~ Thanks to MaryAn Charnley and Anne Dow for reading drafts of The Green Lady and commenting so wisely.
~ Also thank you Cathy Tingle for your assiduous reading, insightful comments and for re-introducing me to the vocative comma. And to linguist Celia Greig for confirmation of my rather rusty French.
~ Thanks to Dr Mary Duckworth for medical knowledge, to Maureen Kelly and Dr Annie Gray for their expertise on food throughout Scottish history and to Sheila Jardine for her inestimable knowledge on all things jewellery.
~ Thanks to the National Trust for Scotland and in particular to Susan Ord, Visitor Services Supervisor at Fyvie Castle, for so kindly showing me around the castle, socially distanced, during the few weeks permitted in 2020.
~ Thank you Alison Jaffrey, Carole Eddie and Audrey Clark at Fyvie Church for insider knowledge of your beautiful church.
~ I am grateful to Dr Anna Groundwater, Principal Curator of Renaissance and Early Modern History at the National Museum of Scotland for invaluable information on the parure, part of which is on display at NMS and part at Holyrood Palace.
~ As ever, thanks to the National Library of Scotland for allowing me many days of poring over books.
~ Finally, thank you Sara Hunt at Saraband for continuing to support my fascination with the history of Scotland’s women.