‘All citizens of the Candy Kingdom, report to the palace immediately!’ Princess Bubblegum ordered from the tower as the royal bells chimed behind her.
‘Let’s go! The princess needs us!’ the citizens agreed.
Her people were on their way, but Princess Bubblegum couldn’t breathe easy until they were all safely inside the castle walls. Off in the distance, just outside the graveyard, she could see the zombies making their way towards the palace. It wouldn’t be long before they were walking through the streets of the kingdom.
Princess Bubblegum pleaded, trying to mask the worry in her voice. Though some were taking their sweet time, her sugary subjects were soon marching through the palace doors.
‘All right, you heard the princess,’ Finn barked. ‘Hurry! Everyone in! But no pushing! Come on!’ Finn puffed out his chest, feeling proud of his role as helper of the royal princess.
‘Dude, what’s up?’ Jake asked as he walked through the doors with the others.
‘The princess will explain everything,’ Finn promised.
‘Tree Trunks, get those hot buns in here, girl,’ Finn called out to the plodding creature, who was carrying a basket of sweet hot buns.
‘Oh, I hope it’s not bad news,’ Tree Trunks drawled as she moseyed into the castle.
As soon as Tree Trunks cleared the threshold, Finn and Princess Bubblegum slammed the doors shut.
‘Did we get everyone?’ Finn asked Princess Bubblegum. She nodded and then turned to Manfried for confirmation. His usual hangout on the ceiling gave him a good overview of all the activity in and around the palace.
‘All present and accounted for,’ Manfried, the talking piñata, announced.
‘Thanks, Manfried,’ Finn called up cheerfully.
‘Yer welcome,’ Manfried answered in his intercom-like voice.
‘Citizens!’ Princess Bubblegum called out to bring her subjects to attention. ‘We are assembled here in the candy foyer for a momentous announcement. Tonight, we are going to have a slumber party!’
‘What?!’ Finn called out in surprise.
‘Yeah! Woo hoo!’ the citizens of Ooo called out, waving their arms in excitement.
‘Wait!’ Finn interrupted, ‘What about the zom…?’
Princess Bubblegum quickly cuffed her hand over Finn’s mouth.
‘Go ahead and start partying!’ the princess yelled out, while still silencing Finn. He looked at her with a mixture of surprise and hurt.
‘But, Princess,’ Finn mumbled through her hand, ‘the undead!’
The princess placed her other hand over her first to drown out Finn’s protests completely.
‘We’ll be right back, everyone!’ Princess Bubblegum yelled over the cheering crowd. Then she grabbed Finn and pushed him into a back room.
‘Finn, the candy people can’t know about the zombies,’ Princess Bubblegum explained. ‘If they knew, they would flip out.’
‘What do you mean, “flip out”?’ Finn questioned.
‘I mean they would flip out,’ Princess Bubblegum growled, trying to impress upon Finn the importance of secrecy in this matter. Princess Bubblegum had no choice. She carefully explained how the candy people reacted to fear and uncertainty. It wasn’t pretty.
‘Candy people explode when they get scared!’ Princess Bubblegum said.
Finn cringed at the mental image of exploding sweets.
‘Not telling the candy people about the zombies is so important that you need to promise, royal promise, not to let anyone find out about the zombies,’ Princess Bubblegum insisted. ‘Ever.’
‘Yeah, okay, sure,’ Finn shrugged.
‘No, Finn,’ Princess Bubblegum exhorted, ‘you have to royal promise.’
‘Yes,’ Finn answered, getting down on one knee to show he was serious, ‘I royal promise.’