 260
distractions and disturbances as source of, 9–19
improvisation and, 1–4, 95–101, 108–11, 114–15
project-switching approach to, 23–30
workplace design intended to foster, 69–73, 80, 87, 88
Crichton, Michael, 25
Crop rotation, 28
Cross-fertilization, 214n
Crump, Dave, 244
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 26
Cuba, 34
Cubicles, workspace, 64, 69, 72, 84
Cummings, Mary “Missy,” 200
Cushing, Robert, 217
Customer service, 101–5, 110, 184, 258
Czerny, Carl, 109
Darwin, Charles, 27
Dating websites, 243–51, 255, 256
Davis, Erin, 261
Davis, Miles, 95–98, 100, 105, 110, 112, 257, 264
de Botton, Alain, 62
de Vann, Mathijs, 40–41, 57, 58
Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs), 212–13
Decision making, 134, 166, 192, 194
Decision trees, 167
Declaration of Independence, 232, 234
Deepwater Horizon disaster, 168
Dementia, 106–7
Denmark, 259
Detroit, 214
Devo, 17n
Diamond, Jared, 263–64
Diemand-Yauman, Connor, 22
Difference, The (Page), 48
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 76
Dilbert cartoons, 71
Dioula, 120n
Disclosure (Crichton), 25
creative responses to, 12–14, 18–20
Distractions, 4–5, 64, 200–201
blocking out, 4, 15–16, 34, 35, 39
creativity and, 16–18, 22, 28, 30
of cities, 212–15, 217–18, 229
economic, 215–16
of friendship networks, 54, 56
of microbiome, 208–11
social, suppression of, 227–30
DNA, 25
DNA (band), 17n
Dodd-Frank Act (2010), 164
Dragnet (TV show), 44
Duffy, Frank, 70
DuPont, 26
Edgerton, Harold, 75
eHarmony, 250
Eicher, Manfred, 1
Eiduson, Bernice, 24–25
Einstein, Albert, 226
El Alamein, Battle of, 147
Elevator to the Gallows (film), 97n
Emancipation Proclamation, 92
Emmy Awards, 26
Empowerment, workplace, 66–67, 72, 84, 86
Eno, Brian, 8–10, 14–17, 19–23, 28, 157, 202. See also Oblique Strategies
Enterobacter aerogenes, 209
Enterprises, network of, 27–28
Entrepreneurs, 2, 29, 52–53, 94–95
ER (TV show), 25
European Union, 163–64
Evans, Gil, 275n15
Fallows, James, 134
Famous Five books (Blyton), 45
Faurie-Raymond hypothesis, 120
Federal Trade Commission, 137
Ferguson (Mo.), 55
Filing systems, 64, 67, 191, 235–38, 240
Filo, David, 125
5S system of management (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), 63–66, 68
Fleming, Alexander, 25
Flexible attention, 26
Flowers, Paul, 250–51
Forestry in the Federal Republic of Germany (Plochman), 205
Forests, 150–52, 155, 157, 205–7, 215–16
4'33" (Cage), 75
Fox News, 55
in world wars, 117–18, 122, 128, 144
Franklin, Benjamin, 207, 231–33
Fraser, David, 134
Freedman, David, 236
Freud, Sigmund, 93
Friendship networks, 53–54
Frieser, Karl-Heinz, 128n
Frugès, Henry, 61
Fry, Hannah, 246
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 99
Fury, Tyson, 120
Galápagos Islands, 27
Gaming the system, 159–63, 169–71, 174–75
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 93
Gariboldi, Italo, 129
Gawande, Atul, 153
Genesis (band), 9
Geneva, 25
Germany, 1–5, 7–9, 20, 33, 174
forests in, 150–53, 205–7, 215, 216, 278n2
in World Wars, 117–18, 122, 128–31, 135, 142, 143n, 145–48, 227
Gernsback, Hugo, 251
Gettysburg Address, 92
GI Bill, 75
Gilead Sciences, 141
Gill, Tim, 262
Glasgow, 214
Golding, William, 45
Goldstein, Harvey, 158
Google, 24, 70, 80–82, 127, 139, 188–89, 191, 196
Gordimer, Nadine, 26
Gould, Stephen Jay, 26
GPS failures, 192–94, 196, 198
Granovetter, Mark, 36–37
Gray, Peter, 260
Gréco, Juliette, 97n
Green, Lee, 166–67
Green, Nicola, 101–3
Greenberg, Andy, 187
Grindr, 244–45
Guggenheim Bilbao, 70
Habit of yes, 105–7
Hankins, Victor, 187–88
