

To whom it may concern (that would be you, illustrious reader),

I’m writing this missive because you likely downloaded this book for free, and I wanted to tell you why.

It’s because I believe in stories. And I believe that everyone should be able to read stories that they love. Or at least have the opportunity to try stories that they might love.

Unfortunately, producing books costs money, plus I need to pay bills and all that. But I really wish I didn’t have to charge. I love my work, and would like to make it available to anyone else who might love it, regardless of their situation.

After some thought (roughly three years’ worth of it), I decided to make at least one of my series free—so you should be able to find all six of The Sagittan Chronicles ebooks available free of charge.

One day in the future, I’d love for all the stories I write to be available to anyone, no matter who they are, where they are, or how much money they have.

If you’d like to support this and future endeavors (meaning, making it possible for all my work to be free), please consider signing up for my Patreon. The lowest option is $1 per month. You could also buy a t-shirt, or a paperback version of your favorite story of mine.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy The Sagittan Chronicles.


Ariele Sieling

Quick disclaimer: Book distributors retain discretion to change prices anytime. So, if you did not get this book for free, please either contact the distributor exactly, or shoot me an email at ariele@arielesieling.com.