

What Are They?

Chickens are a group of domestic birds that have been associated with man for millennia. Since their domestication for use as livestock animals, they have been a source of wonder and amazement, as well as becoming one of the primary protein sources in the human diet, in the form of chicken meat and eggs.


A Brief History

Chickens are essentially a domesticated pheasant native to Southeast Asia. They are classed with similar birds in the taxonomic order Galliformes (commonly called gamebirds or galliforms), which, in addition to the chicken and its wild progenitor, the jungle fowl, include turkeys, pheasants, quail, partridges, guinea fowl, and peafowl. Galliforms in general are adapted to life on the ground. While they can fly, none is a strong flyer, and most species use this ability for the primary purpose of avoiding predators; an explosion of wing-flapping to take off (the flush) startles the predator and lasts for only a few moments, with the bird landing a short distance away and the predator standing confused and without a meal.

In the beginnings of their association with man, early “pre-chickens” were relegated to a recreational role. It is generally accepted that jungle fowl were originally taken into captivity for fighting contests, with the winning roosters gaining the right to produce the next generation. As jungle fowl morphed into chickens during the ensuing millennia, fighting skills remained high on the priority list for selection. Egg and meat production were inconsequential during the domestication and early development of the chicken.


Red jungle fowl, a member of the avian taxonomic order Galliformes, is the ancestor and progenitor of the modern domestic chicken.

Over the centuries, as chickens continued to be bred for their fighting ability, many of the traits that are important in breed identity today arose merely as the result of mutations brought about by selective breeding. Traits such as feather color and pattern, comb type, feathered shanks, polydactyly (extra toes), and skin, egg, and earlobe color were identified by these early chicken enthusiasts and selected for during breeding in addition to fighting skill. This selection of groups of birds with similar traits could be considered the beginning of breed development. It is suggested that the Dorking breed, which has the distinguishing trait of five toes, was described as early as the first century ad. However, it wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century that chicken breeds, based on body shape and size, comb type and skin, and leg, egg, and earlobe color, among other traits, began to be categorized in an official way. At the same time, cockfighting began to lose favor with the public, with the sport outlawed first across most of Europe (it was banned in England and Wales in 1835), and finally in the US in 2006. While cockfighting remains a source of recreation in many parts of the world, chicken enthusiasts are increasingly turning to “fancy chickens,” competing by exhibiting them in shows rather than allowing them to fight in pits.

With the advent of showing, breed development intensified and breed standards were developed. Breeds were required to “breed true”—produce offspring similar to their parents—and had to conform to specific standards (see box) for weight, shape, color, and many other traits.

Breed standards

In about 1863, the first Poultry Club of Great Britain was established, publishing the first standard of poultry breeds in 1865. The club was disbanded shortly after, only to be resurrected in 1877 to the current Poultry Club of Great Britain. In 1873, the American Poultry Association was founded; it published its first Standard of Perfection in 1874, which has been updated ever since, with a new edition every few years.

From their domestication until the early years of the 20th century, chickens were not an important part of the human diet. Birds were bred for fighting or their appearance, and only culls or hens past their prime were consumed.

Eggs were readily consumed but were not a large part of the diet either. However, a small segment of poultry breeders began to disregard breed characteristics in favor of economic traits such as egg number, size, and quality, or meat traits such as growth rate, body size, and feed conversion.

Commercial egg production began as a few extra birds laying eggs for sale or barter. Flocks rarely exceeded a couple of hundred birds, and hens laid only a few dozen to a hundred or so eggs annually. In 1913, after several years of selective breeding for egg number, James Dryden, professor of poultry husbandry at Oregon State University, produced Lady McDuff, the first hen that was recorded to lay more than 300 eggs in a single year. A few years later, Dryden bred Oregona, a hen that was documented as laying more than 1,000 eggs in five years. Both hens were white-egg-laying single-comb white Leghorns and marked the beginning of the egg-laying strains of chicken in the modern era.

Breeding chickens specifically for their meat didn’t take off until as recently as the 1920s, when Cecile Steele first raised chickens for the purpose in Delaware. However, the quality remained poor until Charles Van Tress of California crossed Dark Cornish and New Hampshire breeds, selected for their growth and meat characteristics. The result, the Cornish Cross, won the A&P supermarket chain’s Chicken of Tomorrow contest in 1948 and gave rise to the modern broiler chicken.

From these beginnings, through many generations of selection and further crossing with the white Plymouth Rock to bring in white feathering, the Cornish Cross remains a non-standard breed. Nonetheless, it has ideal meat characteristics of growth and feed conversion, and to the present day remains the most efficient traditional livestock species, growing to nearly 7 lb. (3.2 kg) in as many weeks while consuming about 12 lb. (5.4 kg) of feed.

In recent years, chicken has become the primary meat of choice for much of the western world, and with the addition of eggs in our diet, the bird itself has arguably become the most important livestock animal throughout the world.

