N ow here she was, arms and legs tied to ropes staked in the ground, being tongued by her captor, the woman Ernie. She was blindfolded so that she couldn’t identify Ernie.

Patricia had come to again in the Tower, already tied and staked down and blindfolded, but had feigned unconsciousness. There were two who had snatched her, as far as she could tell.

The man, whom Ernie called Jack, said, “I can’t find him, he ran off into the woods.” He had a thick Cockney accent.

“It wasn’t him, you stupid fuck, he wasn’t driving. Don’t you know anything?” Ernie’s voice was coarse, harsh, and yet there was a hint of refinement in it somewhere. Or at least there had used to be.

“Well, what about this bird, what’s she going to say?” Jack sounded worried.

“Maybe nothing,” Ernie said, and Patricia twitched involuntarily.

“Hey, hey, what’s this, is the little birdie awake?” Jack tweaked one of Patricia’s bronze-colored hairs, and she started.

“Who are you, sweetie?” Ernie asked. “Tell the truth now, and we won’t hurt you.”

Patricia had told them, and they went through her papers and passport.

“That’s it, we shouldn’t have nabbed this one.”

“What’ll we do now, Ernie,” Jack whined. “We don’t know how long she’s been awake. She may’ve heard our names.”

“Well if she didn’t before, she did just now, Jack Hare . God, you’re a stupid fuck.” Ernie turned and spoke to Patricia, caressing her cheek. “You won’t tell, will you dearie?”

Patricia said no, of course not. “Please, just let me go.”

“Promise not to talk, not a word, and we’ll let you go. But if you talk we’ll slit your throat. Right, Jack ?”

“Yeah,” came Jack’s voice. “But hey, Ern— Well, it’s been a while and look at her, she’s sex on legs.”

Ernie considered this, then said, “All right, we’ll jump her, but make it fast.”

They had stripped Patricia down quickly, pulling down her skirt, tearing off her blouse and bra, and ripping open her nylons at the crotch.

“Look at that jack and danny,” breathed Jack Hare, but Ernie was already elsewhere, having taken off her own top and dangling her breasts above Patricia’s mouth, and then planting her own mouth on Patricia’s large pink nipples, sucking and nipping at them.

Jack made to let himself down on Patricia, but Ernie inched her way down and pushed him away. “Back off, you’ll get your turn,” she growled and then she went down between Patricia’s legs, and ran her tongue back and forth.

Patricia responded, to her horror, although tears streaked her cheeks. “You’re crying, baby. Is that because you feel so good? Do you like this?” Ernie asked her.

Patricia hated her helplessness. She hated the chafing of the ropes on her wrists, the lack of leverage that kept her pinned to the ground. She hated every minute of the day that had led her to this awful moment.

But most of all, she hated the woman called Ernie.

And as fear and rage and took over, fueled by the adrenal gland releasing its flight-or-flight hormone into Patricia’s bloodstream, thews and sinews rippled under bronzed skin and tightened. Ropes snapped and the hastily hammered in stakes, which had held her spread-eagled, ripped out of the ground.

Before the two abductors knew what happened or could react by pulling their guns, Patricia stood before them, blindfold torn off, one wooden stake in each hand. Her blouse was in tatters, one sleeve still attached at the wrist. Her stockings hung in shreds on her long, bronze legs and over the black leather boots. And then one foot was in the air and connected under Jack Hare’s chin and sent him reeling. He collapsed in a corner, spitting out blood and teeth.

Patricia advanced on Ernie and pounded on the woman with the wooden stakes. The stakes had restrained Patricia, been a part of her helplessness, and now she’d use them against her erstwhile assailant. She thrashed Ernie about the head and torso, and stopped only long enough to give Jack an occasional whack to keep him in check. Finally, the two gathered their wits, and Ernie her discarded clothing, and they fled in disarray.

Patricia was too exhausted to follow.

But she was clearly her father’s daughter.