
The Lord hears you. You can rest. He is steady in these uncertain times, and He is in control. So, knowing He hears your voice, rest your soul.

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. . . . Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.

—Psalm 116:1–2, 7

Challenges I’m facing

Possible solutions for the challenges

Successes to celebrate


Labor Day

What is your labor? Consider the work of your life and the legacy you want to leave behind. You might be closer to leaving that legacy than you think. Is this the month to sort out priorites and consider if you are living out what is most important to you?

Moments of struggle

Moments of joy or gratitude


Your first year after divorce is also a spiritual journey. Has your worship become stale and routine, or have you really worshipped at all? Worship God in a new way. It will change you, revive you, and inspire you toward new actions in your life. If you have never worshipped God before, ask Him to show you how. Watch and listen for His response. He may answer it through prayer, Scriptures, or the spoken word of others.

Actions I’m taking toward my new life


The simple things often end up being the greatest things—like peace, hope, and health. How do you see God providing for you in the areas of peace, hope, and health? How are you working toward these benefits?

Glimpses of God

I’m grateful for


God sprinkles His kindness and love into your day in beautiful ways, and though some days you must strain to see them, they are there. If you focus on kindness and love, you will notice them, and they will dissolve some of your anger.

You fill my cup until it overflows. Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life.

—Psalm 23:5–6 CEV

Something that makes me angry

Things that make me happy