Feed conversion
One way to determine the efficiency of production of livestock is by comparing the amount of feed consumed with the product produced, either meat or eggs.


Origins of the Chicken

The chicken, which is arguably the most numerous bird on the planet, began its existence as an obscure pheasant in the jungles of Southeast Asia. It was most probably Charles Darwin who first proposed that the bird was the domestic ancestor of the red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus).

This species is among a group of 4 extant and as many as 13 extinct pheasant-type species that are found from western India through the southern reaches of Asia and into the island chains of Indonesia and the Philippines. The birds generally dwell on the jungle floor and into the margins of grasslands at the edge of forested areas in these regions. The ranges of these closely related species rarely intersect, so there is little possibility of natural hybridization between them.

Comb characteristics

Both the Sri Lankan and green jungle fowl vary in appearance from the more common red and gray jungle fowl, especially in terms of their comb. The combs of these more isolated types are variable in color, with not only the typical red but also patterns of blue and yellow. In addition, the Sri Lankan jungle fowl’s comb has even smaller and less distinct serrations when compared with that of the gray jungle fowl, and the serrations are completely lacking in the comb of the green jungle fowl.

The red jungle fowl, which has the broadest range—from India in the west through Southeast Asia and into the many of the Indonesian and Philippine islands—has at least five subspecies groups that are somewhat isolated from one another. In appearance and behavior, it most resembles the domestic chicken; in fact, many novice and even some experienced poultry enthusiasts could mistake it for a chicken. Truly wild examples of red jungle fowl are probably difficult to obtain today because the birds have been breeding with domestic chickens for centuries as their habitat has been infiltrated by man.

The other jungle fowl species have relatively small ranges and are mostly isolated. The gray jungle fowl (Gallus sonneratii), sometimes called Sonnerat’s jungle fowl, is found in the westernmost part of the overall range of jungle fowl, generally in peninsular India. It differs most strikingly from its red jungle fowl cousin in its comb—the flesh appendage that resides on the top of the head, used for courtship display and probably for cooling. Most prominent in the males, the small points and minimal serrations of the gray jungle fowl’s comb are clearly in contrast with the more chicken-like “single comb” of the red jungle fowl. (The single comb is the typical comb of most breeds of chicken; it mostly stands erect with “sharp” points forward and on top, and a broader “blade” projecting rearward.)

The remaining two jungle fowl species are isolated to some of the islands that lie within the overall range of the Gallus genus. The Sri Lankan jungle fowl (Gallus lafayetii; previously called the Ceylon jungle fowl) is found only on the island of Sri Lanka off the eastern tip of southern India, while the green or Javan jungle fowl (Gallus varius) is found on a few islands in western Indonesia, including Java and Bali.

Domestication of the Chicken

While the exact date and place of chicken domestication is impossible to determine, it is clear when comparing the genetic evidence from domestic chickens and jungle fowl that the vast majority of the chicken genome is quite similar to that of the red jungle fowl and dissimilar to the other extant Gallus species. Genetic studies also reveal that there were probably two major domestication events: one in the Indus Valley of western India, and the other in Southeast Asia, in the region of Vietnam.

In 2008, following the completion of the sequencing of the complete chicken genome in 2004, it became clear that at least some of the DNA from the gray jungle fowl had made its way into the chicken. The gene that imparts yellow color to a chicken’s skin, which is a common trait in many chicken breeds, is found only in the DNA of the gray jungle fowl. It is unknown whether the addition of this single known gene (more may be discovered in the future) occurred prior to domestication as a natural hybridization or as a result of “domestic” red jungle fowl breeding with gray jungle fowl sometime after the original domestication event.

The domestication of the chicken was apparently contemporary with the domestication of other major animal species. The dog was arguably first in the domestication parade, followed by pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and, much later, turkeys, with chickens coming on the scene around 8,000 years ago, between the times goats and horses were domesticated.

While food and fiber were probably of primary concern for the domestication of most traditional animal species, it seems that the chicken was originally domesticated for the propensity of the roosters to fight. It is surmised that early man watched red jungle fowl roosters fighting off other roaming roosters in short but dramatic wing-flapping battles, leading to the banishment of one and the reproductive success of the other.

Fighting is a natural behavior of the polygamous red jungle fowl. The birds are harem breeders, meaning that each rooster will select a string of between 8 and 12 hens to constitute his harem. He protects his harem from predators and from marauding stag roosters looking for a harem of their own. This natural process assures that only the strongest males produce the next generation.

Once these birds were captured and forced to live in captivity, their ultimate fate was assured—domestication. Over the succeeding centuries, populations of jungle fowl/chickens made their way north to China, arriving there as early as 5,000 BC, and west into the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, which they reached by the first century AD. The birds also moved east, island-hopping throughout the Pacific Ocean with the Polynesians, until they made their first landfall in the Western Hemisphere in the 12th century on the coast of South America. At some point during their travels, jungle fowl became chickens.


Chicken fighting has had a significant role in chicken development for millennia and remains important in some cultures in modern times.