Hannibal, 134
Hansa Studios (Berlin), 8
Harcourt, Bernard E., 224
Harris, T George, 85–86
Hartig, Georg, 206
Harvard Business Review, 141
Harvard University, 156, 243–44
Haslam, Alex, 65–68
Hastie, Reid, 46
Haworth, Guy, 121
Health care, 149–50, 152–55, 157–61, 166, 172, 173
Heart attacks, 154, 165–67, 169
Helicobacter pylori, 207–8
Herman Miller, Inc., 83
Heuristics, 165
Hidalgo, Cesar, 215–16
Hilbert, David, 226–27
Hirschberg, Julia, 238
Hitler, Adolf, 128, 129, 147–48, 227, 228
House, Simon, 9
How Buildings Learn (Brand), 79
Howard-Jones, Paul, 19
Human Error (Reason), 183
Humphrey, Laura, 241–42
Hunt-Davis, Ben, 33–35, 38, 39
Hunter-Tilney, Ludovic, 15
IBM Research, 240
Ibrahim, Rahinah, 189–90
Improvisation, 91–115, 253, 257, 264
creativity and, 1–4, 95–101, 105, 108–10
in military strategy, 119, 123, 128n, 129–30, 135, 139–40, 143–46
in public speaking, 94–95, 108–15
Incentives. See Targets
Ingram, Paul, 52–53
Inside Out (film), 62
International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), 175
Internet, 55–56, 76, 242, 246, 250, 253
“of things,” 151
Internet Explorer, 124
Irving, David, 276–77n17
Isaacson, Walter, 62–63
ISIS, 140
Isolation, strategic, 34
Israel, 134
Italy, 122–23, 128, 135n, 142, 144
Jackson, Michael, 96
Jacobs, Jane, 212–14, 217, 218, 264
Jamaah Islah Malaysia, 190
James, Jesse, 42
Janis, Irving, 47
Jarrett, Keith, 1–4, 7, 9, 12, 17, 22, 97, 258, 264, 269n
Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-Édouard. See Le Corbusier
Jemaah Islamiyah, 190
Jews, Nazi persecution of, 227–28
Jobs, Steve, 62–63, 65, 76, 87–89, 141
Joel, Billy, 29
Joffe-Walt, Chana, 107
Jones, Quincy, 96–97
Juilliard School, 97n
Jurassic Park (film), 25
Kahn, Ashley, 96
Karpov, Anatoly, 120
Katz-Lacabe, Michael, 187, 191
Kelling, George, 221–23
Kelly, Wynton, 95
Kerwin, Pam, 87
Kessler, Daniel, 154–55
Kierkegaard, Søren, 28
Kind of Blue (Davis album), 96–98, 108, 110, 275n15
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 91–95, 111–15, 257, 258, 264
Kirschenbaum, Daniel, 241–42
Kirsh, David, 237
Klein, Gary, 194
Klitschko, Wladimir, 120
Knight, Rob, 211
Köln Concert (Jarrett album), 3
Kondo, Marie, 4n
Konner, Joan, 26
Korean War, 133
Korman, A. K., 86
Kounios, John, 28
Krader, Kate, 104
Kramnik, Vladimir, 121
Kuperman, Bob, 72
Kwan, Julianne, 18
Kyocera Group, 64–65, 67–69, 71, 79, 82, 86
Lactobacillus sakei, 209
Laico, Fred, 95n
Langer, Ellen, 19
Langewiesche, William, 182–83
Le Corbusier, 61–63, 65, 67, 72
Lechtman, Heather, 79
Lennon, John, 25
Levitin, Daniel, 233
Levitt, Steve, 223–24
Levy, Steven, 82
Lewes, Jock, 146n
Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The (Kondo), 4n
Liljenquist, Katie, 49
Lincoln, Abraham, 92
Lindenberg, Siegwart, 218–20
Lodger (Bowie album), 9
London, 13–15
Lord of the Flies (Golding), 45, 260
Los Angeles, 25
Love in the Time of Algorithms (Slater), 243
Low (Bowie album), 9
Lust for Life (Pop album), 9
Lynch, David, 17
MacCready, Paul, 26
Mack Trucks, 175
Malaysia, 190
Malcolm X, 114
Malett, Sheldon, 241–42
Malle, Louis, 97n
Maly, Tim, 141
Man Who Fell to Earth, The (film), 25
Management, corporate, 124, 137, 141, 143, 178
customer service approaches of, 101–4, 109
target setting by, 153, 154, 157–59, 257–58
workplace designs favored by, 63–73, 82–87
Manhattan Project, 74
Mann, Merlin, 234
Marginal gains, 13
Markowitz, Harry, 167–69
Martin, John, 141
Martinez-Firestone, Martha, 53
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 73–83, 213, 264
Mathematics, 9–10, 48, 61, 226–27, 228n
