

Pitfalls & Potholes

It is always preferable to go into any venture or hobby with your eyes wide open and having carried out as much research as possible. People head into chicken-keeping for a variety of reasons; the table on the following pages lists 10 such reasons with 10 possible potholes and pitfalls that can, and frequently do, befall those who don’t do their homework.


The motivations for keeping chickens will have a significant impact on the decisions made regarding the type of chickens you will own and the manner in which you will keep them. In fact, when you go through the whole thought process, you might find your intentions cannot be realized with the resources you have. As such, you might need a bit of a rethink, or you may need to adjust your expectations. There’s usually a way around most obstacles but it’s important to be mindful of any potential limitations up front and before committing. It is essential for both your sake and for that of the poultry that you carefully consider why you want to keep chickens. Get these decisions right and clear in your mind first, and your chicken-keeping experience will be both valuable and fulfilling.

Top Ten Reasons for Keeping Chickens


