17 Swann Street is a fictional place, but eating disorders are very real. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and others, are mental illnesses, not poor habits, and those who have them are suffering greatly. These diseases are quiet and deadly.
They do not have to be.
Anna is the luckiest girl in the world; she has anorexia, but she is alive. She is recovering because she has access to treatment and support from those who love her. Not everyone does, but everyone should. So if, while reading this story, you recognize bits of your own self or someone you love, please say something.
Contact a therapist or doctor. Call an eating disorder hotline. Help is available online and via text as well if you prefer. Talk to that someone you love. Talk to that someone who loves you.
Please say something. I know it is difficult. The conversation that follows will be too, but it could alter the story before it ends at 17 Swann Street.
I hope this helps.
I wish you well,