BARRY TOMALIN is an English writer and teacher specializing in international communication and cultures who has worked with German companies in Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, and the UK. He has a B.A. (Hons) in Anthropology and Linguistics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and an M.A. in International Liaison and Communication from the University of Westminster.

The author of many books on culture and cultural training, Barry currently teaches at Birkbeck College, University of London, and at Glasgow Caledonian University London. He is also a founder and director of the Business Cultural Trainers Certificate (BCTC) at International House in London, joint managing editor of the international academic journal Training, Language and Culture, and a board member of the ICC-Europe’s Language Association.


The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 affected millions of people around the world, causing unprecedented social and economic disruption. As the impact of this global crisis continues to unfold, in many countries social norms are being challenged, and enduring changes will be reflected in future editions of Culture Smart! titles.