

Princess Bubblegum explained as she conducted her latest scientific experiment. Finn stood by her side, in awe of her deep knowledge of the universe.


The drops splashed into the glass beaker.



imagesFinn exclaimed with his eyes wide as he watched the chemical reaction take place. A puff of smoke rose from the concoction.

‘Hey, Princess Bubblegum. When we bring the dead back to life, will they be filled with worms?’ Finn asked about this latest, secret and somewhat controversial project.

‘No,’ the princess answered her curious friend. ‘If my decorpsinator serum works, then all the dead candy people will look as young and healthy as you do.’


Finn yelled out while beating his chest in a loud demonstration to prove just how healthy he was.

‘Pick up that platter, tough guy,’ Princess Bubblegum ordered, getting back to work. Finn held it up in front of them and removed the lid.

‘Old Mr. Cream Puff?’ Finn asked in surprise. He jumped when he saw the longburied confection lying on the dish.

‘We used to date,’ Princess Bubblegum giggled. She plunged a syringe into the beaker, withdrew some of the serum, and squirted it into the lifeless blob in front of them.


Finn held his breath, waiting to see what would happen next. At first – nothing. But Finn knew that Princess Bubblegum’s work was never without some big consequence. So he waited patiently, eyes focused on the once-living Mr. Cream Puff.



‘Something’s happening!’ Finn yelled excitedly as Mr. Cream Puff’s body began to fizz and glow. ‘Come on! Come on!’ he said, encouraging the sweet treat to breathe in the fullness of life. Princess Bubblegum, too, tried to will the lifeless body towards rebirth.

‘Work!’ Princess Bubblegum pleaded. Suddenly, the pile of dough lifted itself up on two feet and threw its two hands into the air. It was trying to talk!

‘Algebraic!’ Finn yelled in triumph.

‘Wait,’ Princess Bubblegum cautioned.

‘Something’s wrong.’

‘Sugar!’ the blob finally sputtered.


Mr. Cream Puff puked their precious, but now disgusting, serum all over the table.

imagesFinn said. He and Princess Bubblegum then cringed in horror.

With a loud plop, the half-alive creature dived into the beaker filled with a green liquid.



The beaker, now with the strange creature wiggling inside, bounced all over the graveyard.


The beaker threw itself against a headstone and shattered. The liquid serum oozed down the side of the old stone grave marker and seeped into the ground – disturbing the graves of dozens of dead Candy Kingdom citizens. One by one, corpses began clawing their way out of the cold ground.

‘No, this is wrong!’ Princess Bubblegum shrieked. ‘They’re not coming back to life. They’re still dead! My decorpsinator serum is incomplete!’

‘Must…eat…sugar!’ a zombie candy heart bellowed when he emerged from the broken earth.

‘You’re grounded, mister,’ Finn said, as he pushed the creepy candy heart back into the dirt.


Princess Bubblegum fretted. She looked at the emerging army of zombies and shook her head in despair. ‘They’ll be attracted to the Candy Kingdom.’

‘Why?’ Finn asked as the zombies continued to crawl around their feet.


‘Because the candy people are made of sugar, you ding dong!’ Princess Bubblegum huffed with misplaced fury.

Then, as if to prove her point, Mr. Cream Puff slithered up Princess Bubblegum’s coat, demanding, ‘Give me some sugar, baby!’

imagesPrincess Bubblegum cried out in horror.

Finn wasted no time in confronting the disrespectful (and dead) subject. He offered a swift kick to the sugar-starved miscreant. ‘Chew on this!’ he yelled as he kicked Mr. Cream Puff off the princess.

‘Good one, Finn!’ Princess Bubblegum cheered. ‘Now – quickly – to the kingdom!’

‘Get a life!’ Finn repeatedly warned the growing zombie army as he kicked them out of the way to clear a path for the princess back to her castle.