Mathematics of Love, The (Fry), 246
Mattel, 126
Mayo Clinic, 16
McClellan, Mark, 154–55
McGraw-Hill, 85
McKinley, Chris, 246–48
Methylphenidate, 16
MGonz, 253–54
Microbiome, 208–11
Microsoft, 70, 123, 124, 127, 139
Military strategies, 117–19, 122–24, 128–34, 142–48
Millennium Development Goals, 156–57
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M), 26, 28
Monderman, Hans, 201–4
Montgomery, Bernard, 147, 148n
Montgomery (Ala.) bus boycott, 111
Morris, Michael, 52–53
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 29
Music for Airports (Eno album), 16
Muslims, 229
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (Eno and Byrne), 16
NASA, 68
National Academy of Sciences, 24
Neale, Margaret, 49
Nebelong, Helle, 263
“Negging,” 253
Nemeth, Charlan, 18
Netherlands, 216, 328
Netscape, 242
of enterprises, 27–28
social, 52–57
New Guinea, 263–64
New York University, 156
Nixon, E. D., 111
Nobel Prize, 24, 26, 74, 168, 169, 207, 282n17
Northeastern University, 155–56
Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, 187
Norton, Michael, 248
Norway, 144
Number theory, 38
Nyman, Michael, 17n
Oblique Strategies, 8–9, 20–22, 30–32, 48, 57, 88n, 255, 264
Obree, Graeme, 13
Obvious-clues checklist, 165–67
OkCupid, 245–48
Oldenburg, Claes, 70
Omnicom, 73
Onion, The, 18
Online dating. See Dating websites
OODA loops, 132, 134–35, 137, 140, 141, 147, 228
Open office design, 69–73
Operation Match, 243–46
Oppenheimer, Daniel M., 22
Organized Mind (Levitin), 233
Ottaviano, Gianmarco, 229
Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, 33
Page, Larry, 81
Page, Scott, 48
Palantir Technology, 187
Palo Alto (Cal.), 223
Pariser, Eli, 56
Pasteur, Louis, 25
Pauling, Linus, 26
Perfect Mess, A (Abrahamson and Freedman), 236
Peri, Giovanni, 229
Pesce, Gaetano, 70
Peters, Tom, 134
Philadelphia, 25
Pickett, Kate, 53–54
Pierson, Emma, 55–56
Pitchfork (magazine), 17
Plato, 93
Pokémon, 126
Pop, Iggy, 7–9
Portfolio Associates, 52
Postmodernism, 72
Pradhan, Anuj K., 197
Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 248
Prefrontal cortex, 99–100
Prince, 16
Probability theory, 38
Project switching, 23–30
Proust, Marcel, 256
Psych Central website, 16
Psychology Today, 85
Public speaking, 4, 94–95, 108–15
Pyott, David, 141
Radiation Laboratory (Rad Lab), 73–75, 77
Rajkumar, Raj, 196
Randomness, 4–5, 10–13, 15–23, 39, 171–72, 237
workplace connections engendered by, 76, 87
See also Oblique Strategies
Raudenbush, Stephen, 225–26
Reason, James, 183
Regan, Ken, 121
Renault, 175
Republican Party, 94, 98, 110, 131–32, 228
Research Excellence Framework, 156
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), 77–78
ecological, 205–7
economic, 215–17
in human health, 207–11
Riggio, Len, 136–38
Ritalin, 16
Ritchie, Neil, 142–43
Robbers Cave State Park (Okla.), 42–45, 56–57, 59–60
Rocky II (film), 119
Rome, ancient, 134
Rommel, Erwin, 117–19, 122–25, 128–32, 135, 139–41, 145–48, 257, 276–77n17
Rothwell, Jonathan, 218
Rust, Bernhard, 227
Rust, John, 251
Ryle, Gilbert, 107
Salah, George, 82
Salk, Jonas, 25
Sampson, Robert, 225–26
Satterthwaite, Mark, 154–55
Sawyer, Keith, 26
Saxenian, AnnaLee, 214–15
Schechter, Bruce, 37
Schelling, Thomas, 282n17
Schkade, David, 46
Schmidt, Eric, 82
Schofield, Grant, 263
Schultz, Howard, 141
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 242–43
Scotch tape, 26
Scott, James, 264
Second World War, 74–75, 83, 122, 128–31
Set theory, 38
Sex and the City (TV show), 255
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Beatles album), 98
Shah, Priti, 18
