The italicized headings below are not to be included on your letter but show you the issues to be addressed.

Mr. David C. Milton

BMI International, Inc.

7300 Franklin Road

Brentwood, TN 37027

Dear Mr. Milton:

Introduction: After more than 14 years as a sales professional in the medical

Current Situation/Goals: field, I am exploring new opportunities where my sales abilities may continue to be used. Positions commensurate with my past experience and career goals would be:

Manager of Training and Staff Development

Manager of Human Resource Development

Director of Sales and Marketing

What’s Special about Me: My record is one of solid accomplishments and increasing levels of responsibility. The training programs I have developed have been adopted as a model for our company’s 23 nationwide locations. My sales goals have been exceeded by an average of 34 percent in the last 5 years.

Next Step: I will forward my résumé to you in the next few days to allow you to explore how my qualifications may match growth opportunities in your company.


Jason L. Smith

Notice this requires nothing of the recipient. It simply tells him/her what is going to happen next. And it plants the seed so your name begins to become familiar. We are in a culture where repetition sells, and in this process you want at least 3 exposures to create “top of mind” positioning.