Shankar, Ravi, 26
Sheppard, David, 23
Sherif, Muzafer, 43, 45, 56–57, 59–60
Silicon Valley, 162, 187, 214–15, 242
Simon, Paul, 16
Simulated annealing, 10–11
Sinatra, Frank, 96
Slater, Dan, 243
Social capital, 38–39
Social media, 55, 56, 101–3, 256. See also Facebook; Twitter
Sommer, Robert, 68
Sood, Amit, 16
Sørensen, Carl Theodor, 259, 264
Spacewar (video game), 75
Spiegelhalter, David, 158, 172, 279n24
Stalin, Joseph, 129
Stanton, Andrew, 88n
Stapel, Diederik, 218–21
Starbucks, 141
Stereotyping, 219–20
Stevens Institute of Technology, 32
Stirling, David, 141–47
Stobbe, Karen, 107
Strategies, 107, 157, 202, 227, 258
military, 117–19, 122–24, 128–31
policing, 221–25
of political candidates, 110–11, 139–40
team-building, 33–34
See also Oblique Strategies
Stratocaster guitar, 20
Structural folds, 41–42
Sunstein, Cass, 46
Sussman, Gerald, 80
Swift, Taylor, 9
Tagamet, 207
Talking Heads, 16
Target (store chain), 137
banking regulation, 161–67, 169–74
forest management, 150–52, 206
health care, 149–50, 152–55, 157–61, 166, 172, 173
university admissions, 155–56
Tarr, Jeff, 244
Teamwork, 33–42
of children, experiment on, 42–46, 56–57, 59–60
in computer game industry, 39–41
improvisational, 101–3, 143–44
isolationist approach to, 33–35, 38
workplace design and, 4, 5, 69, 79
Technology. See Algorithms; Automation; Computers
Thacher, David, 224–25
Times Higher Education, 156
Tinder, 244–45
Toronto, University of, 209
Trump, Donald, 131–32, 135, 139, 146, 228
Tunnel vision, 168
Turkle, Sherry, 257
Two Cheers for Anarchism (Scott), 264
Ultra (code-breaking operation), 130n, 147
Unintended consequences, 55, 153, 157–59
Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), 13
United Kingdom, 13–14, 55, 77, 140, 156, 213–14, 227
Labour Party, 94
National Health Service (NHS), 149–50, 152, 159, 172
O2 phone outage in, 101–3
playgrounds in, 262
Revenue & Customs agency, 68, 69
in Second World War, 128–31, 135, 139, 142–47, 257
Statistics Authority, 172
United Nations, 156–57
United States, 227–30
crime in, 223
playgrounds in, 262
Terrorism Screening Database (TSDB), 190, 193
University rankings, 155–56
Urban resilience, 212–15, 217–26
Urmson, Chris, 196
Uruguay, 216
U.S. News & World Report, 155–56
Valéry, Paul, 237n
Validation therapy, 107
Vanderbilt, Tom, 201–2
Vaughan, Erikka, 22
Vietnam War, 78n
Virginia Mason Medical Center, 68
Volkswagen, 174–75
Volvo, 175
Waldinger, Fabian, 227–28
Wales, 260–61
Wall Street Journal, The, 64
Walmart, 137
Wang, Christine Tien, 247–48
Warren, J. Robin, 207–8
Warren, Neil Clark, 250
Watson, James, 25
Westworld (film), 25
“What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain” (Lettvin), 75
Whiston, Don, 73
White, Holly, 18
Wiener, Earl, 186–87, 198, 202
Williams, Caroline, 16
Wilson, Darren, 55–56
Wilson, James Q., 221–23
Winning, 117–48
of battles, 117–19, 122–24, 128–35, 142–48
of chess matches, 120–21, 254–55
of political campaigns, 131–32, 135
in sports, 13, 33–35, 58, 119–20
Winterkorn, Martin, 174
Wojcicki, Susan, 81
designs intended to foster creativity in, 69–73, 79–80, 87, 88
empowerment and autonomy in, 65–68, 80–84, 87–89
management-imposed tidiness in, 62–69, 82–86
World Until Yesterday, The (Diamond), 263
World wars. See First World War; Second World War
World Wide Web, 123–27, 136, 146, 159. See also Internet
Xerox PARC, 239
Yahoo!, 125
Yang, Jerry, 125
Yanomami, 120n
Yes, habit of, 105–7
Yong, Ed, 23
YouTube, 81
Zacharias, Jerrold, 79
Zantac, 207
Zimbardo, Philip, 223
Zoning restrictions, 217–18
Zuckerberg, Mark, 257